Elevating Personal Growth: The Power of Self-Care, Journaling, and Morning Routines in Achieving Well-Being and Business Compliance

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program.

Unknown Speaker 0:03
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I

Unknown Speaker 0:16
was the last time, baby, we'll be back. Ooh. We back and we back and we back and we back and we back

Unknown Speaker 0:39
and we back. Good morning, Las Vegas, Hi, how y'all doing today? Hi, Tiffany. How Lamont, hey, hey, happy Saturday morning. Did y'all work out today?

Unknown Speaker 0:51

Unknown Speaker 0:52
I actually, you know what? I started to work out.

Unknown Speaker 0:56
I thought about it. You thought about

Unknown Speaker 0:59
it. I got up in time

Unknown Speaker 1:00
to work out, in time to work out, even count,

Unknown Speaker 1:03
it kind of does, because in my mind, I had it all planned, and it was very well played, like, all the way down to the last minute where I was just like, You know what? I'm gonna get to this a little bit later. You wanna

Unknown Speaker 1:17
know what I did today, though, and I feel realized I might need to move to another side of town, you know, I like Bikram yoga. Yeah, right. So I found a studio on Sahara and Fort Apache, that's

Unknown Speaker 1:27
by me,

Unknown Speaker 1:28
right by thought about you, thought about you as I was driving down. But they're not yoga brain, you know? It's like, I love you. Sweat a different way. It's just, it's a lot. It's

Unknown Speaker 1:41
hot. You know, the time that we went and did bicker, it was only because of you. When my mom me see all of us, we went, we did it because of you. Did you enjoy it? No, okay, I do, but I loved it afterwards, there's this feeling of like, this renewal that instantly hits you right after you're done. But the process

Unknown Speaker 1:59
is not good, not fantastic, not fantastic. Well, I want to tell you thank you, because that put, that was almost a decade ago. Yeah, that was, well, I found another studio because the studios around town have been, well, they've been closing, transitioning, right? I would say so now. Found my people, and I had yoga brain because, because, again, going through the process of the 26 all those postures. Yes, I was like, why are you in here? You are crazy. But afterwards, I was like, Oh, the sky was blue. It really is. The traffic was okay. Somebody was driving fast, go. B No, I'ma pull over so all y'all can ride by me. Just a different feel, right?

Unknown Speaker 2:41
I think that takes us into the reasoning of the show, yes, because we are all out in the world every day, trying to grow our lives, whether it be in business, whether it be with family, you know, we're trying to grow ourselves, trying to expand, trying to understand why we're here. And it's those practices, such as the Bikram yoga, which I hated so much, but it brought clarity to my mind into my spirit, so that I can function differently in the world. And I think it's important for us to have self care practices so that we can maneuver in a grounded space in these crazy, chaotic times. Well,

Unknown Speaker 3:18
but let's talk about so Lamont, you said that you almost worked out today, or you were right

Unknown Speaker 3:24
because about that almost Well,

Unknown Speaker 3:25
so here's what happened. So the night before, what had happened was I had all planned. You know what? Yeah, what had happened was, last night, it was all planned. I mean, it was well thought out. I was like, You know what? This is great. I'm going to be up in time, no excuses. And then like morning came right and, and I sat there, and I was contemplating, and I thought about it,

Unknown Speaker 3:49
that's where you messed up, because you sat there, I sat there. You didn't move. I didn't move.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
You didn't move. And, and that led to one hour later. Well, it's too late now. It's that was

Unknown Speaker 4:03
me last night. That was you last that was me last night. I promised myself we're working out tonight, Tiffany, even if we because I bought one of those walking pads, right? Okay? And I was like, even if we just get on the walking path for a half an hour, we're doing this. I wanted chicken tacos. And so I was like, No, I'm gonna eat my tacos first, then I'll work out. But then I got a stomachache. I was trying to wait for the stomachache to go away. It never went away. So I was like, I guess we're not working out tonight too. You

Unknown Speaker 4:30
wanna know what? I started though? So when I that's why I like first thing in the morning. So I jump out the bed, put my clothes on, and go, right, don't even think about it. And I learned that if I because, if I sit down and contemplate it. It's not gonna

Unknown Speaker 4:42
happen. I think that's the key, though. Don't think about it. Don't think it said just gone. Don't think about just go. I've been doing that once because I stopped meditating and praying first thing in the morning when I opened my eyes. And this week, just this week, because I got to be honest, I'm back on my game, and I don't think about it. I. Wake up and I pray and I meditate, and this week has been much different than the chaos that's ensued over the last three weeks, but the only change I've made is I'm getting up and the first thing I'm doing is praying and meditating, and it's just shifting my mindset. I just you look at things differently, and that's

Unknown Speaker 5:16
funny, because when I'm driving to the yoga studio, it's no heat, it's no radio, it's silent. And I'm, I am in a different different in a different zone, the meditation and just, yep, praying, Okay, Lord, just help me get through this. Help me get through this.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
So, so it's interesting that you know, we're talking about action, right? We're talking about like, we're talking about not thinking about things, and it already subconsciously is with us. But what we have to do is we have to learn to just listen to that subconscious and just move forward. And it's so you know that that's that's so true, like with everything in life,

Unknown Speaker 5:59
but think about it though, so growth and grace, because as you're growing, but you also have to give yourself grace. For those times when you sit on a bed and you contemplate it, and then you don't do it absolutely, because then you got to give yourself grace, or

Unknown Speaker 6:11
those times when you set the goals and you say, I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it, and then you don't do it. And every intention was there, but then life got in the way, right? And giving yourself the grace to say, Okay, I'm going to commit to myself to do this maybe tonight or do it tomorrow, but actually doing it is the biggie. To actually do it, because that's what creates the internal change, you know? And it's funny because you're back into working out, and it's just become ritualistic

Unknown Speaker 6:40
for you again, because all right, so I know what it feels like not to work out, and know I know how I feel when I do work out. I kind of like me. I like me more when I work out than when I don't work out, but I also feel better, yeah, yeah. Just everything just seems to flow.

Unknown Speaker 7:00
I'm that way with my prayer and meditation. It's just like, it's just different. And I kick myself because I'm like, Why you know what it's like with this? Why would you stop doing it and just exist in the chaos? But we get wrapped up in everyday life. Life starts life thing, and you just put away the things that are best for you, for the functionality of existing here, but also

Unknown Speaker 7:23
journaling, because with the prayer and meditation, I also do journaling with it. So to pray a working hour prayer, meditation, it's like that, five o'clock Power Hour. So me now is five to seven. Journal in the morning. I journal, okay, so I journal all day long. Okay, honestly, and I have about three or four different books. I have one book in one room that I journal in that room, another book that I keep around with me. Because, you know, I journal when I'm doing a radio show. So I'm writing down different things that people say that might stand out. I journal. This is the office the radio show my one in the morning, and they all look different. And then I have a book in a car. So whenever I think of something, I just write it down there. If I don't have a book, but I have a bunch of journals, and sometimes I go back and I read them, Yeah, same. And honestly, when I look at them, like, especially the ones from 2000 I'm like, oh my god, I wanted this then so

Unknown Speaker 8:17
to piggyback, right? I went. I was I woke up and I was despondent. It was about a month ago. I was so upset because I was saying I wanted this, I wanted to do this, I wanted to do this. And nothing has panned out Right, right? I don't know. I went out in my backyard and I was doing meditation back there, and literally, my inner voice just said, go and meditate in your office. So I go into my office, and I was like, I was like, I need to journal. So I'm reaching for a journal. All of them are full, right? So I just went. I reached back on one of the tables. I grab it, and it's an old journal, and I just opened it up. And I kid you not. It was 2020, and I'm reading it, and everything that I was complaining about was in that journal, and everything had come to pass. It was just my perspective of where I was in that moment. And I had to jump. I jumped up and I went, I think, I texted Brandon. I was like, Oh my gosh, it's all right here, but journaling is literally what I call our Bibles. To ourselves. We write it and we go back to it and we reference it, because it's usually our higher selves, our guidance, speaking through that journal time. And so when we go back and we read it, we can remember our path. Do you journal Lamont?

Unknown Speaker 9:38
I do not. You do not. I do not, but just listening to the two of you, I think it is something that I definitely need to consider. I definitely see benefit in journaling, because I think a lot of times what happens is a lot of us keep things within and so I definitely could see the benefit, not only. I'm journaling from that aspect, but also it's important, I think just listening to you guys, and listening to how you talk about, you know, picking up a journal, and then looking back to things that you journaled back in the early 2000s versus where we're at in 2024 and how that correlates into not just your life, but into your growth. I think that that's huge.

Unknown Speaker 10:28
So a practice for us, and we can, we can do it, and once we reconnect, we can talk about it. There's a book called The artist way, right? And in the book, it's about reconnecting with your inner artist. Everybody's an artist, right? So one of the activities that I love doing, when I can remember to do it, is you're waking up and you're journal dumping, and the only task is you have three pages to fill up and you wake up, and everything that's on your mind, everything that you're feeling, everything you write it down. Don't overthink it. Just keep writing. You have to fill those three pages, even if you can't think of anything to say, you say the line over and over again. I can't think of anything to say. I can't think of anything to say, but you dump first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up, those three pages. When I tell you, it shifts everything, because it takes anxiety away. All of that stuff is out, and it's not in you anymore, and it's the requirement is three full pages. I like that. Let's try it, guys,

Unknown Speaker 11:29
let's try it for one week, one week. Let's try it for one week. We just, we're gonna dump three different

Unknown Speaker 11:34
that's a lot of pressure.

Unknown Speaker 11:38
You know, you could cheat, get a smaller journal,

Unknown Speaker 11:41
but telling you you are no one get one,

Unknown Speaker 11:47
literally everything that you wake up with, with anxieties about your business, anxiety about family, anxiety about bills, anxiety about how I'm going to reach this goal that I'm right here with, and I want to be right here just dump it out, all out on that, on that paper, and I promise it shifts your energy for that day. So we're just shifting the energy. Yes, we're starting our day, starting the energy, see. But okay,

Unknown Speaker 12:10
so I can do that, and that might work. So when? So when you jump up to workout, grab the book, get the writing, and as you're writing, you know you're writing and you're writing and you're writing, then put your clothes on and go work out.

Unknown Speaker 12:21
But the goal is, don't put it down until you fill those three pages. Don't

Unknown Speaker 12:24
put it down till you fill the three pages. Okay, don't put it down to you for the three pages. Okay, okay. Three pages, 3123, all right. And then we won't bring the books back next week, and maybe we can even talk about, well, I think we have a guest next week, okay, but we will bring it back and we'll talk about it. What did that dumping do? And maybe we could talk about it next week, just

Unknown Speaker 12:44
real quick, just

Unknown Speaker 12:45
a quick just how you felt after you did that. And if you're listening, you know, hey, how do you feel after you do something like that? And when you journal how you feel after that, when things aren't good, you go back to that. Go back to those practices, because I have something else that I'm going to do. I'm going to do 10 days of baths at seven o'clock. Okay, meditation, PM, okay, like, well, nothing. I think I said eight because I need to make sure I'm home. Pray, meditate, just sit in the tub and just be, no music, no nothing. Just be for 30 minutes and time it and just be. And whatever comes up, just let it come up, and then go to sleep, wake up in the morning journal and see what happens. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 13:36
let me know if you need some spiritual bass. I got you I

Unknown Speaker 13:40
got you want. I think I do. Okay, so I will, I will. Yes, I need 10 of those. Okay, I need 10 of those every night, okay, so that we can see. I just want to see what happens, because that has to be, have to get into a better place, because it's a mindset. It's a mindset

Unknown Speaker 13:59
you stuck on that the month like three pages, huh? It's

Unknown Speaker 14:07
like three pages, you know what? I'm just gonna give me a smaller journal.

Unknown Speaker 14:10
That's what I'm telling you. Like she

Unknown Speaker 14:12
could be clever, yeah, that's it clever. Just be clever. So TIFF, tell us about like, your business. What do you do? The coaching. So

Unknown Speaker 14:21
my coaching is, I call it soul source coaching, right? The world calls me a spiritual life coach, right? But one of my god given gifts is that I'm able to see people at a soul level. Gift God put in me, right? So I can see you at your soul level, outside of all the minutia. And so I see you at your purest form. So when people come to me, we can look at who you really are and where you're trying to go, and then we create the blueprint to try to get you there. I say try, because a lot of people don't like to do the work, but for those who are ready to do the work, it's a beautiful experience I had. A client. Just yesterday, a brand new client, and he came in and he felt so lost about what was going on. He just opened a creamery, opened a coffee shop, and in the midst of it, broke up with his partner, started having all these nightmares, and he's thinking, you know, the world's out to get him. Came to the session. We're 30 minutes in, clarity hits, and it literally shifted everything that he was, his perspective on everything, and he realized he was in the right place. And the nightmares were really just his higher self and his spirit team directing him, and they're just not sitting dormant and letting him run amuck and run back to old partners and all of that stuff. It was literally like, no, it's time to move. Once he understood that clarity and then we created, this is how you move. Then, of course, I gave him a spiritual bath, and, you know, his homework and and we meet again next week. But the work that I do is literally inner soul work, but it's to help you to function at your highest purpose on this earth.

Unknown Speaker 16:06
I can understand that. And then, Mr. Harris capital mortgage rule, tell us about your business. So

Unknown Speaker 16:13
I am a mortgage lender. Currently, I am in 10 states. Okay, we're headquartered here in Vegas. We've got, you know, team members that are in about 16 states in the US that represent Harris, capital. I've been in the space since 2005 so coming up on two decades now, started in Washington, DC, yes, before moving out to the West Coast. And it's been, it's been great. You know, we've been on the West Coast now for eight years here in Vegas, spent three years in the Bay Area before coming out here. And so I do you know what I miss the bay? Do you miss? I miss. There are things about the bay that I miss, and then there are things about the bay that I could do without, everywhere, though, right? Everywhere it is everywhere. But I will say that I don't miss home, right? I don't miss living in the Washington, DC area. Really, it's fun to visit, but it is fun to visit. But what you know, once I've gotten that out of my system, I am ready to go, like, up time to go take me back home, right? Vegas is home now. It's been home for eight years and and we love it, right? So you and your wife are out here together. Yeah, my wife and I, yeah, with our kids, yeah. So we're getting ready to send, I'm getting ready to send daddy's only baby girl, off to college. Congratulations. Thank you so much. She's actually going to the University of Oregon, so we will be leaving as a family. This is a family trip, no doubt. So we will be taking her off and getting her settled in school in a few weeks. So super excited about that awesome, sad at the same time. I did not think I would cry, y'all but

Unknown Speaker 18:08
it's been so, been there, done that. Mine was different. I had 2013 okay? I remember daughter graduated from Las Vegas Academy and got accepted to Howard, okay, and I'm going back to DC. And I cried going to the airport because I'm like, once I sent her to DC, that's it. Yeah, she's not going to want to come back when she sees just because No, DC is a college. Was really a college town with all the universities that are there. And at first she was like, I said, you know, it was, it was sending this child that was sheltered to this university, absolutely. And she was like, Mom, it's just so many people. And I'm like, but it's, you'll love it. And by year three, she was mom, I'm not coming back. Listen,

Unknown Speaker 18:56
you're talking about shelter. I remember running into your daughter on the streets of New York, right? She was by herself. We were, I was walking to get caught. She literally, and this was before college, so, no, that was, no, oh, that was before. That was, that's what she tells me, the summer dance, the dance,

Unknown Speaker 19:13
yeah? Dancing. No, well, that's her story, Yeah, Mom, you, you sheltered me. I didn't have a lot of experiences. I'm like, okay, when

Unknown Speaker 19:20
I ran into her on the streets, I was like, Oh, she home. She hosted the spot for her. No, she

Unknown Speaker 19:25
loves New York. Yeah, she that's actually where she would prefer to live. So let me tell you, when you send her to Oregon, cry, but let her go. Please spread her wings and just be supportive. That's it. Because the support is because you will get the calls. I want to come home. No, the message is not over yet. You need to finish the semester. Look,

Unknown Speaker 19:46
Daddy's like, Come on, baby.

Unknown Speaker 19:49
No, you need to let me, let's, let's sit on the phone, because we would spend a lot of time just sitting on the phone, breathing, just connected and I okay after this is over. Okay? You. Want to sleep. Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow. And it worked, because now it's been, it's 12 years. She hasn't lived here in 12 years. Wow, it's alright. And she's lived now in 123, places, so, and she Yeah, so let her go, let her fly, let her be, no doubt. Yeah, so happy for you and your wife right now, because, well, it is emotional right when you're talking about letting your children go off to college and for the first time, because you're like, are they going? Are they gonna take care of themselves? Are they going to eat, you know, you want to make sure that they have everything, you know. And then, when it's time for holidays, okay, come on home, come home for the holiday. But no, you got to go back. You got to go. You got to finish. You have to finish. And being a support for her, I think, is huge, absolutely. But I have a contact for you too, but I'm gonna give you another parent that sent her son university, because that's Oregon. That's the ducks. That's the ducks. I have another parent that's okay, yeah, no, I'm excited for us. Well, my business is, as you know, I'm a CPA and taxes. People think tax season ends. It doesn't every month, with the 15th in it. I have a deadline. So we are coming up on the corporate deadline. The final deadline is September 15. And just making sure that people are our clients, that the returns are filed, we filed the extensions. Now the returns have to be filed. But more importantly, did you guys know about the beneficial ownership information return that's due out for every company in the United States. Did y'all hear about it? I

Unknown Speaker 21:44
heard something along those lines. Okay, I don't really understand. What do you like to explain

Unknown Speaker 21:50
this to I can, I can only take a few minutes. So beneficial ownership information return is actually from fencing financial centers, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. It's a it's a division of the Internal Revenue Service. So what they're saying is, if you have an LLC, if you have a C Corp or a sole prop that is registered with your Secretary of State, that you have to disclose who the beneficial owners are, and if you were in business prior to January 120, 24 you have all year to do this form. Okay, if you form something in 2024 you have 90 days to complete this form. Why is this important? Because if you don't do this, if you don't do it on January 1, 2025 it's a $500 a day penalty.

Unknown Speaker 22:43
I thought that was like one of those tales, but it's

Unknown Speaker 22:47
real. It's real. No, it's not a tale. It's not a tale. So what I am, at least, if you can hear the sound, if you can hear the sound of my voice, you need to look into Secretary of State and see what businesses have your name on them to make sure that these forms are completed. Now, if the business is inactive or revoked, you may not need to do the form, but if the business was live any time in 2024 you want to be done. It needs to be done. Okay? It needs to be done. And then there are some exemptions. So of course, publicly traded companies, you don't have to do this form if you are tax exempt. I'm gonna say 501, C, 350, C, if you have your tax exemption, right? Okay, from the IRS, right? Well, you do, so you don't have to, but you know how you had to incorporate first before you got the tax exemption. So if you starting a new nonprofit, I would just go ahead and do it. So

Unknown Speaker 23:40
is this gonna be a new ongoing thing that needs to be annually? No,

Unknown Speaker 23:44
it's not annually, okay, but you have to revise it if any of your information changes. Let me give you an example. Your driver's license expires, right information changes. You have to update the form. You move, you move your you move to another residence. Information changes, you have to update the form. Your business moves, information changes. You have to update the form. So you want to make sure that you are know when you are changing your change address, that you make sure that this form is completed. It's very simple to file, it's free to file, it's free to file, but if you hire someone to do it, of course, there is a fee if you hire someone to do it, but it's not a suggestion, not a suggestion. It's real. It's mandatory. It's mandatory. It's mandatory. And again, there are some exemptions, because I hear people, well, you know, I see this exemption, that exemption, okay, but if you weren't in that exemption prior to, prior to, and you were live in 2024 as this entity. You need to file this form and it's real. You get it's googleable because I tried it opposite. Let me Google this one night. Wait

Unknown Speaker 24:52
a minute. I just need to. Can you say that again? It's what? It's googleable. Googleable.

Unknown Speaker 24:59
Googleable. And. Able to Google, googleable, googleable, right?

Unknown Speaker 25:03
Make up words, but you want to file this form, because the fines are real. It's $500 a day. And so I'm like, Well, how would they know if I didn't file? Real easy, they're going to take the files from the Secretary of State nationwide, match them to the reports that were filed, right? You match it up. This didn't match these. This, this, this, this lion. Didn't go with this lion. So now we're going to send you a fine. And if they send you the fine, of course there will be people there that want to protest. That's why you print your once you file it, you get a report, you get a confirmation number, you get a form. It's four pages. Print the form out, keep it so if you get the fine note, I filed it so you want to be able to you want to keep that handy, because those four pieces of pages can be worth a whole lot of money, but it's $500 per day.

Unknown Speaker 25:55
I did hear that it was a per day. I just did not have complete clarity as to what it was so, beneficial

Unknown Speaker 26:02
owner? Well, let's talk about that. What is a beneficial owner? So a beneficial owner, of course, is anybody with 25% or more stake in a company, but it's also the people that benefit the most. So like, maybe your CEO could be a beneficial owner. If they are not, you could have a company set up. They are. They they make a lot of the decisions for the company that's a beneficial owner. So you want to make sure that you read the instructions and ask questions. This is one thing you don't want to slip you don't want it to slip by. You don't want to say, I thought it was a suggestion. No, it's not a suggestion. It's real. And I know we should talk about it again. And I can bring some other people in here and keep on reminding people you want to bring some other people. You are the CPA. I am the CPA. We got you. Yeah, you do have me. You do have me, and I and my team. Is that, because I have someone on my team, I'm like, Look, we need somebody. I need someone to sit there and check expirations on IDs. And we did. And she said, Well, Leah, such and such as, no, she told me my ID expires, and that's next March. I was like, oh, so I got to do all mine over when I get my new driver's license. She said, Yeah. I said, okay, so remind me, 90 days before that, I need to go get my driver's license so that we can make sure that we can update everything in a timely manner before the license expires. Whew. Oh, it's a lot, it's a lot, it's a lot.

Unknown Speaker 27:20
It's good to know.

Unknown Speaker 27:21
Yeah, it's amazing to know. All right. Well, that brings us to the end of the show. Y'all, we are done with the first episode. Listen,

Unknown Speaker 27:27
growth and grace, growth and grace, growth and grace. I like it. I love it.

Unknown Speaker 27:32
You love it. I do you do. All right. Well, until next week, y'all, peace and blessings Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 27:39
See you next time. Bye.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Elevating Personal Growth: The Power of Self-Care, Journaling, and Morning Routines in Achieving Well-Being and Business Compliance
Broadcast by