Embracing Change: Marcus Allen and Morgan Lloyd on Life Transitions, Healing, and Reviving Community Roots
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I was the last time, baby, we back,
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we back and we back and we back here, we back and we back and we
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Unknown Speaker 0:47
Hey, hey, hey, Las Vegas. How y'all doing? She's back.
Unknown Speaker 0:53
You're listening to growth and Grace today, guys with Leah Crawford and Tiffany Lloyd, we have a couple of cool folks in the building today, Mr. Marcus Allen, who is no stranger to the show. He's a native of Las Vegas and owner of masterpiece barber school and shop. And then we have don't know Morgan Lloyd in the house. Morgan Lloyd is a native of Las Vegas. I've been living in Reno for about how many years, almost four years, almost four years, and she's passing through back in our hometown as she is transitioning. And guess what? That's what we're talking about today. Yo, we're talking about transitioning from all four perspectives and lifestyles. How's everybody doing today? Amazing, amazing. Well, Marcus, I want to, but I want to start with Marcus, though, because Marcus, when we talk about transition,
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just in your life, it's been a bunch of transitions. What was the most challenging thing for you when going through a transition,
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believing, getting other people to believe that you're actually making a transition, because now you know the change that you want to make, but that's inside your head that actually put in format for other people to see what you're trying to change is in, and then making a transition is much so harder, because People want to keep you in that certain space that you've been in. So now you want to transition over to this other space, which is a better space that you think is better for you. You know, what's better for you than anybody. They sometimes not acceptance of it. They used to the old you and not the new you. So it takes some time to get used to the new you with the transition of that. What do you think about transition? I have a question in regards to the believing, and you believing, but you're trying to get other people to believe. So are we talking in a personal circle? We're talking about professional circle. Are all of the above professional circle? Because more so the transition will be more sort of professional side, because now you're transitioning from where you was unprofessional to you going to professional. And when you do things like that, people's not used to that, and they say, Oh, you acting up pity, or you being too much, or you putting extra on it, and you really not you just transition to a better side of your life. So I think that what you're saying is so real, because when we are trying to change from an old paradigm to a new version of ourselves, there's always people the naysayers. Right? For me, it's been professional and interpersonal, but
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I'm a firm believer of like, you know, putting your head down and just moving forward and then showing them better than you can tell them. What do you think about that most definitely, that you want to stay tunnel vision, because you don't want no distraction. Don't, never let somebody distract you, because somebody will take you off of your transition and what you're trying to better yourself. Because, like I say, they're not ready for change. You're ready for change. They not ready for change, and they want that same person, right? So just say, for instance, that you grew up with your homegirl or your homeboy, and y'all kick it every day of the week. Didn't worry about nothing. They had no worries. Nothing. You say, hey, it's time the kicking is over. It's time to get to the business side. I need to get a job. I need to get a house. I need to get a car. I can't go to the club with you no more. But this person was like, Hey, wait a minute, girl, you tripping and you doing too much now you acting like you all that and this and that. We got plenty enough time for that. But you know, you run out of time because of the day that we born, our clock start ticking, and every second that it goes, we never get that second back, right? So it's like, almost like, I say it's like a time bomb. It's like, tick, tick, tick. And every second there's nothing we can do in our life to get back to that last second that we just passed. Okay? Nothing. It's like, it's history already just one second. It's history already never gonna come back. It's it make you make history that quick. Yeah, so basically, what you said five minutes ago was, history, is history? It never come back again. Never came back. It'll never come back again a day in your life. So what about self worth in that perspective? Right? So you are trying to move. You're dealing with trying to stay focused. You're dealing with the naysayers, right?
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Okay, what about your self worth and you battling? Am I good enough to do this? Am I truly worthy to be in this new place? Is that something imposter syndrome? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And everybody has it at some place in time. So how do you combat that?
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You come back. Because really, you got to understand the transition is for you yourself. It starts with yourself. So therefore, if you know your worth was not worth what it was when, before you transitioned. So if you trying to better yourself, you trying to better your worth, I agree. So you was less than you trying to be greater than, yeah. So then it starts with you in your mind. Everything starts within your mind. First, you know, I'm saying you can feel some things, but it starts in your mind, and then you move from there, and that's where your work start building. It turns you on, though it actually is a turn on. It is, it is. And I love how you said you bought the mathematical equation, and you said you were less than trying to be greater than. That's math, y'all. And you said it's in your mind. That's science, right? And it all works together. That's what spirituality is. Guys, it is math, it is science.
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And as KRS, one you know, says, you know, I exist, so you can see what a master looks like. But it's all about the equation, right? Morgan,
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what are your thoughts on transitioning?
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Transitioning is necessary for us to grow into whatever it is we're trying to be.
Unknown Speaker 6:31
I think transitioning is also inevitable, like it needs to be something that's
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seen as almost an initiation process into our lives, like we can't really hide from our transitions, and especially my transition. I'm coming out of very like knowing that I was dark places that I was coming from, so I don't want to bring that into the world that I'm actually trying to breathe into and live in. And I think my transition is very much
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it's welcomed at this point. Okay, it's not something that I'm running away from anymore.
Unknown Speaker 7:10
So I love how you said transitioning is inevitable. So whether we embrace it or accept it or not, it's happening. So when you're not on board with your transitions and you're not in alignment with your transition, it's going to happen regardless. A couple of days ago, I remember us having a conversation, and we were talking about fate and things that are faded and things that are just you're creating. And I think that is like what we were talking about, some things are going to happen inevitably, right? That's part of the fate, but in you, being in alignment with your transition, is what you're making and creating happening, right? So what are your thoughts? Leah, so my thoughts, I agree with everybody. I agree with what everybody said.
Unknown Speaker 7:53
But I think when you start to embrace transitions and just understand because naysayers, as Marcus would say, you need the haters, and you have to, you have to have a healthy relationship with that, though, because it can cripple you and it can paralyze you and make you stop in your transition. But what I know is to put my head down and keep going.
Unknown Speaker 8:14
You do that when I start ignoring, say, Put your head
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down. Well, no, put your
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head down because it sounds so no, no, no. Okay, so when I say, Put your head down, when I put my head down, it's like I got my headphones on and I can't see or hear you. And I'm going to do what I'm going to do, and you can say whatever you want to say, but I'm gonna show you I'm gonna do the work, because I'm a proponent of doing the work, whatever it is, let's do the work. And I know some things, like, I look at my to do list and I'm like, I've been doing this for two for three years, and one thing been doing it for three years, but I know it's not time yet, right? And I know timing is everything, you know. But when you're doing the work and you are, I mean, because you're always going through transition, you know, you transition every day, because you aren't the same person you were yesterday. Mm, hmm, right. So I think when it's a huge transition, like I'm I'm learning about this toxic relationship, right? Having toxic relationships, and how people have these,
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I guess, these, these trauma bonds, so real, right? So and trauma bonds are real, and what you're attracting to you is where you are at that point in your life. And I know for me, I want healthy. So if it's not healthy, I don't want it, and I'm okay to say that and to walk away, no matter what it might cause, Back Back to you,
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faith, without word is Dave, who's dead. And you know what to mean by that is that you the farmer.
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You plant the seed,
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you put the seed in fertilizer, you make sure you got the right fertilizer, right seed, and what you're trying to grow, bet you.
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Have to water it.
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The thing is, you can't come back and think something gonna grow if you ain't put no fertilizer, I'm putting no seed in the ground, and you have not water it yourself. But that's doing the work, right? That's doing the work, doing the work. I love how you said the right fertilizer, right seed, too, though, the right seed, some good soil. Unless, in the practical way of farming, I remember trying to grow some herbs, and I could kill a plant, marijuana.
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We've done that too. But what I I stopped doing was trying to find and I had the right seeds, but I did not have the right fertilizer. And part of doing the work is finding what works in that ground to make it fertile. And it takes coming back to going away from coming back to and a lot of times, like I did with the actual farming, I gave up because I was like, this ain't for me. This is not my strong suit. But I love the analogy of coming back and making sure that you have the right ingredients for what you're trying to grow. And sometimes it just it doesn't happen right off the bat. But the thing about it is, is that it's coming back, so it's being able, I like plan doing review. You plan it, you do it, you review it, and if when you're reviewing it, okay, well, this didn't work, so I'm gonna plan again so I can do it again and keep on doing it until I get it right. Get it right, until. But then sometimes, when you're looking at the spiritual aspects of it, it's a fine balance, because sometimes something that you're trying to plant is not meant for you, and it ain't gonna never grow, because it's not a part of your divine journey. And that's and so, so. But you know when to walk away? Very important, because when we plant and we go back and it's not yielding, it's not yielding, it's not yielding. And this happens in relationships. This happens in business, especially in friendships. We keep trying to make things work that are out of alignment because we've outgrown them. And rather than sitting back and like allowing your inner man to tell you, listen, we've outgrown this relationship, and it's okay, let it go in love. What we end up doing is we keep trying to go back and you kind of, do, you know, skip and repeat this. Gotta, I gotta try this. I gotta try this. And you're destroying yourself every time you try to do that. So there's a fine line determining that, but let's but, but let's back up. You've been listening to growth and grace. I'm Leah Crawford, Tiffany Lloyd, and we're talking about letting go. I mean, we're talking about transitions, but then part of transitions is letting go and letting go with love, because some people believe that it has to be this big argument. Oh, we mad at each other. We're not talking. No, I can let you go in love. Just let you go. I'm not mad at you. A lot of people need to be mad, though, because that gives them the energy that they need to walk away. They need to create a chaotic situation so that they could, in good conscience, say, I walked away because they did this. But you want to know what, though, but then again, that's still, but that's trauma, right? Yeah, that's in majority. That's that trauma bond. That's that trauma right? And I was with you a personal example. I went to Mexico. It's been two years ago. I spent two months in Mexico, met the most beautiful expats there, huge black population in Mexico, of people who migrated out of the Americas, from Canada, all over the world, and they are building community in Mexico, right? Met the community was beautiful. So I came back after that two months thinking, Oh, I'm healed, right?
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Instantly began a relationship with a new friend who it felt right at the time, we were going through similar things in our relationships. We were doing this, you know, she's overly educated. You know, I love an educated person. I love I'm a proponent for constant education, whether it be formal, informal, right? And when I reached back out, and had been like six months, I've been back, and this relationship was just straining me. It was always chaotic. And had to be drama. It had to be drama. Something was always wrong, and if something was not wrong, she was gonna create something wrong, right? And it was draining me spiritually. So I reconnected with my Mexico friends, and they were like, Oh no, honey, you're trauma bonding right now. You're trauma I did not even recognize it, because for me, we were in alignment in where we were in life, but one was this taking, taking, taking with me energetically. And for me, I just felt like I was comforted in a space of familiarity. But let's talk about that too, because energetically, when people are energetically, taken from you, and how do you handle that? Marcus, I'm gonna start with you. How do you handle that when people are energetically, I mean, when they're coming, right, they're like vampires. Have you ever heard of spiritual vampires? Yes, yeah. Well, we got to realize that it started way back in the beginning of time when Jesus was on the cross.
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And the first thing
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realize what Jesus said, Jesus didn't think about itself.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Yeah. So he wasn't selfish. He said, My Father, please forgive them. He didn't say, God my father, come save me. But didn't he say at one point, why have they forsaken me? Or didn't he say that at some point, who forsaken? Who? God forsaken Jesus? Yeah. Didn't he say that at some point, he didn't say, God forsake him. Did he say, why has thou for taking me? I could have sworn he said people did. I mean, I mean, at the end of the day, he was human, and it's okay. They didn't doubt God at one time, though he didn't doubt his father one time while they forsaken me. Why they doing? They doing to me. But God forgive. Don't come save me off this cross, because they know not what they do.
Unknown Speaker 15:42
First part of healing is forgiving them. Who doesn't done this to you? Forgive them first forgiveness. How do you forgive? Though, there that goes deeper, right? Forgiveness is deep. Because forgiveness is deeper than I forgive you. You did this to me in a mental understanding of it, you have to now deal with that heart center of yours a lot of times mentally, but you have to start somewhere, yeah? And we mentalize it, and we keep it right there, and we just keep it pushing, but that becomes a trigger, it is, and later becomes a trigger, yeah? But that's actually the medicine for healing, though, yeah? Just like a doctor, get your prescription, you're not gonna go take the prescription today and you heal tomorrow, right? It take time for it to kick in and actually take that's where your heart start healing, right? You first give it out your mind, your mouth, your mouth, let it roll out your mind, because starting your mind, first it roll off your tongue, and then it relates back to your heart. Okay, so then that's doing the work. At that point you have to do the work. You're doing the work at that part the time, because you're not just mentalizing it, and you're in your mind, you understand. And then it goes into the body and it affects the body differently. You know, we always say the heart, but we have a million energy centers. We focus on the seven centralized ones, but we have a million energy centers where energy is constantly flowing to and fro, right? And that's how we establish everything's energy, guys, that's how we just establish dis ease, right? We say the word disease, but it's dis ease in the body when we are hurt, when we're holding things in, and it goes to different aspects of the body, and we don't deal with it. We don't do the work. But that also makes you go through the transition, right? Because when you start doing the work, because I know from like last week, we had Rodney on, and Rodney was talking about the one question he asked is, What do you want?
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And while asking, What do you want,
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you start to ignite your transition, because now you're seeing what you want. How do you want to live? And he said, people come up with so many different ideas, or what they think, and after three days, what they started might not be truly what they want, right? And when you can identify that, and you can see your life, and I, Marcus, I'm glad you're on having this conversation, because you've gone through transitions annually that I've seen from the time I've met you. You said you and and you are a master manifester.
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You know, that's why I giggle when I say, masterpiece. Yeah, he named his piece. He named it right. No, he named it right. Because I watch, I know how you hear about people doing stuff, but when you can sit down and talk to someone that not only once, no is doing well, but once the best for the people around him. You know, if you if you don't want to be held accountable, don't tell Marcus you want to do it, because he's gonna hold you accountable. Love it in a healthy way. You know, he might talk trash, you know, he might, you know, say some funny things have you giggling and laughing, but you can think about it, but you won't think about it, but you won't think about it in a way where I want the best for you. I want the best for you because I watched, you know, when I met him, it was, you know, he wanted, there was, well, I've known of him from the school, you know, got to know him through a campaign, and watched him. He said he wanted something. Lee, I want to do this. All right, how you gonna make it happen? I don't know. Seven months later, yep, it happened. I'm like, Okay, God, so now what's next? I'll let you know. And just watching, like, now he's doing the Jackson Street Alliance. I remember when that was before that even started, and you talking about it. Tell us what is the Jackson Street Alliance? Well, Jackson Street Alliance before we got to Chinatown, before we got to Korean town. And no offense to any other race out there at all, but we had Jackson Street right way before they even thought about making a town right. And, you know, saying, we can say that, we can put a stigma to it and say it was black town, but it wasn't because back in the early 30s, 40s, oh no, to the 50s and 60s, that black people wasn't able to go to the strip and party. We weren't able to go to certain grocery stores and things like that in Las Vegas. So we was able to work in the casinos, to go to the back door and then go back out the back door to go home. So we needed a place that we got.
Unknown Speaker 20:00
Actually can have our time, our life, our stores, our restaurants, right? And Jackson Street was it? And they all came to Jackson Street. All the entertainers came to Moulin Rouge, they came to Jack they came to party with us in our space. So how did we How did we live? And it was, how did we lose that? And then you saying, Oh, well, we got this town over here and that town now they coming up with Filipino town. There's nothing wrong with anyone coming up with anything. Let's get that understood, right? But where's our town? It's Jackson Street, it's Jackson Street, it's Jackson Street, and it's not downtown. It really
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is and it that's the new name for is the Uptown, because now you got downtown already, and let's, let's redo and come back with the Uptown that we can have our street, our grocery store, our casino, our hotel, and, I mean, it's by us. It's like food for us and by us. Jackson Street alliance is for Us, By Us, yes, the new uptown, yes, I love it. I love it. So what can we expect from the alliance? The Alliance is what we're trying to do now with the landowners, each one who owned a piece of land. We all trying to integrate something to do with what they had already had, what they their parents had when they was kids. So you had barber shops there. You had beauty salon, Beauty Supply. You had
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parlors, ice cream parlors. You had restaurants, you had you even had a hotel. No, it wasn't even a hotel. Is a motel on Jackson. We did a motel on Jackson Street. Oh, and that, no, it's a hotel. Animal. Tell the COVID was a hotel. And then had a motel over there behind Hughes liquors you right
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every day. And we had a gas station right there on the corner. Everything was right there. Grandparents had a right behind the church, victory Baptist. They had a restaurant, and it was directly behind it, right across from the bar. And every I just remember the grits and the eggs, and my grandma being back down the griddle. Yeah, restaurant. What was the name of it? Me and pudgy were just talking about the name of the because I couldn't remember it then. But it was a it was a diner, and my grandma would leave church and go put on that apron and go do a thing in their restaurant. Thank you. Christine Thompson, see, a lot of people moved here, migrated here, but nobody never got a chance to experience Jackson Street unless you was pretty much raised that's true. You would never can imagine what we think of Jackson Street. Jackson Street was a street you can go down any given time. Is both sides of the road. Is people just, it was just full of life. You know what? It was so full of life, soulful life. Once I'm all people, just all hanging in and off the bars and gathering the hotel, the casino, just doing hanging out. They got the nice little rides parked to the side, meaning on they cards.
Unknown Speaker 23:01
You know it so it was a great time. We need to bring it back, though, most definitely. And we are going to, we don't need to. We are going to bring it back. Going to bring it back. And I think it's a good time, because the city is reviving so many other neighborhoods. It's time for that neighborhood and to be revived uptown. I love uptown. I love town. Oh no, we are, we are almost, almost not. We're not We're not there yet. We almost. I have one more question. Okay, come on, y'all so Marcus, the master manifester, to be able to do that, right, you need to create boundaries. What type of boundaries, inter personal boundaries are you set for yourself so that nobody can infringe upon your creation, your spiritual boundaries first, like right now. Today is my last day of my 21 day fast. Okay, the end of the year, I'll start my next on January, the first
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that right there have been totally since I met her, and I've been doing this fast, and God have blessed me over and over again. Every time I do a flat a fast, I ask for nothing. Doing it, I go into the fast, asking for nothing. I love it, and it's really a deposit I'm making with God, you know, I'm taking something from my life that I'm normally used to doing and say, hey, you know, I'm giving this up for 21 days for you God, you know, we, we can't just go to the bank and make a withdrawal without making a deposit. Absolutely not. So we have to make a deposit, just in case I might need when them prayers answer, exchange, right?
Unknown Speaker 24:23
That's just one of them. So listen, there's this song that
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I know y'all probably don't know. It's, it's called, I only talk to God when I need a favor. But God, I need a favor. But
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just imagine, though, if I kept coming to you and asking you for something, right? When you get tired of me, absolutely. Well, I just kept coming to your can I get this? Can I get that? Can I hold there's no reciprocity,
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and there's no give back. So you'll be like, You know what? You'll see my phone when I be calling your phone, you'd be like,
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yeah, exactly, exactly, because you know, and you think that's what God does. I.
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I leave the text when
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you need me,
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Morgan, you have some words of wisdom for us before we close out. Oh, I had an affirmation that I say to myself that I feel like is very in tune with you know, manifesting your garden and making sure you have the right soil, the right seeds. And it's my soil is enriched with every nutrient necessary for fruitful pastures. And I just feel like that is a great one to remember one more time, one more time, but say it slower. My soil is enriched with every nutrient necessary for fruitful pastures. Okay, I love so my soil is enriched with every go. Say that one more time, every nutrient necessary for fruitful pastures,
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time my what is it? My soil is my soil is enriched with every nutrient necessary for fruitful pastures. Thank God, nutrient necessary. That was beautiful. So what we did not say, we always focus on entrepreneurship. Marcus. How can someone get in touch with you if they need a haircut, if they want to go to barber school. And how can I get in touch with you? Well, it's the haircut. I have three barber shops, one on 1200 West, like me. 1374 West, Cheyenne, suite 106 and also 2300 North rainbow. And the barber school is, well, I'm almost getting all these addresses, 3510 East Bonanza, where you actually can roll into barber school and becoming a barber in your life. That's what's up. And the number is 702. Go ahead. I'm sorry No, 702-438-2887,
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again, 702438288,
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and to look up information online, the website is Masterpiece barber school, all one word.com
Unknown Speaker 27:02
Correct? Yes. Masterpiece barber school, all one word.com All right. Well, you've been listening to growth and grace. I am Leah Crawford. I'm Tiffany Lloyd, and we are coming to the end of our show. Marcus, as always, it's always good to bring you on and have a different type of conversation. This was a great conversation, good conversation, talking about transition and Miss Morgan. I guess you'll be back next week. You're gonna be here next week, and we're gonna, and we're gonna, and we're gonna trap you again too.
Unknown Speaker 27:29
We're gonna get Mr. Mark again. Have have a good time, alright, for having me. You are sober. Thank you. Thank you. Until next week. Have a beautiful weekend. Thanksgiving coming up. Y'all. Y'all get ready. Y'all get ready for the birthday. Get ready. Get ready. Alright. Have a good one. Blessings. Bye.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai