Xan and Jonathan Discuss Personalized Skin Care, Treatments, and the Launch of Affiniderm

Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I was the last time, baby, we back,

Music 0:23
we back and we back and

Leaha Crawford 0:37
we back and we back and we back and we back, we back. Happy, happy. Saturday morning. This is Leah Crawford, your host of growth and grace. It's Saturday morning, 830 I hope you are up. I hope you've exercised a little bit, no touch the toes or something. It's been in we're in our third, fourth week in January. I can't believe it. January is flying by, right, right. Well, today in the studio, I have with me. Oh, you guys have heard them before, and had to bring them back, because they bring such amazing energy. And today we're going to talk about skin, my favorite. Skin, my favorite. All right, welcome Zane. Welcome Jonathan. Welcome to

Overlapping Voices 1:27
the show. How are you? We're good. Thanks for having us back. Thank you. I

Leaha Crawford 1:30
wanted to bring you back because you guys had Tiffany said it was such amazing energy the last time you were on here.

Xan 1:37
Oh, it was, it was a good round. It was a good round. Oh, we love coming down here and doing this. I mean, every time it's just, it feels like a pump up session, you know, like we're all just gasping each other to do it yes, to

Leaha Crawford 1:48
get back out there and work to come back, yeah, and get nurtured. And get nurtured. Yes. Pour into those pour into those cups. Let's pour into those cups. Yes,

Jonathan & Xan 1:55
ma'am, I love that skin. It is, it is my favorite subject. Why is it your favorite subject? You know, I refer to skin as being beautifully disgusting, and if you think about it, that's pretty a really good, accurate description of what it is, the fact that it is our largest organ that holds everything in. It protects us. It keeps us hydrated, it keeps us balanced. It literally keeps us alive. And we have the ability to make it better. And to me, that's what's fascinating, is that we can nurture our bodies. We can improve the state of the skin by environment, diet, skincare, all the different things it's all revolves around self care, which is my other favorite topic. And

Xan 2:38
the thing is, we all have skin, but everybody's is different. Yep, like, just as what works for me doesn't mean it's gonna work for you. Doesn't mean it's gonna work for you. So again, it's it's a fascinating subject, but it's also disgusting, because, again, there's some things

Jonathan 2:53
that happen that we don't always love talking about, but to me, these are the things that that we need to talk about. Be aware, take the fear out of them. Make a more common subject matter, which I love, social media for the DR Pimple Popper and all of that grossness that people see. That is my jam. That is my jam. So again, I'm here to talk about the stuff that we don't really want to talk about.

Leaha Crawford 3:15
Well, let's talk about it, because you said some things earlier, just in your first, in your intro, talking about the skin, the good, the bad, the ugly, yes, let's start with the ugly. I have ugly skin.

Overlapping Voices 3:32
Now, what? What makes it ugly to you? Huh? I like that. I like that because I hate that word. You hate that word. You got to justify that to me. Okay, so what makes it

Leaha Crawford 3:40
ugly? So I love my skin. I love the skin I am. Yes, I love the skin. Yes, yes. But some people have so they might get break out easily, or rashes or pimples, the skin is not smooth, right? And they might think that it's not attractive. Yes, what do I do in those instances? Well,

Jonathan 4:05
first off, that's exactly why I do what I do is because I want people to feel attractive. Yes, our I always say in the morning is that first look in that mirror, that's how you start your day. So if you're not happy with what you're looking at, then let's change it. And we have the ability to change it,

Xan 4:22
and that's the thing. It's one of those things that's simple and little to identify and fix or address then, by all means. But if it's something deeper, then we start here and we help you get to that next level.

Leaha Crawford 4:38
Well, do you Okay? So do you think that it's all a mind game? Then, unfortunately,

Xan 4:42
I think it goes hand in hand. Because the thing is, we, like he said, that that's the first thing you do. You look at yourself in the mirror, and if you're not happy with what you're looking at, it starts affecting this. Yes, if

Jonathan 4:54
you have, if you convince yourself that you're unattractive, then there's nothing that I can do as an esthetician. In or even a makeup artist to change that if you feel that way about yourself, that's deep rooted. So that's where love to just really start that conversation with yourself. Is in the morning, you have that raw moment where you are just out of the shower getting ready, and you look at yourself in the mirror, whether you're brushing your teeth, whether you catch a glimpse eye contact, if it's more than 30 seconds, you can really, truly understand self love. If you're not even giving yourself 30 seconds eye contact, you're kind of avoiding a subject. And it sounds to me like there's some insecurities that can happen, and skin can lead to a lot of insecurities. As you said, imperfections of the skin. People suffer from acne, cystic acne, rosacea, all elements of the spectrum can really affect what you see in the mirror. And if, if that's what hits you first, you're going to take that to heart. It's my luxury, and I love to say that is to be in this position to help eliminate that frustrated moment that you might have and truly see past all of that, because all of this stuff on the surface doesn't last. There's stuff and that we can do, such as diet, exercise, skin care, even alkaline water, the simple things that we can just add, we can change a lot of what our skin gives us. We don't have to settle with what our skin gives us. We can change it. And I love that. And to me, skin is is where it's at. We as a makeup artist, for 30 years, I loved covering the skin with beautiful colors and all of this to make somebody feel beautiful, when in reality, I'm not really doing you a service. I'm creating a mask for you to be comfortable in. And that's not who I want to be. So yes, I still love to do makeup, and I love help educating and I teach makeup classes, but when it comes down to it, the skin is where the beauty lies, and if we're covering it with all of this extra we don't have an appreciation for it.

Leaha Crawford 6:53
It's so funny because I look at my son, he has the most beautiful eyelashes. You

Overlapping Voices 6:58
gave them to him and skip me,

but you gave them. I gave them to him. Yes. And beautiful

skin. You gave him that too. Yeah, children, for some reason,

Leaha Crawford 7:08
children have beautiful skin. What happens to us when we get a little bit older? That change like babies have beautiful skin. Yes, please tell me, come on the

Xan 7:22
environment. Environmental damages is the free radicals, uh, literally, the smoke. And we're talking about cigarette smoke. We're talking about, yeah, all this stuff, all this stuff like it literally, as time goes on, our skin starts to show what we've been doing

Jonathan 7:38
well, and we've been eating so many things that it processed. Our body doesn't like that, so we have created an irritation that we can eliminate by just changing certain elements of our life.

Leaha Crawford 7:49
So basically, just changing your diet,

Jonathan & Xan 7:51
that's a start. Literally tell when someone's dehydrated they're not drinking enough water, just by certain certain little Yep, tells because act. If you want to talk about acne, that's two different levels. You can either have dehydrated acne or over oily, stimulated acne, trying to understand the difference. We're treating one for the other, and we're not knowing how to properly treat your acne. So again, as he said, Everybody's skin is different, and it always heals beautifully. That's what we have to remember. The skin has that gift. I was one of those who had overactive, oily skin as a kid growing up, I had horrible, horrible acne, cystic, you know, doing that's oily sister. Oily cystic is also the ones where it's underneath the skin. Right underneath the skin becomes bumps and yes, like oils and stuff, yes. And, I mean, I used to get them all over, like body acne and stuff. So, really, so you were bumpy, yes. So again, when you sit there and say, I feel I don't like my skin, or I feel a texture, that was one of those things, and it started in junior high, and it didn't stop until I was in my 30s. So literally, you want to talk about a mental and emotional drain, or right, right, you know? Because, again, I'm one of those people. I wouldn't look in the mirror and see me. I'd see my hair. I got good hair, you know, I'd look right past this stuff. Why? Because it was problematic and it didn't make me feel good. Well, that's why, being in this situation, I love that I'm finally in a place where I can give back and say, You know what? That's not living and that's not loving yourself, and that's one of the things that I say. If you're not coming and visiting and doing these things for yourself, you're not giving yourself Self Love. So

Leaha Crawford 9:29
giving yourself Self Love, self

Jonathan 9:31
care is not selfish, and we have to make that a priority. And even if it's just one hour with your esthetician, if it's not me, somebody, you need to have that moment with yourself and truly unwind. Let somebody else fill up your cup. We kind of mentioned that filling up cups it really takes a village to make sure that we are all balanced. And if you give yourself at least one hour out of the month to truly dedicate to rejuvenation, regeneration, hydration. And things, things that truly matter, treat your body. It'll treat you, right? Got it? Yeah, yeah. And skin care, skin care, skin care, skin care,

Leaha Crawford 10:09
skin care

Jonathan 10:10
truly the essence to do your homework before and in between your sessions. All

Leaha Crawford 10:14
right, so let me ask you this, so worst case scenario, I can afford an esthetician. What are some things that everybody can do daily to help take care of their skin.

Jonathan 10:25
Well, the easiest thing to do is start drinking alkaline water. Okay, not just regular bottled water. Smart Water is great, but alkaline water truly helps the body balance itself. It's pH balance and pH balance, Yes, yep, that's the easiest transition that you can really give your body a quick little thank you is by just making sure you're drinking at least eight of those eight ounce glasses or bottles a day. But alkaline water is going to work with you most of the time. We just pee out a lot of the excess water that we're drinking, and it doesn't do the body the hydration or the detox that happens. And if we give the body what it needs at night, it will flush through, and we can start fresh every day.

Xan 11:06
So that's the first thing you can trick your body again. We were talking earlier how we have our vices. One of mine was soda.

Overlapping Voices 11:13
I love me some soda. I used to love Pepsi. Now I can't even drink

Xan 11:17
Okay. Well, now I'm drinking these Pro and prebiotics. There's a prebiotic called Poppy, and they have all the different flavors and stuff, four grams of sugar, wow. And it helps with gut health, yep. And that has gut

Leaha Crawford 11:31
health is another one. Yes. Gut health is another Yes.

Jonathan & Xan 11:35
And that will affect your skin. Yes. It truly will internal organs. Yes, when you're not happy, your skin is gonna show she gets angry, and this is hard to be able to treat her with TLC. They say you are what sweet and literally, the skin is gonna tell on you. And the

Leaha Crawford 11:50
thing about is, that's what we learned as children, right? Yes, you are what you eat from your fingers, from your head to your feet. You know? I remember, I remember those commercials. There's

Jonathan 12:02
a lot of unfortunately unhealthy habits that we've created, generational habits we've now learned with, you know, the milk not always great for everybody. You know, there's certain things that we were trained as kids and that these youngest generations don't, that can't deal with. And it's a true understanding that everybody's different. So you

Leaha Crawford 12:22
really have to take the inventory of your body absolutely and monitor, you know, look at what you eat, listen to your body, see how your body reacts,

Xan 12:31
and if you don't like you said, you don't have access to an Aesthetician or something, you do have a primary care physician. You know, we all have to have insurance and everything else in this country. So start talking. And I'm honest, I'm

Jonathan 12:42
always available on social media. And no matter if you're my client or not, you can always ask me certain questions. Okay, what is your social so we are at now with our rebrand. Oh, well, let's talk. Well, let's look

Leaha Crawford 12:54
rebrand. Yeah, cuz y'all been busy. We have, we have. So what's going on with the

Jonathan 12:58
RE Well, rebrand with our last inspirational podcast that we did. It was such an amazing eye opening experience for us, because we truly are on the next level of elevation with our brand. And that came to us with a really great friend of ours offering some personal and business advice. And it looked like we were in our mom and pop stage, which I was very proud of, very proud of, because you started absolutely but you know what? We are all about, advancing and growth and elevation, and our brand deserve to be a part of that growth with us. So we are now. We are no longer desired couture house of beauty, which, but that will always hold a spot in my heart, but because of our love and our passion for skin and our growth, we've elevated our brand to affined Herm so

Leaha Crawford 13:45
afinider, yes. Afinider, I love it. Oh, I love the way to say that, too. Affined, you need a commercial. Call me. Yeah.

Jonathan 13:53
You know, new skincare line, possibly franchise, possibly elevation is happening. And so afinoderm for us truly became a moment of recognition for our brand, as well as personal levels. We recently elevated our lives and some marital status

Leaha Crawford 14:12
and congratulations

Jonathan 14:14
and our brand elevated with us. So afinoderm truly is the new baby, exactly. So afinoderm.com afinoderm on all social media, is where you can find us. And I'm here to help. Again, you don't have to be my client just to ask a question.

Xan 14:29
So if you're in the southwest Summerlin area,

Leaha Crawford 14:31
right, right, right, right. So what I like is, you rebranded afinoderm, let's, let's dig into that. Yes, so that we can dig into why afinider?

Jonathan 14:41
Well, again, it came down to my love for skin. When we were talking about our current name, it was not hitting the scale of success rate that we were initially excited about. We thought we were doing a little bit better than it was, and we were advised some great advice on the side for our business. Name it brand and logo. So everything got created for us. We've got a beautiful new logo. It's a representation of Zan and I coming together our two favorite colors, symbolically embracing unity. It also represents an elevation on a corporate level to our brand. Because we are going places, we are going to be franchising. We want to grow this brand. The level of service that you get at afinider is not going to be duplicated, that is for sure. But I do want our brand to reach more people, to reach

Leaha Crawford 15:30
more people, absolutely. So you wanted a name that could reach more people, and a philoderm is, it's one word,

Jonathan 15:35
it is, and you know, one word, it starts with a so anytime we're introduced on a panel, we are the first ones. I

Leaha Crawford 15:42
like it absolutely. Affinity for for the

Jonathan 15:45
dirt, for dermatology, for dermis, you name it. It all embraces for the skin. Affinity for the skin truly rings through my passion. I see you

Leaha Crawford 15:56
just lit up. You just you can't see. You couldn't even see how you just lit up. Skin started glowing and started popping. Lights started popping off at his temples, and that

Jonathan 16:04
it's a great feeling to have a passion and have a brand that represents me as well as us, coming together and growing. So our brand is forever changing, forever growing, and that's who we are. As gentlemen, I

Leaha Crawford 16:16
love it. So with afinider, are you still offering the same services we

Jonathan 16:21
are, but we're offering a new elevation and more services. Okay, well,

Leaha Crawford 16:24
let's talk about the services you currently provide. Let's see where we get we

Jonathan 16:28
we offer fantastic facials. You know, everybody loves a good facial. We offer micro needling for advanced treatments. We do laser treatments. Yes, that was micro needling. So that micro needling is where we take a device, and we really do create baby trauma, controlled trauma. Control trauma, because that's how we renew the skin. Is through trauma. Because if you think about it, when you scrape or cut your hand or knee from falling, it's going to regrow skin, yes. And sometimes, depending on how bad you did it, it actually is going to be really smooth skin. Yes, brand new. So if we think about controlling the level of trauma on the face, we can regenerate new skin cells where we need to. Can we just do it all over the body? We sure can. Okay, I do stretch marks, absolutely scar reversals. So we've helped women who have had breast cancer surgery, and I've reshaped areolas like it's amazing what we can do. It is amazing what we can do. Again, you don't have to live with everything that you don't want to. But again, some of my ladies find these scars beautiful, and I always want to make sure that we don't remember

Leaha Crawford 17:31
this is remembering Absolutely you. My

Xan 17:33
clients lead that conversation to me. I never tell them, No, whatever, no is, is a correction. Our saying is, stay beautiful Absolutely. So that is that what makes you beautiful is going to make you stay beautiful. We just want to help you elevate it all right? So whatever it is that you feel like you know what? My skin's a little too dry, okay, let's hydrate it. Let's hydrate or or if you feel like you know I'm my pigments a little off, let's give you a THC peel. We do laser address so many different but

Leaha Crawford 18:01
that's why the relationship is then important, absolutely coming in, and you had to

Jonathan 18:04
feel safe too, because if, because you don't open up exactly, if you don't feel safe, you're not going to tell me all the things. So we're going to miss out a huge piece of our conversation and our journey. So we have things to offer that if we're not having that conversation, I don't know, to offer, see,

Leaha Crawford 18:19
and we all, and all that was from micro needling. So, yes, micro needling and what else. And then

Jonathan 18:24
again, laser rejuvenation. We can tighten the skin through laser. We can get rid of pigment through laser. We can really, truly elevate a face lift without downtime through laser.

Xan 18:34
We can basically do so many steps before you want to go ahead and take it to Botox and injections, and then to the next step. However,

Jonathan 18:41
we offer that too. We we do. So we do. We do whatever your level,

Leaha Crawford 18:46
whatever, wherever you are, whatever

Xan 18:48
stage you're at, wherever you

Leaha Crawford 18:50
are, we will, we will meet you there and take you to where you want to be.

Jonathan 18:53
One of my favorite things, though, if I can, is our new IV infusion therapy treatment. What is that? Talk to me about that. So we have the luxury of working with an amazing medical director who has the ability to work with your insurance. She can actually run your labs, find out what your body is in depletion of so zinc, iron, any of the things that our body needs that we're not producing of, we can actually create an intravenous cocktail for you. So you sit there for about an hour with an IV put a little facial mask on you while you're there, just to have a little rejuvenation too. And we're taking trying to elevate

Xan 19:26
that experience as well, because it is a new service that we're adding, but we want to add on to do more elevation, so that way your time is being utilized to its max. And

Jonathan 19:34
if you can't come to us, we are now offering mobile IV therapy, all right,

Leaha Crawford 19:39
so with IV therapy, and I like that, because you're getting someone that's licensed absolutely is getting your to see where your body is. Yes, and

Xan 19:48
the best thing to tell you that treatment itself is best for right before you're going to travel. So that way, when you go and travel and you come back, you're not sick. We don't get sick. We've been to Mexico, we've been to Canada, and. And international times have not come back, no, no, because we got

Leaha Crawford 20:04
how many times. But think about it, how many times? And I've asked the listeners, how many times have you gone somewhere? You come home and you have a cold, coughing, you couldn't eat, right? I mean, couldn't drink the water, you couldn't eat. You come back and you have to take you a couple days to get it together.

Xan 20:22
Yeah, being able to come right back and jump right into the the swing of things and bosses

Jonathan 20:27
aren't that forgiving. Once you come back from a vacation, your vacation is done. So if you don't feel good, you don't feel good. So no,

Leaha Crawford 20:32
because I even have some friends that that when they plan their vacations, they always add in three or four days afterwards, because they have to recoup absolutely before they go back to work. Is it the vacation? They call it the vacation from the vacation? Yes, yes, you're saying that with this IV treatment, it

Jonathan 20:48
does a prevention of possibility of getting sick. You can add vitamin C, you can do biotin and keratin for hair and nails, collagen, anything that we can really think about, we can improve the skin and body's immunity through IV therapy. So

Leaha Crawford 21:01
let me ask you this. Then when you come in and you said that appointment takes about an hour, but she asked you first I had to come in and get the pre work done to get the labs, yes, because

Jonathan 21:11
if we do work with insurances for IV therapy when it's needed, so she will definitely want to make

Xan 21:16
sure she can even do this any D. I don't know if you've been heard of that. That's

Leaha Crawford 21:20
celebrity. So let me say no. Okay, so you're gonna laugh, because I just took it off my phone. I went to GNC to get the NAD, yes, and I actually the it was NAD keratin. And there was some a third one that we were was

Jonathan 21:36
it bio, 10? I think it was possibly, because it all kind of works together. The NA, it's all

Leaha Crawford 21:40
in my cabinet, yeah, um, because I was sitting, I was looking at, what am I supposed to do with this now, okay, got it. And

Xan 21:45
that's the other thing through education that we found out that Ivy is the most potent way of getting it. Okay, comes the powder. Like, the least effective is gummy, yes, okay, don't bother with it. So whenever you have anything, but you're really not getting

Jonathan 21:57
the benefits of that supplement. Okay, so

Leaha Crawford 21:59
I have the pills, yeah? And that's I have the pills. I think you have to take it every day. Yes, it's a daily Yeah, take it every consistency is consistency is key. So with the IV treatment, though, because I have a few girlfriends that say that they, instead of taking vitamin C every day, they go once a month to their doctor's office. Yep, and that's

Jonathan 22:16
it. Again, a lot of our clients do choose to come in for that. And again, the vitamin C immunity boost that we can get through IV cocktail makes you feel fantastic. One of our estheticians was down for about six days because of what's going around. Dehydrated at all get out. She did IV therapy. Was back to work the next day. It's you're not 100% but you do feel enough to continue making through it throughout the day. No,

Leaha Crawford 22:39
because I, like, I was explaining to you guys earlier I started juicing, and the gentleman, he comes on a show that was making my that was doing the juices for me, and I asked, like, you wanna know what? I didn't drink them one day, and my energy was drained. Why is that? He said, Because he put these herbs in the juice. And he was like they were flushing out your lymphatic system and the toxins. And he said, you notice the difference? I said, I did. I said, so minimum, what do I need to do every day? Because it was natural. Absolutely it was natural. And

Jonathan 23:15
you even touched on another subject that I love, lymphatic drainage. I offer that in a facial removing all of that lymph fluid from the face will allow that puffiness to subside. We can really get the circulation going. Mobility in the neck, all of that lymph happens everywhere in the face, included. So we can do full body work. We can do face work. We can truly help you revitalize and rejuvenate yourself. And with

Xan 23:38
that one we we tell you to come in, especially if you're gonna have a photo shoot or a special event, because it literally gives you a snatch jaw line everybody.

Oh, and it's look at me again.

Jonathan 23:51
It helps with that confidence,

Leaha Crawford 23:54
and it's natural, yes. So we're not adding anything, we're not cutting we are not doing anything. This

Xan 24:01
is literally a little emphatic company cupping machine that he has, that he uses, that he throws in with the facial. It

Jonathan 24:06
just really, truly allows for your

Leaha Crawford 24:08
I'm not asking the question because my mouth just dropped open, because when we talk about beauty, a lot of us look for all the makeup. Yes, I gotta have designer clothes. I have to have covering it. We're covering it instead of really digging in. Because everybody is beautiful, everybody, everybody is beautiful. We need to learn how to take care of but one thing we were given this body learn how to take care of,

Jonathan 24:33
confidence is the most attractive quality anyone can have, and that starts with that look and the eye contact you give yourself every morning. I love

Leaha Crawford 24:39
it. Can I get a telephone number absolutely,

Jonathan 24:42
absolutely so our, our business number is 72590081501, more time, 925, or six. Excuse me, 725-900-8150,

Leaha Crawford 24:58
and a webinar. Yes, and the website is,

Jonathan 25:01
website is afinaderm.com, a, f, f, i n, i, D, E, R, m.com,

Leaha Crawford 25:06
and I love it because that means nobody else have it. Had it before you got it. It didn't have to put the LV behind it. No, okay, did we do all the other stuff that comes with and we'll talk about that off the air. We'll talk about some other

Jonathan 25:19
stuff too. So we'll sell our skincare. Yes, yes. Okay, so let's talk about the skincare line. Yes. Well, we are. We have the luxury, as we said, we elevated the brand this year, and that means an elevation in who we are and what we sell. So we've been a retailer for SkinCeuticals, which is the number one medical grade brand of skincare globally, and it truly is in all of our treatments. However, we have the opportunity to meet with some chemists this year to possibly see about some afinider skincare. Afinider skincare, yes, I can't say too much, no,

Leaha Crawford 25:51
but I'm going to, as soon as you launch, we will be in here with,

Jonathan 25:56
oh, just, we'll bring product in

Leaha Crawford 25:58
so we can see all skin types. Yes, absolutely

Jonathan 26:03
everybody has skin, and we all deserve fairness, and we all deserve to feel beautiful, and we don't discriminate at skin. And that was when treated all

Xan 26:10
these things. I grew up here in Vegas. This is my home, and I grew up on the west side Washington. And MLK, look at

Leaha Crawford 26:17
you, look at you, look at you. On, he said, The west side, and you got to be amazing

Xan 26:21
though, baby, J Street and Monroe.

Leaha Crawford 26:25
I'm gonna give you what

Xan 26:27
they do over there, right, right. So again, I when Vegas was small, yes, yes.

Leaha Crawford 26:33
When Vegas was small, we had ended at Decatur, right? Tenea

Xan 26:37
was like, wait, wait, oh, my God, that's for fancy people. Be a rainbow. What is a rainbow? What is that? Yeah, but yes. So I grew up here. I've been around everybody, everything I've did you go to Rancho? Absolutely. I went to Madison sixth grade center. Like, I'm I'm that I'm that guy. You're that guy. Yes, which Junior High did you go to? Which one? Del h Von Tobel you went to? Von? Okay. I went, yeah. So how about elementary school? We're doing elementary hearing, okay, yes, yeah, of schools,

Leaha Crawford 27:11
no. The thing about it is, because a lot of people, I mean, because we're here now, and Vegas has a bunch of high schools, yeah, back then they only had six. Yes, they only had six. So you only went to one to six schools. Wow, you know, and it was a smaller community, and they took care of each other. They really took care of

Xan 27:29
they did. I unfortunately, went to El Dorado for one day, and that was that one day that they had that kid shot the first day. And then you said, Mama, no, no, my aunt, my aunt. I grew up with my auntie. She said, No, but Rancho was closer. It was, that was back when they had the weird zonings and everything else. Yeah, yeah. They had the west side, yeah, the west side was zoned. Well, again, when I went to Madison, I would walk, but they would bus kids that were scheduled for our zone, for del h, and then we're gonna go to Clark for high school. And I'm like, what? So, yeah. Again Vegas,

Leaha Crawford 28:02
you gotta love it. You gotta because it Yeah. Make that make sense? Yeah, because we talk to people. But go ahead, I

Jonathan 28:07
wanted to address all the fitzpatrics, which is our skin levels. Yes, for those who don't understand, every skin level, from your most fair, pigmented skin to the most beautiful, deeply melanin infused skin, we have everything. Oh, melanin is beautiful, and some of us aren't blessed with it, so we treat it with respect in our house. And everybody deserves to feel beautiful. And again, I customize even your basic protocols that we do follow for everybody, I customize and tweak it to make sure that your skin gets what your skin needs.

Leaha Crawford 28:38
All right, so if your skin needs, if you know that you have some skin needs, yes, the Phenom, 725-900-8150, that again, that's 725-900-8150, Zen, Jonathan, I want to say thank you. Always a blessing when you guys come in and you can talk to us about this large organ that we should be taking care of Absolutely. And I want to tell you guys, I met them, and we were talking at West Las Vegas Art Center. I love the energy. Just love the energy. And you will too. Again, you're listening to growth and grace. I am Leah Crawford. That ends our show for today, I will see you next week. We're talking about personal development next week, so we bring your books out, because Jesse and Lisa are going to leave us with a bunch of nuggets until next time bye. You have a blessed weekend. Stay Beautiful. Stay Beautiful. You.

Xan and Jonathan Discuss Personalized Skin Care, Treatments, and the Launch of Affiniderm
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