Embracing 2025: Completion, Growth Challenges, and New Beginnings
This is a KUNV Studios original program.
Wesley Knight
The following program is underwritten by Crawford Management Group, Tiffany Lloyd Consulting, and Chris Glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz & More, the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Even better than I was the last time, baby.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
I'm good. Ooh, ooh, ooh.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
We back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we back. everyone. How's it going? Happy Happy New Year. It is 2025 I cannot believe we are in 2025. I'd like seriously 2025 2025 whoo. So it's a nine year and a nine year numerically is completions. So we're completing cycles this year completing and it's it's wild and it's only just begun the like it is an I've been paying attention to the since New Year's Eve, and the new cycles that have been generating since New Year's Eve. And I, at first I was like, chronicling them right we had the three buildings that got struck by lightning on New Year's Eve all within one minute of each one another. Then the next day, got struck by lightning on New Year's Eve all within one minute of each one
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
another then the next day we had the was it yesterday that we had the explosion in front of the Trump Tower with the no that was that was that was Thursday so so today Saturday no no so I'm saying was it the next day after I don't remember okay so full disclaimer I don't watch the news oh no this was not this This was literally everywhere. No, I don't watch the news either.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I have no idea because I'm sitting here with my mouth open like, oh my God, all this stuff happened. Oh, no, because I was too busy watching the BOR report because remember when I told you last week where it was mandatory. Well, now it's not again. And so I'm not again. I'm just waiting on it to be. Oh, it's a requirement again that they're so back and forth.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It's back and forth. And it seems like there's a lot of indecisiveness with this completion. I want to know who is the person that is like actually making it go back and forth.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Well, those judges.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I'm just saying who, which judges is what I'm saying.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
The judge, you want to know? And I don't have that information. If I knew you were going to ask me that I would have looked it up. But they're federal judges. Yeah, the federal circuit judges. Yes, that are going back and forth.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And I'm just but it just shows the indecisiveness, right? Because this thing was mandatory for 11 months. And then all of a sudden it's not. Then it is, then it's not. And within days, within days. So I, but no, just again, the nine year completion.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Yeah, we are completing cycles. So what's interesting was, is when I was doing my energy recap, what I was shown in regards to it is that January of this completion year, you're either moving out of a completion into something new, or you are moving into the completion, and it should be completed by the spring because
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
you know, we have in in a lot of eyes three new years, we have the calendar new year We have our birth new year and then we have the spring equinox, which is actual old calendar new year that we actually recognize So what's interesting to me is I was doing an assessment on new year's eve to determine Where I am in my cycle of completion And a lot of it has already closed out and they will not be completed until the spring and when I was doing my like my personal cycle I'm
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
like this is really something. Well but the thing about it is that if you look at everything because I think in everyone's life there are going to be three different things going on and you have to understand because it's not just oh I'm just this one thing because everything is fluid yeah and as it's by is by being fluid I just say you just be open to the possibilities let go and love because things that you know things that are no longer relevant you know you
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
just let go and love I people think that you got to leave and you got to be angry you got to be upset no you let go and love and sometimes you have to do anything things just fall off well they fall off and the I'm I like that you said letting go we'll get to the in love part later. But the letting go is huge. Because we hold on so tight. I was just having a conversation with someone about something that was falling apart in their personal story. Right. And they're like, I cannot believe that I held on for so long. And because I held
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
on for so long, she was talking about a relationship, they were a beautiful couple. I mean, to see them, it was just this connectedness that was so beautiful. But she would not recognize when it was time to let go. He decided that he no longer wanted to be in the relationship and he was very honest and up front that I do I no longer want this I no longer desire this and because they had built so much together and because they had planned so much together she was like you you'll you'll you'll change your mind traumatized but she's traumatized.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And what ended up happening was, she said the toxicity that arose from that, she's like, he turned into something that I did not recognize. And it was because she kept pushing and pushing and pushing. So she recognized it at first,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
that she was like, oh, he's turned demonic on me. And it was not, he was responding to her not honoring what his desires were. And throughout the duration of their relationship, it had been this cohesiveness that was so magical to experience with them.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So she could not let go of that magic, even though he was telling her and showing her that I no longer want this. So it was crazy because she was like, she's gone through all of these cycles in the past three months. And she said it was, um, but she's still,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
she's still healing from the whole, you know, resentment part, but she's recognizing the part that she played in this, right? Well, that's always too, right? Because we play when you play it out. And I don't really get into relationships. I don't really get into relationship conversations because I believe, because honestly, I look at everything.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Is it a season or reason or lifetime and all relationships are not lifetime relationships. And maybe she needed to experience the magic, because magic is beautiful. But both people participate. Yes, in relationships. And when one person says, I no longer want this. You have to honor that, even if you don't agree, you have to honor that. And she's now realizing that is where her and, and, but they can't be wishy washy, because you can't be going back and forth right and yeah absolutely but then she's also recognizing how she was beating herself up because
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
she was you know over the part that she played and she's in the space now i need to give myself grace for just that learning curve and me actually learning experiencing and going through that and and not bashing myself because she was bashing herself and was like, you are terrible. You are did it. Listen, yes, we're gonna we're human. And we are going to mess up. You know, we win, we lose, we get back up. But what was fascinating was to hear the
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
journey. And she walked me through it. And it was beautiful, because she was walking through it and as she was walking through it, she was recognizing, oh, I am healing from this, I am shifting out of this. And the shift out is interesting. Yeah, because I remember I mean, just having a conversation with just with people in general and watching healthy people.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And I know, we know toxic people. Yeah, we know dysfunctional people. But there are some healthy people and watching how healthy people carry themselves Watching how they can be calm but fast watching how just how they move why they move a certain way and also being able to manifest what they want in their lives and
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
When you're talking about another person, it's It multiplies have me you agree. Mm-hmm, but if you're somewhere if you okay, let's take the radio show for for instance, it works because we both want to be here. And we will do what is necessary for us to be here. Right. Right. But if one of us says, I no longer want to do this, it's not going to be good. Right, right. Because the energy, the energy
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
shifts, energy shifts, energy changes. And that's with every relationship. And when you start to honor people's if I know for me learning to honor somebody's wishes because I've had Um interesting situation when someone said to me, you know, I don't want to do this anymore and my comment was The old leo probably would have done something different, but the new one said I respect you. Yeah, and I I respect your wishes
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And three weeks later I get a call but I respect I respect your wishes, right? um because in respecting somebody's, respecting people's boundaries. And a lot of times we do that. Like someone might say, my boundary is,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
if my boundary at the office is don't park in my parking space. That's all, just don't park in my parking space. My staff knows that. So whether I'm coming to, they know I'm coming to the office or not,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
because sometimes I just drive by just to see, nobody's parked in my parking space. That's my boundary. I Just ask that I just can park in this one space. That's that's what I'm asking. That's all I'm asking Is that all you're asking? But what I'm saying is that's my boundary, right? And I think when people start they you know
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
People look at boundaries differently because you can communicate your boundaries in a healthy way And that's why I say letting go in love. So when you let go and someone says that, I don't, you know, I don't want to do this, or like, say, when you leave a job, people think you got to be upset and you got to turn.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
No, you can, I know this no longer serves, this is not where I want to be right now. I want to do something different because how you leave determines how, if you can come back. I think a lot of people they'll feel as if, again, I think we talked about this before, how they feel like they
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
have to create a disruption so that they can justify their actions rather than standing in their personal power. Because most people don't recognize that me not having to explain myself, me actually stating that this is just no longer a good fit for me, and it being okay. And it's, we, we feel like we have to over explain or over justify. And a lot of that has to come through chaos because
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
in that chaos you can find a way to justify why you've done what you've done now don't get me wrong sometimes I mean and I understand you know positive good trouble right I understand that but does it have to be that it absolutely never has to be that in my opinion it honestly I think it's that interpersonal maturity that we don't talk about enough, that people are carrying around so much of their traumas that they don't deal with. It's going to always come up in some way, shape, or form.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Because our relationships are how they display, we have to learn to look at it. Again, that's, as we like to say, doing your work. A lot of times we don't know what that work needs to be. But let me give you something that if you are constantly running up against the same wall, and there's always just this limitation in this area, this one area of your existence in your life, nine times out of 10, that's the area that you need to focus on to do the work. where the divine source, your higher self wants to work with
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
you to grow and expand your being. And this life, I call it schoolyard Earth. And it's literally a space in a place where we're constantly learning, learning, growing and expanding. We do it through relationships and through our connectivity. Depending on what your belief is, you know, a lot of people believe that we only get this one chance we do get this one
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
particular life. But I also believe in evolution and I believe that energy is never destroyed. It just transforms, which lets me know that this ain't my only rodeo. And each time that I come here, there's an aspect of me that wants to expand in a certain
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So I don't, I think I'm getting a little bit off topic, but let me say this, but let's go back, but let's go back because you said a word maturity and I call it the teenage temper tantrum or those five year old temper tantrums and those teenage temper tantrums. Because the maturity level of people, right? Because a five year old temper tantrum, a teenager might throw a temper tantrum. But as an adult, how can you use your words? A lot of
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
people don't learn how to do that. Learn how to use your words. And so the temper tantrums, they carry them with them. And that's what so they don't call it the two year old or the high school. They just they literally just what they call today crash out. That's what I look at it though, right? Because I watch, I watch I watch people. And especially when I'm sitting in large, especially when stuff is going on. And I think I was, I was on TikTok or something.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
and me and a girlfriend we had went to go eat yesterday, one other day, and she was showing me a video of someone TikTok and the woman was upset and she was hollering and screaming, a guy was taping her and I'm looking at it and I'm just like, wow, you could see the hurt,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
you could see the pain, because it's something simple as somebody messed your food order up. So why do I have to throw a temper tantrum if my food order was messed up? Wait, that's the reason why she was throwing a temper tantrum asking for her money back at a drive-thru And I'm sitting there and I'm watching it and all I could think is wow Because to me it is my orders not correct
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
This is what I ordered. Can I have what out? You know, can I have you know, can we correct it? if not, can I get a refund? And the more I learned, the more I realized I didn't know, but the calmer I've become. And you're right, when you are going up against that wall, and what I also like to say is, if something makes you upset, that's where you need to do the work. Absolutely. When you get upset, when you feel that blood boiling, and you can feel it, the blood boiling, stomach turning, uh-huh, or when you easily are offended, because it's
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
not even like the anger. It's just the offense that I'm offended by what they said to me. But why are you offended? Why are you offended? Because if it wasn't a space of, okay, I need to work in this area, it would just go right over your head. And it's okay, it's okay to be angry. And it's okay to allow things to get under your skin sometimes, because this is
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
how we know that I need to work in the areas. But I think it's important that... To identify you need to work. That identify and then what do I need to do? A lot of people are in a space, and I say a lot of people because I'm not speaking of the segment of the world who are actually doing their work. I'm talking about the people who always actively state, well, this is just how I am.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I was born this way. This is how I was raised and Evolution is something that never stops. There's nothing constant but change and People I understand that that we need something that we can hold on to and sometimes it's just those old habits Sometimes it's just as this is just the way it is and we can talk about let's get into the food and how because your family fixed these foods growing up and fed you these foods
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
growing up that doesn't mean that that's right for your body that's not as you grow and you expand it does not mean that that's what you need to ingest right but a lot of people and I'm gonna keep saying a lot of people like well this is just how we were raised eating pigs feet and you know and hog mauls and what's those things and pig intestines and those things you know that's just how I was. You know what's so funny?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I've never had any of that though. I've never had any of it. And that's good because why would you? Well, no, I've never, no, well, to think about, even now, because, okay, so right now we're doing the Daniel Fast. So for 21 days it's eating fruits, vegetables, lentils, beans, and just being real creative with it, then watching all the refined sugars, refined salts.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
You said we. Who is we? So we is a, what's a group of people? So Marcus Allen was on here. Marcus Allen actually introduced me to it some years ago. And it's actually a group on Facebook.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
A couple of churches do it. I have some friends that go to different churches around town. They're also participating. And what it is, is it's interesting because David, that came on here, actually did my juices for me. So I have something, something in the house.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And every couple of days he'll come by and drop off I'm drinking seven juices a day and Like I had cucumbers earlier today. I'll eat a salad when I go home, but just eating Everything on the outside aisles with no me so the purpose of the Daniel fast is is what for me? so for me it is Google it as always but for me it is what is your relationship with your creator? Whoever you may call for your relationship with God, your relationship with the universe and
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Being in a place where I can say thank you. So it is praying and meditating it is Me realizing the work that I need to do On me. What do I need to do? Why do I need to do it? Some people in churches, they're reading certain scriptures And reading the scriptures, but also bringing the scripture to life. And what does that scripture mean today? How can we
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
translate it today? And it's being around like minds because now that my girlfriends are respectful because some of them are not doing it. And one of them she had baked this from what I understand this amazing, Christy I'm saying hi to you, this amazing chocolate pound cake with chocolate frosting. And she's like Leah I want to bring it to you. I'm like, Christy, I'm doing a Daniel Fair.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
She was like, OK, I'll bring it past the office
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
and give it to the staff.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
OK, not a problem.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Bring it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And she did. I was sitting there. And they were like, well, she said, but loving her, I know Christy, she'll make another one when I'm done with this. And I made one just for you.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It's about, for me, getting closer to the creator, but also really understanding who is Leah Crawford. What do I want? Okay, you know, or what is in store for me in this lifetime? Did I ever think I will be doing a radio show? Absolutely not. So the Daniel fast is how long on this 21 days. So that kind of leads into the other areas that
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I wanted to talk about, because I want to talk about the trends that people are embarking upon for their particular New Year's to reset. So you're doing the Daniel fast for 21 days and this is something you do yearly, correct? Yeah, annually. And actually we even talked about, it's funny because we were talking about doing it quarterly. Okay. Or changing your diet. I was talking to my nails tech the other day and she's like,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leah, you ever try to do a diet by your blood type? Absolutely. I actually wrote a curriculum about 10 years ago about blood type and literally functioning and eating for your blood type. And that's really fascinating that you brought that up because I literally wrote a curriculum on that. She's like 10 years ago. Basically eating for your blood type. But she's like, have you ever noticed, because I think about it, when you eat certain foods, you're drowsy. I need to bring that back out. Yeah, you need to write that down, bring that back out.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
But you eat certain foods, you're drowsy. I also watch, I'm a big proponent of, you know, I've learned to cook, finally. Because wanting to control the salt and the ingredients that I am ingesting in my body.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So it was funny, I was with Henrietta and I were laughing about it she was like okay we'll try this recipe and try I was like oh I got a whole bunch okay come on just keep on going but I learned I like to cook actually I love cooking that's an option that is a whole evolution evolution I never have you thought you'd be on radio never had you thought you would go in the kitchen and the kitchen
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
and well loving it like honestly Tiff the energy I get when I'm chopping vegetables, when I'm seasoning, when I'm I mean just doing and not using salt. Right. And the food is amazing. I'm like, Oh my God, this is good. It's a transformation.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Yeah, it was it was it took some time. Well, it took some time, but you know, it's here now. It's about it's here now.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So let's talk about these trends.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So the trends, let's get into the trends. One of the trends that has fascinated me. There's four of them. Okay. First one is no buy 2025. Now apparently, this became big last year, and I'd never heard of it. But it's literally structuring your life where you are not buying anything that you don't need for the entire year. And the only reason you're
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
purchasing something, say you have a pair of tennis shoes that you go running in, and a new pair comes out in the spring until those shoes wear out You are not purchasing another pair of shoes. You're not buying anything unless you're having to replace something That's a toe up or toe down in your house your clothes everything in your life and and people are like literally like Revamping their lives and again, this was huge last year. I had never heard of it. No about 25. Okay, so no, by 25, like they are buying nothing that is
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
not that purchase out of necessity. Um, and it's so funny because people, a lot of men, so what if you throw out a question, a question, a question, what if I am working out lose weight, none of the clothes fit, so I got nothing wrong with the clothes, right, but I can't fit them anymore. You're having to replace them. I have to replace them. But that's with reason. You're not just frivolously purchasing things. So a lot of the people that I've seen that are doing it
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
are the makeup that they're just constantly consuming, the perfumes, the shoes, just because they're cute. All of these things that because this consumerism that's like, and again, everybody's having to tighten their wallets right now. And it's no buy 25 is like,
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
they're literally adding up and saying, I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars frivolously last year. Let me rearrange my finances so that I can actually invest in something different. And so they're taking that money and they're investing in their lives. And it's fascinating. Again I'd never heard of it before this year.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
So then I strike that earlier because you said don't buy. I don't buy nothing. I mean, I don't buy nothing without reason. Without reason without reason. It needs to be something that is necessary. Because Leah reasons, you know, I have a whole reason for you.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That's the reason why you need those shoes baby. Why because because just because of the outfit and one day I'm aware and one day so right the one day I'm going to wear.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Next one is dry January. You know, we all know dry January as you're not drinking or consuming any alcoholic beverages for the entire month of January and it's a form of detox. So I messaged my little brother yesterday and I was like, are you doing dry January? And he's like, I hadn't thought about it.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Are you?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And I said, with all due respect and all capital letters, absolutely not. My wine is very fine. It's a detox within itself. The next one. So, dry January. Okay, so basically that is no consuming any alcohol of any for the entire month of January.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Okay, so you detoxing. All right, you've been listening to Growth and Grace.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I am Leah Crawford.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I'm Tiffany Loy. And we are going through the trends for this 2025 as we're setting up our new year and we're rebooting, rejuvenating and recreating our lives. 75 hard challenge. This is another challenge that again, blew up in 2024. But 75 hard is 75 days. And every day you have a list of things that you have to do every single day, right? And you might be very close to this challenge
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
in your everyday life personally, because it's you have to have a 45 minute workout twice a day, right? One has to be indoors, one has to be outdoors, but we have to do that. The next one is you have to be on a meal program. No cheat days.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Absolutely, of course, no alcohol. It's kind of like the dry January. You have to drink a gallon of water every single day. You have to write 10 pages in a journal every day. And you have to read at least, I think it's, huh?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Just 10 pages.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
It says just 10 or 20 pages. No, 10 pages of self-help. 10 pages of self-help.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And then the 10 pages of the self-help book of it can't be it can't be nonfiction. It can't be fiction. Yeah, it can't be fiction. It has to be nonfiction. And then you have and then one that's the five and then another
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
one is journal every single day right and then the soft the 75 soft challenge is the I can't do all that no we have honestly and it's off it's what okay so let me say this journaling ten pages a day is challenging even for those that write journaling journal you know you're not it's not tend it's the reading the ten pages of the real help so reading and then page early every day journaling. Okay. Yeah, I do that. Yeah, so it's not journaling ten pages It's reading the ten pages of the self-help my challenge would be the second workout the second 45 the second 45 minutes
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Because I do the first 45 in the morning
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
but from what I understand one workout is supposed to be indoors and the other one is supposed to be outdoors and because of Because of the time and it being dark. The sun not coming up to 630 and then going down at 6 o'clock, I'm kind of working during the day of time hours. So it makes it challenging to do one outside, not unless I have a male companion or just doing it with one of my girlfriends and we're doing something outside.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
That makes that challenging. I was just having a conversation because my neighborhood, it's like when you walk from my house and down to the end of my neighborhood and back it's two miles, right? right that used to be my regular evening walk out right and The energy has just shifted and I used to do by myself with my you know My beats on and and I don't feel that safety any longer
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And it's so crazy how it's shifted because I used to feel like Nobody's touching me and now I walk in this is eeriness in the air and I have to honor it and it's so funny because I'm like there's no way I'm gonna Go out without my big dog or without Matt because it's just not how well and that's the other thing too because I was Christy same girlfriend. Yeah, we were walking at 5 30 in the morning. She well we would get on our phones she would walk in her neighborhood and I will walk in mine and When time changed? Mm-hmm
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Well kids went back to school and then the time changed and we're like, okay, so we just can't do this again until the spring. And so time shifts back, children are out of school and then we'll pick it up because she's like, you picked the hottest day in the summer to decide you want to go walking. And our first day outside, she was like, Oh my God, it is absolutely gorgeous out here. 530 in the morning. It's quiet. It's serene. Yeah. But the sun is up. Right. So that was my other concern. Just being in
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
the dark and safety. Yeah. You want to do this, but you also want to be safe. Absolutely. So depending on where you are, I'd be interested to hear like those who are listening, I wish there was a way they could call in and say, tell us what their resolutions are for their January shifts, because so many people that vary, right? We're sharing, we shared five here today.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
The Daniel Fasts, the No Buy 2025, Dry January, 75 Hard and 75 Soft Challenge. I would be interested, and so we can't hear you, but think about what are some things that you'd like to shift and change on your journey starting this January?
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
And you wanna know, we're gonna work it out. Even though we can't, we're gonna find a way to engage with listeners so that we can have active conversations. That would be awesome. Well, you've been listening to Growth and Grace.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
I am Leah Crawford. And this is Tiffany Lloyd. And we will talk to you next week. We will have some interesting people on this year, bringing you some good information. Enjoy your weekend.
Leaha Crawford/Tiffani Lloyd
Enjoy your weekend. Peace and blessings.
Transcribed with Cockatoo