Harnessing Solar Power in Nevada: Affordable Renewable Energy Solutions and Cost-Saving Benefits
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I was the last time, baby, we back,
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we back and we back and we back and we back and
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we back. Hey, hey, hey everyone. Welcome to the show. You're listening to growth and grace with Leah Crawford and Tiffany Lloyd. Today, we have another special guest in the studio with us, Mr. Dave Jackson, how you doing, cousin? I'm good. I'm good. Fam. Hey everybody out there. Hi, Leah, I'm good. Leah,
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nice to be here. Thanks for inviting me today. We're going to be discussing renewable energy, and you know what? I'm excited to have this conversation, to get a better understanding of what that looks like in Nevada. If you want to have renewable energy for your home, okay, well, let's go deeper for Dave David Jackson, you know me. I mean, I know you, but our audience doesn't who are you? Who? Who's Dave?
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David Jackson has been in the Las Vegas Valley since 1979
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my mom moved here from Vancouver, Washington to work for the school district, now retired and back in Vancouver, Washington. I can't blame her. Everything goes there. Everything goes there. Okay, beautiful state, but you chose to stay. I mean, so you born. I mean, were raised here, high school here Las Vegas has been good to me. I cannot complain. I went to Rancho
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grade corner, McCall for kindergarten, and CC Ronald for grade school, and Jim Bridger, famous, infamous, Jim Bridger for junior high. Okay, I love it. I love it. So you renewable energy, like tiff said, How did you get into this renewable energy space?
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It's totally fine. It just takes me back to
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I've been in meditation for the I've practiced deep daily meditation for going on 14 years now, and just things just come to me in meditation, and I got really curious about this global warming
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crisis that's going on, along with deforestation, along with the, I think it is, the 35 million tons of plastic floating in the middle of the Pacific, just the ways
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we are abusing the planet we live on. And global warming has become a major concern, and a decision came down from the UN on the renewable energy agreement that all nations involved with the UN to provide policies and procedures to bring their country to net zero in emissions and carbon to combat global warming, and most of us don't even know what they're talking I mean that clueless, no, honestly, really clueless about it. Because, I guess it's because it's not everyday conversation. And then when you understand what you know because my son, Matthew, He is the one who's into sustainable living. He's the one who forces me to recycle. He's the one who's always reminding me about the plastics and what's floating in our ocean, and to stop doing this, mom, because this is affecting so but most of the people that are in America that recycle, they don't even know why they're recycling. So that's why, when they're recycling at home, that you're going to get the tissues mixed in with the plastics, when you're not to even post the put tissues in it, but you think it's paper, throw it in there. But it's just not something that we're cognizant of on an everyday basis, because we're so busy trying to pay bills. You know, let me separate the trash too, right? And so when you have people like yourself who have been shown on a deeper level what's going on, that's when the passion ignites, right? That's where you want to let everybody know that that's so ignorant about what's truly going on about what is really happening, and you will ignite passion in other people that are meant to connect with you. So you're here to open up our eyes. Yeah, open our eyes so that we can see. Because I don't like being ignorant stuff. I like to know nobody here is ignorant.
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I'm not going to use that term towards anybody, because I.
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I did not know, and I was just directed into this information that I came upon. And I don't believe anybody's ignorant is everybody has a process of learning. Okay? Everybody blossoms like kids start growing at different times. You know, my son started growing at a different age than my daughter started growing that growth spurt. So nobody can learn. So basically, everybody can learn, just giving them the opportunity to give them the information and give them the opportunity to so renewable energy, we're talking about solar panels, but it's so much deeper than the solar panels, and so I want you to take us as deep as you can today. You are the teacher, okay, okay, okay, no problem. You have three basic
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renewable energy items. You have wind, okay, you have wave and you have solar, okay, so wind, so wind, because it was windy last night, so we could use wind here too. Wind has a problem. It's location specific. Okay, there's only certain parts of the United States where the wind is strong enough and constant enough, and even in that dynamic, wind is unpredictable. Wind is unpredictable. Okay? Because the other day, yesterday, it was, I mean, the other day, it was windy. Two days ago. It was super windy. It was super windy. So if there was a huge wind turbine here, it would have blown. It would have turned for those two days it was windy, or that day that was windy, then Vegas is always kind of windy, though, if you ever think when it's kind of windy, kind of, kind of does not, kind of doesn't turn those huge blades. So with that, I do have a question. Do you, I shouldn't even say, believe in because I have done some research. Do you believe? Do you? Are you aware of
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weather manipulation and the creation of the clouds and harp and the wind and the Okay, so how much do you believe it plays a factor in Nevada, when we get those wind gusts out of nowhere, and there's no explanation for it coming from the north, south, east, west, it's literally just picks up and it's just blowing through our city. What are your thoughts on that it's a side effect of global warming. You noticed this summer? When has it? I've been here since 7978
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when have you known summer to go into October? Right? We had an extended summer for the first time I can remember. And I've talked to people older than me that have said that was the first time the summer expanded into October. Usually, October is cool. And didn't we get more rain this summer as well. Or no, it felt like it, I must have been sleep
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like we got more rain puts me to sleep. I'm from Vancouver. We get rain and time to rest, alright?
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So let's talk about it, global warming. So you talked about three different, three different things, wind,
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waves and solar, and solar and solar. So Nevada would be solar, because we don't have any, we don't have any waves,
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waves, our little ones out at the lake, the little but we, I mean, honestly, we don't have any major waves. So we're basically solar, right? So with solar. So like you said, it's area specific. So an area that's windy a lot, then would do wind. Someone that's
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city, I'm sorry, states that are coastal, then we could be way. There you go. Yes. And then states that are Sunny, so like Nevada, California, Arizona, Florida, exactly they would do solar. I don't know if Florida would do solar, because they have an issue with hurricanes, which we just witnessed, yes, okay, and it will
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destroy those panels. Destroy the panels. So I would say Florida would be a prime candidate for waves, for ways, generators, okay, right. So the Okay, so solar,
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back to solar. My first statement, solar panels are
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expensive. Yes, they are. No, they are. I mean, what is the price range of solar panels? Um, for the average home, you're looking anywhere from $40,000 to $60,000 so most people would get them on a payment plan. Most people would take out a loan if they could, or pay out of pocket if they could. Yes. Okay, so
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that's a wicked panels, because they're now they're solar roofs too. Oh, that's true. So they're solar roofs too. And Tesla, that's Tesla. Tesla has the solar roofs so and how do you, I mean, you get it, but I've talked to several people, and one of the issues, I guess, you have to know how much electricity your house uses in order to make sure that the panel.
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That you have, that it generates enough electricity to sustain your house. Yes, the provider that I work with that provides solar panels to
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homeowners, specifically low income homeowners who cannot afford to take out a loan for 4050, or $60,000
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to equip their home, to utilize, basically, to utilize solar as a utility.
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Don't have that type of funds in the bank.
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President Biden, as of April 22
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along with the EPA, federal government, put $7 billion
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of our tax dollars into a renewable energy program for homeowners, specifically low income homeowners who cannot afford to take part in this renewable energy era that we're in. Because the country, the whole United States, is trying to hit net zero in carbon and emissions by the year 2050, to go against global warming, okay? And this is just one aspect of that. This is just a small aspect of it with being able to put the solar homes. So I know with solar, with solar, there is a energy credit that right now you can still get it. We could get it on your tax return for the solar if you want to purchase it, if you purchase it? Yes. So if I am, how is it beneficial to me, as a homeowner in this lower income, to get these solar panels? I don't get the energy credit. Why is it beneficial to me? If
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let me start from the beginning, I'm going to start from a and I'm going to work to z, so everybody gets the the whole in for the entire information. Okay, well, real quick though you're listening to growth and grace. I am. Leah Crawford, Tiffany Lloyd, so we have David Jackson on here, and he's about to give us some real just information about a to z on solar panels and how
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income level should not stop you from being able to take advantage of getting to the zero. You're a taxpayer, your taxpayer, low income homeowners or taxpayers, also they pay into the system. Got it. So let's talk about Let's go, okay,
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every homeowner receives a monthly statement from Nevada energy. Right on the front of that monthly statement, the original sign there is a list of added charges. There's approximately nine charges, first starting with electrical consumption, and somewhere in there the basic service charge. Now, if you go down some monthly statements, you go down four. Some you go down six. It says renewable energy program. You pay into those lists of added charges every time you pay on your power bill. Okay, okay.
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That renewable energy program. If you can go grab your monthly statement right now, or if you have it online, you do auto pay. You can go on your phone or your computer and look at the front side.
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There is as of April 22 2027
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there is $7 billion of our tax dollars into this, that one renewable energy program. So let me stop let's stop there. So not only is it money set aside by the government, but me as me having Nevada energy, whether I'm renting apartment, whatever I got a Nevada energy bill, I'm also paying into this. Yes. Okay, so 7 billion plus, then,
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yes, 7 billion plus. So how does the average Nevadan
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know about this? How do they have a I guess we're just learning about it right now, right? You're telling that I'm here. That's why I'm glad I'm here, because most people are paying their bill and, well, that's because you have solar, right? Oh, no, not no. Let me say this, though, and I look at my bill. This is a bad habit, though, because when I open the bill, I'm just looking to see how much I have to pay. Oh no. I look at the breakdown of everything, because I'm trying to see, like, what this looks like. Only time I look at the breakdown is when the bill is not weird where I think it should be. It ain't never what I think it should be. Because, like, last month, my bill was $600 $600
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and my house is not that large, and so I'm looking at the breakdown, and the majority was from the air conditioner. Well, I work from home, so if it's 100 degrees outside, I'm not turning the air off to suffer. But
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I look at the breakdown, but I have never paid attention to what you're speaking of today. Well, I can tell you this honestly, with all of your bills, you need to look at the you really do need to look because I know for me, because when I go say cell phone bill, I know the cell phone bill should be exit. I don't know all they put in there, but I know if it's more than what they told me I was gonna pay, then they gonna get a phone call, right? And so I've done that before with Nevada energy. I'd be like, Why y'all, why y'all trying to eat me out of house at home? Like, what is this? And they're like, I'm sorry, ma'am. This is just the usage charges. This is your bill. That's wild again, this is your bill. And that's one thing I can say about solar. Like in those.
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Months when you are using more electricity. The thing about it is the sun is shining right, so now you're generating electricity, right? So what you're using, you're actually generating, yes, so that way you're netting zero.
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And it kind of it kind of works. What I like about solar panels is when the grid goes down, because I know with all the building in Nevada, sometimes, I mean, you have power outages, but if you have solar, right, you don't have it affected by you're not. I can have a power wall. I got, yeah, you got the whole shebang. I got the whole shebang. I got, I did? You got the luxury package? I'm sorry, yeah, totally independent. Is like a Texas move right there, not only what we did, well, several things when we did it.
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I remember talking to the people at Tesla and them basically going over, and we went over this for a year, okay, how much usage, how much it is, why? What, what it is, and what I can say is, I've heard, I guess some people are hesitant, because a lot of the companies have gone out of business. They buy the solar panels because we've, I had a client where the person put the solar panels on a trail, a trailer home. You're not supposed to
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do that. That's inventive. That's inventive, right? Only in America. But again, not knowing, right? But they didn't know a rep came by. I mean, they didn't know a rep came by and said, You can do this. And they didn't know that they couldn't, until they realized they couldn't. Wow, but they're already in the agreement, and stuff is done, and it's like, how do we you know, I don't want us to be hesitant about this, because it is huge to get there. It does save a bunch of money, right in the long run. Well, what I look at it is, without, with, with my house, when I'm done paying for my solar panels, that's it. Yeah, so that's, that's long term. That's why. How do you? How do you, how do I afford? How to influence a person who is only in the short term right now. They like, they don't have that stability to project into, Oh, I'll be done in five years with this. They're like, Listen, I'm living paycheck to paycheck. How do, how do I afford this right now? Where I am?
Unknown Speaker 17:17
Good, good question. And I'm asked that daily, are when you said that your was that your highest bill, $600 Yeah, okay, let's say that. I, I come to you, hey, cousin,
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let me see your monthly statement. You show me your monthly statement. I'm like, look right there. There's $7 billion behind that renewable energy program. You pay into it. I pay into it. Everybody pays into it. It's part of our tax dollars. That's $7 billion
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if you choose to utilize that, say you don't, you tell me I don't have $60,000 in my bank account. And if I did, I would not zap my bank account to put a unit on top of my house to save me money, because then that's less money in my bank account. And I'm looking forward to my savings for my retirement. You know, that's a
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big zap to a lot of people's bank accounts. Some, not everybody, makes $80,000 or more.
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Some homeowners are feeling the pinch at the pump. Some homeowners are feeling the price increase at the grocery stores. Some homeowners, some homeowners are not right. So this renewable energy program is for those homeowners who basically their wages or their salaries have not matched the cost of living, and this is a little bit of light for them, okay, okay, so basically, I can get that for them. So what I'm thinking is I can get, I can get the benefit of having solar meaning I have a reduced energy bill. So now, instead of me paying that three $400 a month to Nevada energy, I'm only paying for the connection charge, right? And that's putting three to $400 back in my budget a month. That part makes sense, but I, what I what I'm wondering is the initial cost is what the majority of Nevadans going to ask you. What is this going to cost me to get this going, you know? And so what would it cost? Are you Are they purchasing these panels, or are they renting these panels? You are not renting. You are not purchasing the unit does not belong to the homeowner, okay? Because a homeowner, if I say, hey cousin, you want to utilize this program? You're already paying into it every time you pay in your electricity. No, so it's already a part of the system. If you choose to utilize the renewable energy program, what you're going to enter into is a PPA, which refers to a power purchase agreement. It is exactly as it states on a contract you will sign with the solar provider. Okay, so Nova that you only purchase the power. You do not purchase the unit. The unit still belongs to the solar provider, which is Sonova. Okay, so Nova covers the cost to.
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The installment and the maintenance on that unit, all you pay for is the electricity, just like presently, people are paying electricity from Nevada energy, and that's it at a lower rate per kilowatt hour.
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It is, it is a lower rate. It's a lower rate when you have solar. I kind of wish my mom was here again this week, because she they got some panels, and she has complained since day one about the cost of these. Is that because whoever did her energy consumption, they didn't give her the correct Well, let me give you an example. So the first year I got my solar panels, I'm thinking, Oh, I got solar panels. I can just go ahead and I lit my house up, like, right? Like, always, like it was Christmas. But what I and talking to the person that at Tesla, and then in Nevada energy, they said, We base your the solar panels on your house off of your usage, right? So if you're going, if you plan to use more, I should have gotten more panels, okay? And I was like, oh, okay, so I just gotta, if I do what I normally do, right? I don't, won't have a bill. So the next year, I did what I normally do, and
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you don't have a bill, and I don't have a bill, right? But the one I will, you know, I've had every light on, had this going. I mean, just, just everything, every lit up like Christmas. I'm thinking that she would have preferred this method, because she didn't have to pay out of pocket to, you know, purchase the panels on the top of their house and all that stuff. Wait till I tell my daddy. Well, not only that, you've been listening to growth race. I am Leah Crawford. I'm Tiffany Lloyd, and we're here with David Jackson talking about renewable energy and how it could save you the local Nevada, high income, low income, save you some money monthly on your bills for electricity. Now, let me ask you this though, do you have to be in a certain income bracket to qualify to get this program? Or does it matter? Doesn't matter. Okay, so can you give us some contact information? Yes. Phone number 702-756-3721,
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Unknown Speaker 22:03
say that again. 702-756-3721,
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what is the name of your company?
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Unknown Speaker 22:17
V, I, V, I N, T, S, M, A, R, T,
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H, O, M, E,
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give us that number one more time. 702-756-3721,
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alright, so let's delve back. Well, let's, let's go back. We're getting it from A to Z. You only got a few more minutes. So what? What is the next most important thing that we need to know, as the average Nevada about this program and renewable energy,
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what you're presently paying on your electricity bill when you choose to utilize the Renewable Energy Program and enter into a PPA, you're only purchasing the power, not the unit on top of your roof, your electricity bill will be almost cut in half. You will pay 30 to 40% less each month on your electricity bill in which you're currently paying. Nevada energy. Also, when a homeowner chooses to utilize the Renewable Energy Program and enter into a PPA, they are no longer subject to the quarterly rate increase that will go up for the next 70 years due to the Green Link project. Nevada energy just got the green light from the government to go ahead, and it's at 4.8 billion. So let me ask you this, though. So with the power purchase agreement, how long is that agreement, in effect? Is it is it annual agreement? Is it a five year agreement? Is it a 20 year agreement, it is for the life expectancy of that panel, which is 25 years after 20 after 25 years. Dave, those solar panels will start to be become less efficient, so for 25 years. So I guess now let me so if, what if a person does this, and then they want to sell their home, it can it stays up there, stays up there on the home, and then the next owner would get because that home is now helping the state of Nevada hit that net zero to lower emissions and carbon by the year 2050 so if the next owner wants to have them removed, how does What's that process if the next owner wants to have it removed, uh huh? Because not everyone will want it, you know? And so I purchased a home that already has it on top of the home. I'm not seeing the vision, and I'm saying
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I don't like the top half off of my house.
Unknown Speaker 24:36
Remove it, so Nova will just come and disassemble it. Will it be a charge to the new home? Okay, so we've talked about a lot of pros. Give us, give us three of the highlighted pros that we talked about, about having panels on your home,
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30 to 40% less each month on your electricity bill, no longer subject to the quarterly rate increase from Nevada.
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Of energy that will increase over the next 70 years.
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No increase on your rate per kilowatt hour, okay, over the next 70 years, and no increase on your basic service charge, which did increase january 1 of this year, from $12.50
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to $18.50
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yep, I did that. Yep, they increased it. I had to pay that. You will no longer be subject to any of those whole $6 I was like, so
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everything has a con. What is the con? The
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the homeowner does not own that unit, so they do not get that 30% tax credit. That is, whoever owns that unit when it is installed, the government gives a 30% tax credit, so the vent gets the tax credit. Yes, okay, exactly
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what else that's about it because the homeowner doesn't pay for installation, doesn't pay for the upkeep and maintenance, doesn't purchase the unit.
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The way I see it, me personally, it is tax dollars coming back to that homeowner, such like Social Security, welfare, unemployment. It's just tax dollars being recirculated back to the benefit of that homeowner and a different I guess it's too is how you look at Yeah, it's different perspective, different perspective, because that's how I look at it. Because if you think about it,
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you saving that 30 or 40% now you can repurpose that money exactly to something else, and you didn't pay anything for you didn't pay anything for the benefit. Yeah, so that's how you're winning. And I think if you get into how am I winning, the mindset of, how am I benefiting? And that three to that three to $400 over time, right? It's, it is literally substantial. I'm not seeing the cons either. I mean, even the fact that the event is initially, they're, they're, they're, they're paying for the setup, they're paying for the installation, so rightfully, they get the tax credit, right? But as the homeowner, I get all of the benefits of a reduced Bill, you know? So I understand, and I get to be cool, and I get to be cool, right? And it's and it's like, I'm not seeing any negatives here. And I love that after five years. Once the homeowner comes into that power purchase agreement, after five years, they have the option to pay, okay, to own the unit, okay, okay. Have that option. So I'm in my forever home. I have the option of just buying it out, and then I can, in turn, get that tax credit. Yeah, oh no, no, tax credit. You cannot. It's only on. It's only it's like, what's like with everything else? It's the first purchase, new, not purchase you. Oh, not purchase you. Oh, well, right, it's still not a negative, though that's actually, I'm seeing all, I'm all, I'm seeing all rainbows and butterflies. I love it. You know, I love rainbows and butterflies, guys, I have been listening to growth and Grace radio with I am Leah Crawford and I'm Tiffany Lloyd, and we've had a great conversation with David Jackson today talking about renewable energy. And if you are curious to reach out to David, he can be reached at 70275637211
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more time again. 702-756-3721,
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Unknown Speaker 28:23
I also wanted to add to but first of all, David, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for this is amazing. Thank you. No, this one awesome. You're my family. I love it. Family, family, family. But what I can say is, if you miss part of the show and you want to play back, you can catch growth and grace on, I think it's transistor correct on transition radio or Apple, Apple Music, the Apple thing, Spotify. Spotify. So is growth and grace. If you Google, if you did in there, yeah, just put in. Pops up grace. It pops up. And all the different platforms, yes. So if you missed it, it is there. So if you want to hear it again, just to get more information, just to better understand and you can listen to old shows too. Yeah, if you wanted to listen to some old shows, you can literally type in 91.5 go into the shows. Our show is there. You click on that show icon, and it populates all of our previous shows. So that way you're not missing any of the information, you know. And I've had a lot of people reach out to me just in the last week who have, like, literally, binge listened to our shows. I love it, and they're loving it. I love it. But you want to know what I want to say, thank you to Wes again, because we have the most amazing
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Yes, working here with us, but you've been listening to growth and grace. I am Leah Crawford. I'm Tiffany Lloyd, and we got more stuff to come. Y'all, more stuff to calm coming. You guys have a beautiful weekend. Peace and blessings. Las Vegas, bye, bye.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai