Rituals of Growth and Grace: Reflecting on Personal and Societal Practices for Identity, Well-Being, and Self-Love

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even

Unknown Speaker 0:21
better than I was the last time, baby, we back, we back, and

Unknown Speaker 0:38
we back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we are

Unknown Speaker 0:47
back. How you like that?

Unknown Speaker 0:49
I love that. How y'all like that intro? You

Unknown Speaker 0:52
know you want to know what it reminds me of, gospel music workshop.

Unknown Speaker 0:58
That's exactly what it reminds me of, but it's like it fits like

Unknown Speaker 1:03
a 2024, version, unless, because I remember just Jocelyn at the at the concert, and it was just that vibe.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
I loved it. Hey, y'all, hey, hey, good

Unknown Speaker 1:18
morning, Las Vegas. It is Saturday. We are in September. We

Unknown Speaker 1:22
are already in September. We're about to go into the fall. I hope everybody's doing all right. I hope everyone

Unknown Speaker 1:28
is doing I hope everyone is doing well. Well, today we wanted to talk about something a little bit different. Tiff said, rituals, rituals. She looks like rituals. What are your rituals?

Unknown Speaker 1:42
So let's start off the conversation with, what are rituals? What are okay? What are rituals? So, when you think of the word ritual, what do you think of? Don't think of a dictionary version. When you think of the word rituals, what do you think of? So

Unknown Speaker 1:58
first thing I thought of was some ceremony, okay? When I thought of rituals, okay? And as I started, and as I started to play with a little bit more in my mind, I thought about my morning routine, that my routine, that is perfect,

Unknown Speaker 2:11
so it also expands to your religion. It also expands to oaths that you take within different organizations, within your relationships with your spouses. These are rituals that are created by humans, that create functionality in our society, right, right? And when a ritual is perpetuated and when it is done on a regular and continual basis, it builds something right? So I wanted to talk about rituals today, because we are going through some wild and crazy times, and I think I've been saying this every day since 2020 actually since 2019 is when I started seeing the shifts and changed and how everything in our society had been shifting and what actually fell away during that lockdown were a lot of people's rituals that they had taken on and the rituals that they were doing based on religiosity, based on programming, based on what someone else told them they should be doing. So when we were in that space of isolation during 2020 we started questioning differently. We started looking at things differently, and a lot of people started waking up to themselves, but then when they woke up, all of the things that they had been doing as ritual didn't feel right anymore. Didn't make sense and but they didn't know which direction to take and what to do. And so I think about that when I think of our society as a whole, but I always think about it with our youth, because the youth, they aren't buying into the programming that we brought into that we bought into growing up. They think differently, they believe differently. They came here different. And I believe that they are the true game changers for the next they're the ones who you know. You can't just tell them something, because I said so, and them to do it. They have to know within themselves that it makes sense. That is something that our generation struggles with that's another conversation for another time. But getting back to rituals, I wanted to talk about that, because when you are building business, when you are building life, when you are building family, when you are building you, which is the most important notice I put that you last, because I want to make that emphasis. When you are building you, it's important to create rituals that are sacred to you, rituals that belong solely to you, and rituals that exact change within you. So what

Unknown Speaker 4:57
if the ritual that I used to do. Do does not work.

Unknown Speaker 5:01
So I love that you asked that question, because we are constantly evolving and changing, expanding and growing, okay, right? So with that understanding, nothing is meant to last forever, we are constantly meant to change, address the change and shift in that change, right? So if you have an old ritual and it's not working any longer, nine times out of 10, that's the universe telling you that you've outgrown that ritual, and it's time for you to shift into something different. We are so fast to externally look for solutions when there's a problem, right? I'm not making enough money. I need to go find another job. I'm not, you know, happy in this relationship. I find somebody. Go find another man. I find another woman. Find me. You know, another partner, Mother partners for some of our people out there, right? But internally, we want everything to work the same, and we don't ever want to evolve within. But as above, so below the so below is our internal. We have to work on the internal first for anything to shift on the external. With that stated, it matters about what rituals we take on, because we shouldn't be dabbling in just anything. It's about you finding what your ritual should be and not make it about the external, hmm, and it's hard for us because we want to attach ourselves to everything. I'm not saying that religion is bad. I think it's a beautiful thing, but I also recognize that it sometimes take us away from our true self, purpose and ritual that we should be doing to to grow closer to the Divine and our divine selves. So again, when a ritual does not work any longer, it's because you've outgrown it. Because you've outgrown it.

Unknown Speaker 6:51
Wow, that's interesting, because I think about it, getting married, you go to you have a ritual when you do different things, join different groups. There's some type of ritual in my you know, when you go take office, because election season is coming up, there is a ritual. There is a ritual. There's something that you have to do to say that for this period of time, I'm going to do this when you, you're pledging yourself to, well, yeah, when you, when you join a police force, when you join the fire department, there's a process that you have to go through, some oath of office or something that you have to do. It's a ritual. So

Unknown Speaker 7:28
for those out there listening, I want to ask you, what rituals Do you have, and are there some rituals that you are constantly and are actively participating in that you've outgrown? And if so, what are you doing about it? Well, you've

Unknown Speaker 7:42
been listening to the growth and grace with Tiffany Lloyd and I am Leah Crawford, and we are talking about rituals. And some of them are very simple rituals. When you get up in the morning, what is the first thing that you do? Do you grab your phone first? Are you the type of person that you know, you lay in the bed and do a breathing exercise. Do you jump up? Don't want some work up. No, Jump up, get dressed and walk out the door. What is your morning? I call it a routine, but I guess it could be those

Unknown Speaker 8:13
are rituals. Our rituals are your rituals. What do you do that you do on a regular and continual basis? So my rituals are open my eyes. And first of all, I look around to make sure I'm still on Earth, okay. And then I start speaking to my higher self. I also start clearing energy and calling back my energies, because I do believe that we travel when we're sleeping, and I believe that aspects of ourselves can get caught up in other realms. So my personal ritual is to call back my energies, to call back my power without attachments, and then I speak to my whole Ori, which is my higher self, and I call in things for my day. And it's my way of praying before I even get up to meditate, because that's a whole other ritual. But there's things that I set in motion that when I don't do them, my entire day is different. For the last two weeks, last week, we talked about journaling. So I have been endeavoring to open my eyes, make sure I'm still on schoolyard Earth, speak to my higher self, and then journal.

Unknown Speaker 9:21
How'd that work out for you? So

Unknown Speaker 9:23
we're keeping it real here. I did not get every day in,

Unknown Speaker 9:26
but how many days you get in? I

Unknown Speaker 9:28
got in, I think I missed two days. Okay, so I got in four. Okay? I did four. I missed two days. And what's interesting is, before I went to bed last night in my because I'm praying and meditating before I went to bed, and it shifted. Things shifted while and I when I woke up, I could feel like things were different. I could not wait to get to my journal just to start getting it out. And it felt so good. It felt so good. So for those who did not listen last. Week, what we spoke about was waking up in the morning and journaling, and we tasked ourselves with the three day, the three page mind dump. And what you do is, before you do anything, you mind dump everything onto three pieces of paper before you start your day. And it doesn't matter what it is, it's whatever comes top to mind, any emotions you're feeling, anything that you're stressed about, anything that you just feel like you just want to get out. And even if you don't have anything to say, Whatever comes to mind, say it over and over and over again until something comes different. And you do it for three pages. Now, what does this do? It clears your energy for the moment, and it starts you start your day clear, rather than with all of that stuff that you that's at the top of mind. You've gotten it out. And there's something about writing it that is magical. And so we tasked ourselves with doing that. And and Lama, I remember

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Lamont said that he was gonna get a small book. We're gonna get a small book. We're gonna see what Lamont, we're gonna see what Lamont. Come on, wait to see it. Did he get a book message today? Did you get a book? I

Unknown Speaker 11:09
was gonna text you guys on Tuesday, but I was like, No, I want the surprise of all. I want to talk about it authentically, right, right and organically. So with that, did you find anything different when you journal? So I was

Unknown Speaker 11:24
on VA, I was on vacation, and I was in a place where we were talking about that. So yes, I did. What I found was I had a lot, I have a lot of stuff going on in my head regularly, but when I was able to write everything down first thing in the morning, it was a dream I had last night. It was just some thoughts that were running through my head, but when I went to bed the night before, and interestingly enough, I did it and then I went on a hike for two hours. Nice because that's where we were at a place where we could go on hikes. So on the hike, I was clear when I went to meet the other participants for the hike, and the conversations were organic and different, but I didn't have the other stuff at front of mine. The noise, the noise, yeah, the next day I did I did it while my four days was while I was away. Okay, so I did it all four days. When I came back, I came back into mayhem, but was able to get stuff out. And one day I did like you said, I just wrote the same thing over and over again, over and over again. I was like this. All you could like this, all I got that's all like this, all I got. And I think I want to do it again. Let's try to get this. Oh, let's keep going. Let's keep it all what

Unknown Speaker 12:42
ends up happening once you get past the oh, I have to do this. I have to do this. And you're literally in that space. I love how you brought up dreams, because a lot of times when you're writing out the dreams, that's when the clarity comes about what the dream was about. When you allow it, but you when you're dumping. You're not constantly drawing on, you know, all these other thoughts. It's just coming out and it's flowing. So that allows your spirit, man to actually speak to you in a different way, just through your journaling, right?

Unknown Speaker 13:14
And not the fact that we're writing, because it's something about writing, as opposed to typing, something absolutely allows the energy. So,

Unknown Speaker 13:21
you know, in the in the spiritual world, they say that I'm writing with a pencil, the lead is, it's different than writing with a pen, because the lead is an or, you know, an organic type thing, an organic substance on the actual paper, which is an organic substance so you connect funny. So this yellow, yeah, this yellow pencil

Unknown Speaker 13:46
is so funny, is full of pencils and never understood why. I never got rid of them. So

Unknown Speaker 13:51
literally, this is a spiritual practice, writing with a lead pencil on to paper, rather than with pen, and rather than typing it out, typing it in the notes of your phone, or typing it on your laptop, you know, on your iPad or whatever it is, led to pen to

Unknown Speaker 14:12
paper. So it's so funny, I just pulled out a number two pencil. Remember the old yellow number two pencils? I carry those around with? Why use it with your journaling this week? And see if there's a difference, see if there is. Thank you. And I have a sharpener in the house, so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna and I have a whole basket full of pencils. I do. I have a whole basket full of pencils. That's wild, that's why. And never, I just it was never crossed my mind, you know. And I purged the house several times, never, never even crossed my mind to get rid of the pencils. You see, I have a whole pencil case. Whole pencil case. I know, I know, but I love it. So what about like, morning routines? Because what I learned this weekend also was to get up in the morning and go outside in nature first thing.

Unknown Speaker 14:57
So one of my things, yes, I. Girl with country mentality, I guess because I do have chickens in my backyard, and so in the morning, part of my routine is to grab my coffee, go outside in the backyard, muddle around, but that is literally when Spirit starts speaking to me, and it's when I'm feeding the chickens, when I'm watering the chickens, you know. And how many chain ups are young, okay, first of all, only have two. Okay, I'm in the city, so I can't have I could actually have up to four, okay, but we lost some in the heat waves, so we have two. And so what do you do with them when

Unknown Speaker 15:40
it gets hot.

Unknown Speaker 15:41
Well, because the of the enclosures that they're in, it's pretty isolated. It's under one of our palms, and we have these these tarps over it, so it stays cool where they are, okay, but got too hot. I don't know if it was that or it was the fireworks, because it happened on the evening of the Fourth of July, and they, when they get scared, they run behind the tree. And the ones that passed away were both behind the tree the next day after the fourth of July. So Matt and I, have you know, surmised that it was probably they had heart attacks and died because but it was crazy, because they were my younger ones. They weren't older, but they literally the day of the Fourth of July. So I have two, and unfortunately, because it's been so hot, they've stopped laying for the summer, they won't start. It's cooling off now, so they'll start laying again. But I've had to buy eggs for the first time in forever. I've had them since 2017 and I've never, I don't buy eggs. And now we had to go buy eggs because they're not laying right now because of the extreme heat. So that's a whole thing. Did you have to learn how to take care of the chicken? You have to understand my strange husband lived on a farm. He grew up on a farm. He taught me, oh, wow, yes. So no, he and his family grew up on a farm. So, you know, he used to slaughter chickens, um, as a child. So he actually, you know, he taught me what I knew about chickens, but, yeah, he was shocked that I wanted them, and I didn't know why I wanted them. But when I tell you when the the lockdown happened and I had all those eggs and people, people, I was giving them away at one point because I had so many eggs, um, and it makes a difference. Like, it's a clean they taste okay, they taste different. It tastes different, especially when you're baking, when you're when you're baking, you can taste the difference. And you're like, What is this? What's so different? No, it's the eggs. It's the egg and that Irish butter. Yeah, but yeah, but that's part of my morning ritual. I go out and I commune in my little nature backyard and but then I also have, for whatever the reason, I have to come in most days and sit and just close my eyes and center myself in a different way. And that's another thing for those who are new to meditating, and I would love to have a segment on that, and to actually do an online meditation for one of our shows. Oh, I love doing those. But what you need to understand is meditation looks like many things. It could be your morning walk, it could be the journaling. It could be you're sitting in the backyard or walking around with your coffee, or, you know, speaking to a loved one. Meditation looks different every time you do it. Don't get into the space of believing that you always have to be sitting in Indian pose with your hands in, you know, up in the air and meditating that way. That is programming. Meditation is just you disconnecting from this realm in whatever way that you choose to so that you can go inside to get clear. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:48
because I meditate, it's so funny, because I cook now, Tiffany,

Unknown Speaker 18:51
I heard you told me that I do. I really. I heard you say it before. I didn't believe you don't believe.

Unknown Speaker 18:58
No, so I it's therapeutic for me chopping up vegetables. It's very therapeutic for me. And what I find is I get into a zone while I'm cooking, and I'm sitting there and I'm like, Well, who is this? And I look forward to it. Absolutely. I look forward to it. The smells, the aromas. Stop using as much salt. I use rosemary.

Unknown Speaker 19:22
So speaking of rosemary, my way of meditating at the end, like the end of a hard day when I'm stressed out, like today is going to be one of those days, because when I get back, it's going to be me dealing with some computer issues on my end. At the end of the day, what I like to do is I make my bath elixirs. I feel orders, and it's something about me mixing those herbs and smelling the herbs, and you mentioned rosemary, that goes in everything except for my road opener, but mixing the herbs, rosemary and lavender, yeah, that goes in all of my elixirs. Rosemary and lamb was the two of them went and sage and sage and all of the things. Can't give away too many. How

Unknown Speaker 20:05
about Jojoba? Did you use JoJo butter

Unknown Speaker 20:08
for making Body Butter? Butter? Bobby Okay, and for my hair stuff, but I don't use it in my a little bit. I actually make another oil for that. That's Rosemary based. But

Unknown Speaker 20:21
I did not know. No. So Rosemary tastes

Unknown Speaker 20:24
good, absolutely. You can buy it. You can eat it. You can buy I always suggest to people, instead of using sage, because everybody thinks sage is the clear all be all. Sage does clear out energies. It's not demonic, guys, I have Indian heritage card holding. I can tell you it's not demonic, but it just clears out the energy. Rosemary clears it and balances the energy in your home. I dry out rosemary on a regular basis and burn it throughout my home when I'm walking through it, clearing out energies and praying, setting my intentions. Rosemary does so much, and it tastes great on a steak.

Unknown Speaker 20:59
So it's so funny, I'm gonna tell my son today. So you know you should be all clean on the inside, because I have rosemary Jew every day, yes, and almost everything we eat.

Unknown Speaker 21:08
Yes, you can boil it down and you make you can make Rosemary water, but you don't know if you can. If you use purified water with rosemary, you it works as an eye mist as well to clear out good from your eyes and all of all of the craziness, I use rosemary. I use rosemary in everything. I cook with it. I use it in my elixirs. I bathe in it. Like the rosemary is everywhere. Yeah, you use it on my hair. Like I have rosemary water on my scalp right now. It purifies things. Look up your herbs. Guys, utilize your herbs, and I'm not talking about the ones we smoke. I'm talking about the ones that are just everywhere, because this earth is created with herbs everywhere, and we look at them as weeds, and they literally are things that help and support us. There's this old wives tale that weeds, weeds that grow around you, like in your yard, is what God is sending you for, what you need. So you know those little apps, they have to take pictures of what you know, what a flower is, what a weed is. I would take a picture of it guys and literally look it up, because if it grows out of somewhere, out of around your home and out of nowhere, it's usually something that you need in your system that you're not getting, and it's the universe talking to you. Hmm, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:28
I never thought about it like that, because I just kill them all. Well, I don't have them anymore. We figured out the yard thing because we weren't doing stuff right? And, but, wow. But rituals, yeah. What are your rituals? Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 22:45
what are your rituals? Guys, think about that, and then think about whether or not you need to change some rituals, because what like we talked about earlier, you may have outgrown them, and if you've outgrown that ritual, then there's something. It's time to make room for something else. Don't clog your energy with things that no longer serve you, because what happens is you block the flow of newness coming in.

Unknown Speaker 23:10
And that is something though. How do you let go with love? Oh, that's

Unknown Speaker 23:13
a process that's a

Unknown Speaker 23:16
whole nother show within itself, not only because letting go is one thing, but you don't have to let go, or when things are no longer what they used to be

Unknown Speaker 23:26
with anger, you the mature way is to let go and love. But what I've learned that it all goes back to you. When you love yourself, you operate differently. And we think about self love, and we think, Oh, I love me some me. And do you love yourself enough to let that partner go in love and to not hate them? Do you love yourself enough to not move around, you know, in suspicious ways? I'll just call it suspicious ways, you know, manipulative ways, things that we say are innate to our being. Do you love yourself enough to be more than that? I think we have a tilted version of what self love truly is. That's

Unknown Speaker 24:10
a whole nother show. Write that down. Let me just write this down. It's a whole so that I have it so we I'm gonna use my pencil so we have we're gonna do a self love.

Unknown Speaker 24:20
We're gonna do a meditate, a show on meditate, meditation,

Unknown Speaker 24:26
and what else.

Unknown Speaker 24:28
Which one we're gonna do first. So I can be we can

Unknown Speaker 24:30
talk about it. Okay, so self love meditation. And

Unknown Speaker 24:36
if you're out there listening, let us know some ideas that you would like to know about self care and self love. What's the number that contact us at 70238257377023825737,

Unknown Speaker 24:54
and we'll work on the other stuff as we go. But you are listening to growth and grace. With Leah Crawford and Tiffany lore. Until next week, hopefully Lamont will be here with us so we can see how his journaling went, if it went, if it went, if it went, but until next week, peace and blessings Las Vegas, have

Unknown Speaker 25:15
a beautiful weekend. Bye. You.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Rituals of Growth and Grace: Reflecting on Personal and Societal Practices for Identity, Well-Being, and Self-Love
Broadcast by