Celebration, Wellness, and Deadlines: Leaha Crawford, Tiffani Lloyd, and Dave Ricketts on Family, Juicing, and Financial Reminders
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following program is underwritten by Crawford Management Group, Tiffany Lloyd Consulting, and Chris Glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Even better than I was the last time, baby.
We back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we back.
Leaha Crawford
Better than I was the last time. Hey, hey, hey, welcome to the show.
Tiffani Lloyd
You're listening to Growth and Grace with Leah Crawford, Tiffany Lloyd.
Leaha Crawford
Hey, Tiff.
Tiffani Lloyd
How we doing?
Leaha Crawford
Happy Friday. Happy Friday. I'm so excited.
Tiffani Lloyd
I'm so excited.
Tiffani Lloyd
I'm so excited.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You're listening to growth and grace with Leah Crawford Tiffany Lloyd. How are we doing? Happy holiday? Listen, we are all in the holiday season right now. You guys we're in it. We deep in we deep in it right in the middle of all of it. So how was your Christmas Eve Christmas Day? Um, so I don't really do Christmas. So it was it. Let me say I do Yeah, I have I started. Yeah, I started about four years ago. I don't know. I you know, I didn't for a long time, but I did. And when I tell you just having on the Christmas pajamas, cooking the food. Oh, you didn't went full fledged.
Leaha Crawford
I went full fledged.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You said the pajamas. We had the pajamas. We had the pajamas on. And this year we were the Christmas crew. I love that. I love that.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So, Nasir and I, we were the Christmas crew and had some people over, cooked some food. Did you guys do the photos? Yes, we did. That's what I'm talking about. Of course, yes, we did. When you're in it, get the in it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Yes, we did. And we had the fireplace going and the food. Nasir was opening up gifts every hour. Then it became, I was like, you know what, just open them all up. He was just ecstatic and we had a good time. Honestly, it's healing for me.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Okay. Healing the little girl. I love that for you. Healing the little girl. So when people talk about being in a healing process, they never really, no, you stay in it and it's different things because you have the child and then you have a teenager maybe the young adult I
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
mean and you got to go through and heal so since you've been doing Christmas with Nas you said you started four years ago four years ago so as he's going through his stages are you right there with it with him in that phase with like as part of your healing as part of my healing process I love that yeah because well for both of us right because I looked at because I didn't celebrate Christmas the whole time I had my daughter. Okay, we didn't celebrate. Okay, it was you know, the whole thing, you know
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
We just and I'm of it was anger. I'm angry. Okay, and not really realizing that you're angry because you're masquerading it but when you start peeling those layers back and you really start digging in and Understanding what the holiday was about. It's about love. It's about joy. It's about you know, just giving. I'm not really receiving and not I owe you got a body's expensive gifts, right? Nah, it was so funny and I giggled to myself because I have a box of cards So, you know, he's a child He took one of the cards wrote me a note and say here mom and I just cried
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I was like, it was just so just emotional. He's like, you know, I don't have any money I know you have I gave you the money, but I don't want you to spend your money on me, but just him writing the note and saying, you know I appreciate you and I'm not gonna be here for you Christmas night and New Year's, right? But I want you to know I love you. I love that So just yeah, no just huge and wanting him to understand that the holiday it's about love. It's about family You know, we went to see him and got the hugs and kisses and...
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Yeah, it's a holiday gift for her. Well, because y'all used to do Christmas breakfast. And part of my family did do it. I just kind of abdicated myself from it because I have to listen and honor where I'm at. And I literally wanted a day of solitude. And it didn't end up being that way because of, you know, family. And let me say, but I, I wanted it to be a
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
space for me where I was just with myself, if that makes sense. And it was, the morning was so beautiful. It was so chill, so relaxing. And I was able to sit and be with myself and so many people. Because of, you know, the transitory aspects of life, they think, oh, that's, that's a trauma response and it's not no It was literally was me loving on myself, and it was it was awesome until I had to get up and do family stuff
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
The interesting thing was my day started like that. Yeah, and it like yours. Yeah, okay. I was by myself Okay, and after I dropped him off. I purposely didn't I was like I'm not calling it I could I know a bunch of people were doing so I was like no I'm just gonna sit it felt good and just fireplace watch some Christmas movies pop some popcorn And just sit and then it was another thing that that I was taking in leading up to the holiday was how people were so on edge with the and
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
anticipation of having to deal with family and having to be around family for just a little bit of time and I'm just like you don't have to you don't have to go to that family members house if they trigger you and because you Know if they abused you as a child and because that's what we do you don't have to do that But you want to know what I think too though That's when you do the work though because you've got to do the work while you trigger you have to do the work It's a triggering a the tree if something triggers you it allows you to see what is bothering Yeah, and that's when you can dig in to say why yeah, what am I doing?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Because my I mean and I had I grew I was crying putting fret wrapping gifts But it was bringing back memories of my great-grandmother. I wrapped all the gifts for the boys Got it growing up. So I was I would wrap all the gifts and couldn't wrap them if they were right I just wasn't terrible. It was terrible. It was terrible. But that was terrible But your family helped me to start to remember the joy I felt with my family and just family. Yeah. Just being around people in loving
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
environments. I'm not comparing myself to you. Everybody's not. Everybody is on their own page and they're loved on. Yeah. For where you are. I mean don't get me wrong. They won't. They'll correct you if you're wrong. But you're loved on and being in loving environments. And that's what I wanted to create. So I had some people over, we had a good time
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
and we did our journal. Very good. Journal for the year. So, and I made them all journal and then I'm gonna put them up and next year we'll read them.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I love that. That's what we do on New Year's Eve. We do it, I have people over and we create a journal. I actually do a bonfire in the back and we write down things that we want to release for the year. And then we write things, it's a whole ritual. And then we write things that we want to bring in for the year. And then we and
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
then we create something from that, right. So when you are releasing it, we take the piece of paper, and you roll it away from you. And that's like signifying to the universe, I'm releasing this, I'm letting this go. And then we go burn it in our bonfire in the backyard. And then we come back, and then we write down what we are bringing in we roll it towards us and we keep that with us And then from that we actually create a vision for the year. That's what we usually do. I might be doing it alone this year we'll see how that turns out because
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I'm going with I'm not forcing things to be as they were because I'm wanting transition So I don't want to do things just for the sake of this is what we've always done. Well, the thing about it is hours changes because of what I when I have not. Yeah. So we do Christmas Eve when I have them on Christmas Eve. And we do New Year's Eve. So next year I'll have them for New Year's. Right. So we'll do it on New Year's Eve.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That makes and we'll bring the people over and we'll but I take so I take our notebooks because our notebooks are positive affirmation. Take our notebooks and I put them up. Okay, I pack them away with all the Christmas stuff. So when I pull out all the Christmas stuff, they are the notebooks. And then you review the next year? You review, because now I think we have 22, 23, 24, and the next year it will be 25.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And then as we go on, so when Nas gets about 35, he can look back and say, oh my God, I want to play basketball in middle school. That's what you said you wanted. What I've learned with my yearly journaling is that I'm usually, like I wrote something and it's like I used to call it my Bible. You know, I believe that everybody should be writing their own Bibles.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And I look back and I'm like, oh my gosh, that happened.
Tiffani Lloyd
Like I said I wanted it and it happened. But it's manifesting. Yeah, and it literally is.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You're being a master manifester. And I'm like, oh, they did that. Oh, I'm still in this. I'm in a different ring of it, but I'm still in this. No, journaling is really magical. I encourage it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I encourage everybody to journal because you get so much out. And sometimes that's when the spirit speaks to you the most because you're just freestyling and you're just writing it out, da, da, da, da, da, and it's coming through you.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And you look back and you're like, oh. But you wanna know what, I'm journaling. I'm doing a new process now where negative thoughts. And how do you get rid of negative thoughts and it is I was reading it today I was like oh my god it's retrain a negative thought there you go because you can't you cannot fight it because if you fight
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
it it's gonna you know you're you gonna lose yeah but embrace it yeah and retrain it like you to try to teach it like you do a child yeah well let's not think about it like that let's think about it like this So I had to practice today with some negative thoughts. Okay, and I had to retrain the negative thoughts and I was like, oh Okay, let's look at it like that Peace love and joy. There we go. And we back to being calm and it's like staying calm but being fast
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Okay, staying calm and being peaceful Staying calm and chaos no matter what is going on around me. I'm still calm cuz I okay got it So how we gonna make this work yeah but yeah but our guest is here today he's saying yeah yeah yeah he's just he's going for everything I'm agreeing oh but mr. David Ricketts is back with us because we didn't get he talked to us so much about the fire and please don't start the fire
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
about some safety tips last week this week we're going to talk about your health because your health is your well absolutely as we're going into the new year. And he does, he juices. Picture perfect juice. That's right. And can I tell you, so he bought some samples in here, which I don't know why he bought these little bottles.
They gone.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
He bought these little teeny bottles in here.
David Ricketts
That's why they're called samples.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Well, whatever. You should have bought more flavors then.
Leaha Crawford
I don't think you should have bought more bottles.
Tiffani Lloyd
So how many flavors do you have?
David Ricketts
We have 14. 14 flavors.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So today we've sampled the Beets and the green one was what?
David Ricketts
So today we had Beet Down, we had Summer Madness, and Sweet Greens. When I give samples out, I usually give those three because they're the most popular and the most requested.
Tiffani Lloyd
So tell us the benefits of juicing.
David Ricketts
So juicing, a lot of benefits. So everything from allowing your digestive system to rest and allows your body to heal. So every night that you stop eating to when you wake up, you're fasting. That's what it is.
David Ricketts
And that first meal that you have is breakfast. Break, you're breaking your fast. That is the time when your body's breaking down everything that you've been taking in throughout the day. It's healing itself, it's getting rid of the inflammation. What juicing does for people that have different diseases or dis-eases such as let's say pancreatitis,
David Ricketts
it allows your pancreas to relax and to heal itself. It doesn't have to work to break down the foods. Your liver doesn't have to produce the same amount of bile to break certain things down. So it overall allows your organs to rest a lot more than normal. So when someone is going through detoxing and detoxing, we're constantly detoxing. So when someone gets sick and everything's coming out, you're draining your detox and that's it's actually a good thing. That's what it is. You're by just trying
David Ricketts
to get everything out. So this allows everything to flow more freely through your lymphatic system and what your lymphatic system is it's your sewage system of the body. It's getting everything out. You have nodes all throughout your body. So I think I spoke to you about this Leah a while back in terms of things like deodorant. Deodorant really isn't a good thing to put on your body. Absolutely it's not. I personally use lemons and lime.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I use, you know what I use? I use pure alcohol And when I tell you that's awesome on your body. I haven't done alcohol before. Oh, absolutely Alcohol will carry you the whole day. Okay, but yeah, I don't use deodorant. I use deodorant But if you don't if you do use deodorant do you use it with the toxins in it or do you use it? I have no idea. I buy secret, have been using secret for 20 years. Gonna keep on using secret. Y'all go ahead because I have something about, look here.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
But no, you're not funky. Not at all. No, I'm talking about when you don't use it. Okay. But also I drink chlorophyll water and chlorophyll water, it literally is a natural deodorizer with your body. It's a detoxer and it deodorizes your insides. So it really, it's good for the lady parts.
David Ricketts
It's good. You can get peppermint flavor.
Tiffani Lloyd
Yeah, and it's really good.
David Ricketts
I think that's what I have right now.
David Ricketts
Tiffani Lloyd
Yeah, it's really good.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And so I drink that daily. I'm telling you, lemons.
David Ricketts
Oh yeah, I'm okay.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Lemons a lot, I'm telling you. So what you do, squeeze some lemons
Leaha Crawford
and put them under your arm?
David Ricketts
Yeah, I'm big on scents. I'm self-conscious when it comes to scents. I am.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That's me.
David Ricketts
That's me. So when I first did the lemon thing.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
If somebody walked by, you'd be like, good God.
David Ricketts
Tiffani Lloyd
You're like, what is that smell?
David Ricketts
So lemons, lime, the first couple times you try it, it may sting a little bit. I'm sure alcohol does too.
Tiffani Lloyd
No, it doesn't.
David Ricketts
It doesn't.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Surprisingly enough, alcohol doesn't sting if your pores aren't open. Well, if you just shave, you're not gonna put that on there.
David Ricketts
No, no, no, you should not.
Leaha Crawford
You should not.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Be careful. Shaved or waxed, so you shouldn't, but okay.
David Ricketts
So with the lemons and lime, it kills the bacteria that causes the odor.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Well, the alcohol is cheaper than deodorant, though. I am going to try the lemon and lime.
David Ricketts
It's great.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That's the only thing I haven't tried.
David Ricketts
It keeps you all day.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
But I'm telling you, but so does the alcohol and so does the potassium spray, the magnesium potassium spray that I use. It's fail safe.
David Ricketts
Tiffani Lloyd
I'm telling you.
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
Well, go ahead back to the juice and go ahead.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So with our juices. These no deodorant wearing people. I thought I smelled something in the studio.
Tiffani Lloyd
You smell nothing.
David Ricketts
That's why I tell you smell, that's what that is.
Tiffani Lloyd
Is that what it is?
David Ricketts
Yeah. So last year, January 1st, 2024, I started Juice Shots as well. So the Juice Shots, I have three different ones. I have Recover. It has different herbs in them.
David Ricketts
That's what the Juice Shots have. So Recover has gold beets, lemon, ginseng, and echinacea. It's great for your so-called immune system. Get Ready is the one that I get requested the most by people who are active in the gym.
Tiffani Lloyd
David Ricketts
Or if you get up, just people who want a coffee replacement to really get you going.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Wait, what's in Get Ready?
David Ricketts
So that one has lemon, ginger, turmeric, and cayenne.
Yeah, very nice.
Leaha Crawford
This cayenne that I have.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
But you wanna know, that's what they were doing at, we went to Mirabal Spas, and they do the shot in the morning and the shot is Turmeric she gave me a recipe to turmeric Ginger is something else like an apple or something could be probably apple cider vinegar probably well It's apple cider vinegar, but it's something sweet. It was something sweet that was put in there
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Just um and you take the shot you go by it in the morning, and you and I was like oh, okay Yeah, all right blood flowing. Okay. Okay. Got it I tried to make it go ahead and get ready.
David Ricketts
I get a lot of guys 40 and up whether low testosterone whatever they use it for. Get ready.
Tiffani Lloyd
Get ready.
Tiffani Lloyd
Tiffani Lloyd
Get ready.
David Ricketts
And the last one for the juice shots is focus. It's carrots, lemon, turmeric, and a few other herbs as well. But it's really for cognitive. Right. Okay.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So now do you work with any trainers or anything like work with, do you work with trainers
David Ricketts
to work with their clients?
David Ricketts
Yes. So I have trainers that are clients of mine personally. I have currently two, two athletes locally that get their juice and other products and things like that for me as well. A lot of the trainers will get just beat down because that is a great pre-workout overall
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
So good. I dilate the arteries and whatnot, so it increases the blood flow. And a lot of people, actually trainers, I have one trainer that's, he trains youth and he'll get Summer Madness, which is just a great tasting drink, a lot of pineapple, apple benefits as well. So I deal with a wide range of age groups and different categories of people overall,
David Ricketts
whether it's someone that's older
David Ricketts
and dealing with certain issues that most of us will deal with as we get older, or youth that are active and just trying to maintain that.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Well, I look forward to it because I do, I'm doing the Daniel Fast. Okay. So with the Daniel Fast, I'm like, look here, I need to be successful this year, because last year I did it like 70,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I made it 75% of the way. You're like, I almost made it. But this year, purposely, I'm like, because I've juiced before and was able to do it with salads. And since you can't eat salads on a Daniel Fass.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Okay, oh, that should work. Right, I can do the juicing because this works.
Tiffani Lloyd
So let me ask you this.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
If someone's wanting to go into the new year and they want to detox, how long would you suggest they do a detox? Is it seven days? Is it 14 days? Like for a newbie, someone who's never juiced before
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
and they're like, I really would like to go into the new year and do a detox to cleanse my system.
David Ricketts
So I'm glad you said to detox your system. It depends on the goal. This is the busiest time of the year for me. I have so many people starting January 1st.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Exactly, those new year's resolutions.
Leaha Crawford
I gave you mine.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Mine wasn't a New Year's resolution because I told you about mine. Hey, we do it every year. Come on. So let me ask, oh see I got another question. No, it's okay. Because for so many people, you know, the New Year starts in spring now.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
They're realizing that January 1st is not a real New Year.
Is that an uptick for you?
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
Think about how many people start, they have New Year's resolutions, they want to lose weight, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. How many people start or start using their gym membership, because a lot of us haven't, just don't use it. Right. But come the New Year, they start getting into the gym.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You know I don't go to the gym in January.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Because all the newbies are there, huh? I don't. I actually, like the yoga studio and stuff,
David Ricketts
because I cut back.
David Ricketts
I'm sure all that stuff is back.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I cut back, and when they done in February, I go back.
Tiffani Lloyd
Smart living.
David Ricketts
And it's usually about a month before people drop off.
Leaha Crawford
It's about a month before they,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
because the hard part is, when I go, I go all year long. And since it's right, spring starts the new year. Because spring, everything is growing and blooming. And summer is there. Fall is starting to die. Winter is dying.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So life comes again. And spring just happens in March. So yeah, so people are really starting to wake up to that knowledge. And I love that.
Tiffani Lloyd
But back to my original question.
David Ricketts
For newbies, for newbies. So the different lengths of juicing programs that we have are packages. We have a three day, five day, seven day, 10 day. We go all the way up to 90 days. So with newbies, someone who's never juiced before,
David Ricketts
someone who's never fasted before, I always tell them to start with three days.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Because you won't lose your mind at day two. Because honestly, your body gets angry with you. Your body reacts.
David Ricketts
You're going through those detox symptoms. Oh, and that could be everything from headache, you might get so-called sick.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So this is why start on Friday, you should drink wine all the time. Because last year, let me tell you, last year we, we did a month long juice, right? And we started off, we started off with a seven day first, just to see how our bodies would react to it. I didn't have any detox issues, but you know why? It's because I drink wine all the time and I think wine is food. See, it's juice and I'm juiced year-round. It's a theory. It's a theory. But what I can tell you is when you do decide to juice, make sure you got enough
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
toilet tissue. Yes, because it's going to come out. Or you know, a good bidet. Good bidet. A good bidet. A good bidet. Because we love our bidets. No, just know that it does because it does clean your body out And your body you might you might get some pimples or something like that because it's all coming out Me and your body would break out. Yeah. Yeah, I did. Yeah mine did that my body started breaking out Look, what is this? It was stuff coming out. It was like it's getting out
David Ricketts
You're your body's gonna push it out of least resistance So whether it's coming out through the kidneys or the urine if it can't it's gonna push it out through the skin Yeah, I'll get I'll get that usually my arms sometimes on my neck and chest I'll notice it as well. So now with my juice, what differs from what you can get in the
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
store, I'll put herbs in it. That enhances. I was going to ask that next question. Do you work with herbs at all? Absolutely. And what I can tell you is if you are using David's service, cause I made this mistake when he drops off the juice refrigerator. Oh, absolutely. Because on the bottle, like it says on the bottle, I left mine on the counter. Oh. Yeah, I did.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I did. I don't know what I was thinking. So how much of a supply do you get when you purchase? Well, whatever you purchase. Okay. So this next set I'm getting is going to be seven a day.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Okay. So that's all I will be doing is seven a day. So my question on top of that is, would she freeze the rest or does she keep them on the table? I'm only getting like maybe five days at a time.
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So I'm only getting five days. I like to keep it as fresh as possible. Okay. So I get five days at a time. Okay. I get the five days, put them in the refrigerator, and what I do is, I'm a little anal, so I
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
line them up by day so that I can make sure that I'm drinking two in the morning, take three to work. Okay. When I get to work, I put them back in the refrigerator. Okay. Or what I'm going to have them do is drop some off at my house, drop some off at the
Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That's smart living. So that I can go back and forth, and I'm making, that's all I'm doing all day. Every time I get hungry, I'm drinking.
Tiffani Lloyd
All right, David.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
What herbs do you work with?
David Ricketts
Oh, wow. A wide variety of herbs. I'd say at least, in terms of number, volume, at least 30 different types of herbs.
Tiffani Lloyd
I'm loving this.
David Ricketts
So whether if it's for kidneys, liver, skin, hormones.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You got to be honest with them, guys.
David Ricketts
Yeah, seriously. Doesn't matter.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Tell me what's going on.
Leaha Crawford
Let me know what your needs are.
David Ricketts
Don't be embarrassed. I've had guys come and tell me that, you know what, I've been married for 20 years, I can't,
David Ricketts
something's not working in the bedroom.
David Ricketts
Something's not right. It's fine, hey, it happens. I know what to do to handle that.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I was gonna say something to handle that, but I'm gonna leave that alone.
Leaha Crawford
Good, I was gonna leave that alone.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Good, good, gracious. I was gonna say something. I was, and I caught it. I caught myself, but if you know me personally, just ask me what I was gonna say, because y'all gonna giggle when I say it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You've been listening to Growth and Grace. I am Leeann Crawford.
David Ricketts
Tiffany Lloyd.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And we have the amazing David Ricketts in here. I just want to take a real quick shout out, y'all. Real quick. B-O-I-R, there was an injunction on a report. I want everybody to know that the beneficial ownership information return for a corporation is back in play.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You have until January 13th to get this form filed. You can contact our office at 702-382-5737. We are doing the report. What I can tell you is, the injunction stopped it for a minute, but it's back in play. Everything is real. Can you give them that date again? It's January 13th, 2025. There's a lot of misinformation online right now with them saying that it's due January 1st, without the knowledge of they did grant an extension.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And they did grant the extension. Yes. And they extended the date because of the days that the injunction was in place. To allow people the chance to file these forms. Yes. And I think we did talk about the injunction.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Yes. So the injunction is lifted. Okay. Just want you to know the injunction is lifted. Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Right.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
David, herbs. Let's talk about them, herbs, baby.
David Ricketts
Herbs are powerful. Even if you were just having, making teas. I also make teas as well.
David Ricketts
You're just all around.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Oh yeah.
David Ricketts
Okay. So and, so.
David Ricketts
Oh, okay, okay.
David Ricketts
We were talking.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
No, no, no, no, you need to look at the herbs.
Leaha Crawford
Let's talk about the herbs.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Get to the herbs. See, now we got to bring you back. Because now we got to talk about the teas. Now we got to talk about the herbs because I am going through perimenopause. Okay. And I need herbs for my monthly cycle. I need stuff for that
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I need that because I have the urge at the house, but I don't know how to put them together Okay in the balanced state of being I'm extreme. Okay, I'll be like
Cuz my go to okay, so my go to is rosemary
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That's a good time. I go to it. I put rosemary on everything in everything So everybody that eats at my house you have eaten enough rosemary. Rosemary and then, yeah.
David Ricketts
Mint that you had too that you grew? Was it mint or basil?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It was mint and basil. Yep, I had mint and basil. But yeah, I killed the plant. I gotta buy another one.
David Ricketts
But just so you know, Tiffany, with everyone that's listening, if someone, bearing certain circumstances, let's say if you were making a tea and you used a pound of whatever, nine times out of 100, you're not going to die.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It's not even the OD, it's just created in a balanced form so that it's effective for me because that's what I'm talking about, mixing the herbs in a balanced state so it's actually effective. And then I'll, you know, people don't recognize that herbs aren't like regular medicine. They go through your system faster because it's natural. You know, like if you're taking, like, if I'm cramping and I need to take like some,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
you know, what is it, ibuprofen or something, and how it works in the system, it stays in the system longer than what an herb would because herbs go through your system on a natural basis. So people, Daddy, I'm shouting you out, they will use a herb for like a couple of days
and be like, it ain't working, I'm done.
David Ricketts
I know, I have so many family members that are like that.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Oh, Junior, Junior, Junior, we apologize. And he was like, I'm not using this no more.
Tiffani Lloyd
It don't work. It does, guys.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You got to give it time to build in your system. But that's why even with the juicing, you got to drink them. You can't drink them all at one time. You have to drink them periodically throughout the day. So you might drink one at eight, drink another one at 10, drink another one at 12.
David Ricketts
And that's for most people. Now I have some clients, and I'll do this myself as well. I like to do intermittent fasting. Okay. I'll drink either. I think I just did seven bottles a day for seven days. I lost 15 pounds and what I did I would go through my seven bottles within a four-hour period and I'm fast and rest of the day. But
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
intermittent fasting can be done every day because if you stop eating at seven o'clock you just do a 12-hour fast. You don't eat again until 7 o'clock in the morning. It can be done so many different ways.
Tiffani Lloyd
Until it's 9 o'clock.
David Ricketts
I'll do that.
David Ricketts
Or if I do eat, I'll eat one meal a day.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Or do you do the water? But you drink water all day long, right?
David Ricketts
David Ricketts
You drink water all day. So I'll have tea and have my juice, try to finish it all first thing in the morning before, let's say, 10 o'clock or 9 o'clock. And the rest of the day, I'm just drinking water.
David Ricketts
And that's it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So, last question, because we've got to wrap it up. So when someone comes to you and they're wanting to juice, they get their individualized plan from you through you. So this is specific for Tiffany. This is specific for Leah. I love that.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I love how you've been doing it for years. How do people get in contact? I got it. 702-419-4813 and picture perfect juice on Instagram spell it out picture like you take a picture perfect I am perfect yes and juice on Instagram this has been amazing guys um we have to have you back on to talk about the herbs.
Leaha Crawford
Please and thank you.
Tiffani Lloyd
We gotta come back again.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Look at, see, now we gotta see, look at,
we got three shows out of this.
Tiffani Lloyd
I love it, David, I love it.
David Ricketts
I'll bring full bottle samples next time.
Leaha Crawford
Thank you.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Thank goodness, thank goodness.
Leaha Crawford
We fill those up.
David Ricketts
Before the show.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
But you know what, this is great for this morning.
David Ricketts
So which one was your favorite, Tiff?
The beets.
Tiffani Lloyd
Beets, yeah.
David Ricketts
I love beets.
Tiffani Lloyd
I mean, I don't understand it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It's like a unnatural, fascinating, I love a beet juice.
David Ricketts
I don't like beets. So when I made actually all the juices, not just this one specifically, I said, you know what, it's got to be something that kids, if kids would drink it,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
they love it. For the most part, everybody would drink it. They are so, and they're, they're just, it's juice. Yeah. And it's not, you don't have to struggle. We've had those juices where you got to struggle to get them down, hold your nose, you know, you got ginger in it. You got to hold,
David Ricketts
not the, not the, I try to keep everything well balanced because I have quite a few set of clients who say, you know what, add in five more because my kids like them. They'll eat them up. I get that all the time. So, kids like them. I love my kids.
David Ricketts
They're getting their vitamins and nutrients and minerals. So, it's a good deal for everybody.
Tiffani Lloyd
I love this so much.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
All right. So, this is the end of our show. Thank you for listening to Growing Grace with Leah Crawford and Tiffany Lloyd. All right. We will see you next week. And in the meantime, y'all be safe have a happy happy new year
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And in the meantime, y'all be safe have a happy happy new year happy new year bye
Transcribed with Cockatoo