Behind the Chair: Jonathan and Xan of Desired Couture on Navigating Business Challenges, Expanding Services, and Personal Rituals

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the user opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I was

Unknown Speaker 0:23
the last time, baby, we

Unknown Speaker 0:26

Unknown Speaker 0:37
we back and we back and we back and we back and we back and we

Unknown Speaker 0:44
back. And I was the last time Good morning you're listening to growth and grace with Leah and Tiffany Lloyd. I'm Tiffany Lloyd, the soulful, intuitive, and today I have the pleasure of interviewing Jonathan and Zan of desired couture. I'm so excited to have a fellow Gemini and a Leo in the studio today. How are you guys doing? We are beautiful and fabulous this morning. My love feeling blessed, same and same. So we're going to kick this off and we're going to start talking about the business itself. I'm so excited. I told them not to tell me anything I wanted to know. I wanted to know fresh out of the out the gate. What? Tell me about your business. We love that natural excitement, so desire couture house of beauty. We established it in 2018 we have two sides of our business. We have a mobile hair and makeup business, which we have been doing basically ever since we've met. And then the esthetic side has come into our portion of our business as of 2020 so we are. We run a medical esthetician clinic as well as mobile hair and makeup. So cover all things beauty, from start to finish, whether you need a photo shoot, whether you need a facial, whether you need some kind of wellness advice, we are here for all of it. And I think the best thing is is I get to do all this with my best friend and my now fiance, so you guys have been in business, in totality, for how long? Well, we've been together 20 years. Our business started in 2018 and then, like I said, the esthetics came on on 2020 so we're just constantly making elevations with our business. So my questions, I'm actually gonna throw out the regular questions and ask you Tiffany question, I love this. I'm a spiritual life coach, right? So everything goes back to intuition, Soul reasoning and all of that great stuff. So tell me what inspired you to start your business. Well, definitely it started with a conversation on the couch. It was one of the first couple years we were getting together. And my makeup is my background is makeup. Okay. So Zan, unfortunately, did not grow up with the makeup side, but he did have sisters, and that actually allowed him to start being creative with hair. Only boy in a house full of all females. Okay, okay, so as a makeup artist, I always need a good partner for hair. And we got to talking. He's like, Well, why don't you get back into makeup? You've been taking a hiatus, and So, long story short, we really did. And he's like, Well, I can do some hair. And that's basically it kind of started that way, and is elevated into a beautiful business. We get hired out for corporate events. Bridal is huge for our business. We do a lot of weddings. Here in Vegas, being the wedding capital, we also do billboards. We've done HBO movies. We've done special effects and special effects. Oh, yes. So anything creative? So one more time, give me a rundown of your services. Yes, okay, so hair and makeup.

Unknown Speaker 3:37
Check, we see it sounds so simple when you just say hair and makeup, but it's hair and makeup for all occasions. So let's go full extent. You can do everything from bridal so you can get that bridal up, do the half up, half down, this, that and the other. But if you're having a girls night out, so you all got pink tickets, or Lady Gaga tickets or Janet tickets, and y'all want to just do it, we have you covered, yes, but then say, you you got corporate head shots. You've got something coming up. We can do corporate headshots, but then say you got, you know, a gigantic full on marketing billboard thing that you're doing. We got you covered there too. And then say you've got a commercial where you need special effects. We got you covered. Yes, this is so good to know. I It was back in March. I had a photo shoot for a website that I was building for my online platform. And while it was a beautiful photo shoot, and it was like impromptu, because my actual professional person just ghosted me, right?

Unknown Speaker 4:33
But it was in my home, yeah, and so to hear that you guys are mobile, oh yes, and you guys are right up the street,

Unknown Speaker 4:42
I put putting all this together. We also teach makeup as well. So I change up your wine and canvas, and we do a different kind of Canvas. And so we'll bust out the wine, we'll teach you how to paint.

Unknown Speaker 4:54
Yes, literally, he makes you look airbrushed and you're not all right. Quick plug. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
That'll people get in touch with you. So you can reach us at our website currently, which is desired couture,,

Unknown Speaker 5:07
or you can also call us on our business cell at 702-205-0569.

Unknown Speaker 5:12
You can text or call. You can actually come in for complimentary consultations, whether it be makeup or whether it be for esthetics. And of course, you can reach out on any social media platforms, Facebook, thank you for that. And what's your handle? So it's desired couture HB is for the makeup side, and desired couture Med Spa is for the esthetics, or dchb med spa on Instagram, yes. So we have different platforms. We were talking about that in the lobby, a little bit the social media aspect, and I want to come back to that. But let's get into some meat and potatoes about how you run your business in this stressful day and time like we all know that. You know life is different. Now, ever since the pandemic, nothing has been the same. You know, the things that we used to do one way. You know it's different, absolutely and so how do you keep your business going? Your motivation going within your business, just to keep pushing? Well, I have the benefits of having a mastermind on my side, as you know, it's Gemini. Minds work absolutely you have that.

Unknown Speaker 6:13
He knows me. He knows what my strengths are. He knows how to run a business. He's actually created quite a nice reputation in his work career for other companies, and now he gets to do it for us. So we've got the entrepreneur bedroom, as we call it, whiteboard, whiteboard, whiteboard, personal goals, business goals, yearly goals, month to date, what we're bringing in, what was last year's numbers, all of the stuff that I learned in retail, I actually get to utilize now for our own business and maximize and really stay on top of our goals. And because of that, we're able to increase our goal and actually make it every year so and there's always some kind of diversified source of income. It's never all the eggs in one basket. Yes, thank you. And can we talk about that? Because a lot of people, they have a good season, and they're like, I'm gonna quit my day job now, because this is it. Can we talk about that a little bit, the ups and downs of that tell me a little bit about your experience with your financial ups and downs within both sides of your industry? Well, what's very funny is not funny. At the same time, it has been slow, especially for hair and makeup and stuff. This summer has been sizzling. People don't want their hair and makeup just melting off of them, so they did not call as much. But the Med Spa side, we did see a little bit of an increase, and people were doing a lot more self care. And we were like, okay, cool. So there was that checks and balance kind of thing going on there, but at the same time, we're out there networking, so that way we can see, oh, look, we've got another gig that we could book. And guess what, instead of it just being regular hair and makeup, it actually happened to be like a big billboard, you know what I mean. So again, you might have a good season, like you said, but you gotta remember, seasons change Absolutely, and we're definitely in a changed season. So we're all renewing how we look at our businesses. And so you guys were mentioning hiring, you know, a personal assistant, because why it's needed,

Unknown Speaker 8:15
we have elevated ourselves to this level now where we need the additional help, and we've actually been partnered with several new people in our lives that have made some magic happen. And I think the biggest takeaway for me was introducing ourselves and sharing our business with like, we love what you have, but we need you to think bigger. And I'm like, oh, okay, allow me, we've got that mentality where I, again, grew up around a lot of people who were like, Oh, you just dreamed too big. You dream too big. And I'm like, do I dream too big, or do you think too small? Coming from a fellow Gemini, I think it's the latter, exactly. And now I'm around other people who are making me feel like I'm not thinking big enough. And I'm like, oh, oh. So now I see an opportunity where I get to expand. I'm like, Okay, so tell me about some of your dreams of expansion. Well, I want to own my own esthetics building, and in the next year to two years, that's where our goal is. We work with an amazing NP who is our injector. So we get to do not everything from just facials, but we do IV infusion therapy. We do the semaglutide, the weight loss injection that everybody's loving. We my medical director runs labs for my clients to make sure that if you need something in your IV infusion, we've got it covered. So I want more of that. I want more wellness. I want more people able to come get our services where I'm only one right now. I want to have multiples with us, so that way we can reach more people on a bigger scale. So are your IV injections mobile? Not yet. Okay, those you come to the clinic and that's over off of Flamingo and Durango, but yes, you can always have a consultation with my medical director. She'll run labs make sure we get exactly what you need in your infusion. And it's flu season, so let's get on that infusion. I'm trying to give you something make it mobile as soon as possible. Oh, yes, because.

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Me on the books. Let me tell you this. So I have a get together in my house every Friday night, and my brothers come over and we we start about five, we end about five. And after that, we could use your services, right so if you came to the house, you'd have about five, six people right there, right there on a Saturday morning. Well, with part of our expansions, that is something that we have definitely discussed, and it is on the table. So yes, I love it absolutely. So we've been talking for the last couple of weeks about rituals, things that we start our days with, things that we end our days with, that keeps us motivated and functioning throughout the growth of our businesses. Tell me about some of your personal rituals that you do every single day.

Unknown Speaker 10:44
Go ahead, Jonathan,

Unknown Speaker 10:46
looking at you like he knows the ritual King, starting with my skincare. You know, skincare is huge in our rituals. So I remember watching my mother in the bathroom for 45 minutes before working, after work, just having a beauty ritual, inspiring herself, seeing herself in the mirror, creating that love for herself. That definitely is where I get my passion from. And so everything's a ritual. And being with somebody who, actually, I'm gonna throw you under the bus here, who's neurodivergent, his schedules and rituals are impeccable and pristine. So for me to be able to have that element with my creative, flighty self, I need that grounding. So our rituals actually become the same. So we start, we start every morning with a conversation. Get our day going. We we actually, you know, I do his skincare for him in the morning. That's part of my love. That's part of my gifts

Unknown Speaker 11:40
of service. Do not, do not, do not, let him tell otherwise.

Unknown Speaker 11:46
But yeah, so we share that, we talk about that. It gives us a chance to connect. I connect with touch, and that's exactly how I start my morning. And then every night we have our cup of tea, we are just communicating how the day went and what we're going to do and manifest for tomorrow, because, as you'll agree with me, manifestation has been a huge part of why we are as elevated as we are right now. You guys make me want to talk about 10 different things, and we can invite us back. Let's do this once a month. I am so down because another topic that I want to discuss is remaining present in your right now as we're feeding into the energy of our future, right? Yes, and the way that you just described your ritual of ending the day and manifesting for your tomorrow, but staying present is all I want to talk about right now, and it's the reasoning is, because we are so frantic, you know, and we are still looking from the outside in, right? And my entire goal as a spiritual life coach right now is to have everybody look inside, because this is where all the magic starts, absolutely right. So on to you, Zan, tell me about how you perceive your rituals. Give me something different than what Jonathan gave me. He said his love language is touch, right? Yes. So tell me about your rituals. My my ritual is definitely communication again, as he said, I'm neurodivergent, so there's a lot of things that I didn't I

Unknown Speaker 13:08
didn't understand growing up, I was considered very naive, and a lot of people took advantage of that, and it made me a tough person.

Unknown Speaker 13:19
But at the same time, I've learned, I've learned healthy boundaries. You know, again, that means applauding right there vacation. You know,

Unknown Speaker 13:31
mental therapy is huge in our house. I have appointments every month, multiple times. You know, because, again,

Unknown Speaker 13:40
what you learned is not necessarily the way it is, and it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be the way it needs to be for you, this is a beautiful, multifaceted world, and your way could be different than my way, but it doesn't mean it's wrong, and it doesn't take away from the beauty of your way. No, it does not as long as again, a meeting of beautiful minds and souls. It doesn't matter how we got there, that we got there, but we're here, right? And I love your perspective, because it's mine. It must be the Gemini.

Unknown Speaker 14:15
And I bought that ticket a long time ago, so

Unknown Speaker 14:18
I agree. Oh, it's so serious, because we are so judgmental in this world, and we always look at this this way is the right. This is the wrong, especially when you're talking about religion, upbringing, what we were taught, how we were programmed, right? And so what's wild is that we are awakening to the fact that I'm a beautiful soul, and my journey is not yours. Absolutely it's an individualized journey. And while we coincide together and while we connect, it's just to make it stronger. It's not for me to meld into you or you to meld into me. It's literally for us to walk this journey in our power and strength together. And I think when people find that beauty, which you guys have found.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
With each other, which I'm a little jealous. Okay, well, we'd love to share it because, literally, one of our sayings is no judgment, just Yes, just treatment. Is that? Is that posted in the office? It's posted on our social media. It's my tagline. It's we have that and stay beautiful. Two most impactful statements that you can say to somebody, Yeah, mine has always been, live your truth. I love it. Live Your Truth. I think I've heard you say that once or twice, yes. So let's talk about your passion and how you keep it now. Understood the both of you feed each other, right? So there's a daily feeding that comes from one another that helps you to fuel your passion. What are some other things that keep you passionate about the work that you do, honestly, the the journey that I've been on? Personally, I have a whole new circle of people around me, and this is the first time I've understood and felt nurture, support, understanding and a desire to want and in the positive way. You know, not want as an I'm going to take from you so I can get want as an I want that for you because I want to see how this is going to benefit the whole picture. So for me to feed that, because what you feed lives, what you starve dies. So I try and not feed the negativity everybody's got that and it's so easy to do. That's why everybody does it. They're called the 1% for reason, because they're doing the other things the 99% are not doing, are not willing to do exactly so I'm willing to take that harder, look at myself and realize I was taught some things, or I learned some things, and now it's time to unlearn them. So when was that moment of like, Aha, epiphany, awakening within you, when you realize that a, that's not my truth, my truth is something different. I need to search that out and B, setting those boundaries to be able to create that new surrounding of new people, and you know, the ones that you reciprocate with. You know, well, it was probably about three or four years into my debilitating, stress induced seizures that I had. I was having three to five grand mal seizures a day. I had fallen down the stairs probably about three times. Thought I broke my neck at one point, but literally, when I had a mini stroke and

Unknown Speaker 17:30
he I took over, he literally, basically died in my arms that way. But that wasn't the end of his story. The Universe knows that he's got so much love, so much energy to put out there that this was not the end, but it was a moment of clarity for him. It was one of those things where, again, you don't, you don't know why you're here, you don't know what you're supposed to do. You know, you know.

Unknown Speaker 17:53
But having somebody to trust so much easier. Why am I about to cry? I know he has that effect on people. Are No I finally know, like I said, support understanding like those things. And once you have that, it makes life so much easier and things just you're open to more when you have that, that stress of you know what I have somebody to back up, what I feel about myself, and that just means a friend. That means a brother, sister, a parent, whoever that is. For you, when you have that, you can move forward a lot easier. But when you don't, his passion, when you asked, Is challenge. If I could ask answer that for him, his passion is a challenge. He loves to challenge himself. I'm telling you, it's great learning for me, and honestly, the communication is the main reason I feel, why we've been able to stay together as long and actually incorporate a business together. So he's got so much passion in his life and his soul, the world just needs to see it all. I got a front row ticket. It's coming. It is so same question for you, what fuels your passion outside of Zion. So,

Unknown Speaker 19:04
I mean, my heart is full so, but no, I am the type of individual as we talked earlier, touches as how I connect. Yes, I love people, and as much as I get irritated with people, I still love being able to connect with people and help. I got into makeup because I saw friends struggling with acne, constantly covering up and just not feeling confident. Now I get to say, put that makeup down. Let's work on some skin. Let's work on some skincare treatments. I want you to see your face in the mirror, because when you see beauty, I see beauty, and that's how I thrive. I want to create a beautiful world. I just have this element of what I want and what is there and I want to try and fix. So my passion is always stemming from some form of interaction. You know, what is beautiful is that you guys are talking, and a lot of people you will connect with. And.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Yeah, they'll tell you about their business, they'll tell you about what they're doing, and you can't feel it. It's like just words and movement, and I'm just trying to make money. This is your soul work. You guys are doing your soul work, what you came here to do. And it's felt like my heart is full, and I'm sitting here like and it's not just because you, it's literally because I feel you. And that is what's beautiful. When you know your truth, you can create the most beautiful, beautiful thing, whether it be a business, whether it be a relationship, whether it be a partnership, whatever it is, beauty stems from truth Well, and that's why at our Med Spa, it's called a safe space. Yeah, some of the biggest compliments that we get is, oh, look Today I didn't wear any makeup, or when they fall asleep on the table, because they're so comfortable, comfortable and just enjoying their time. Wow. We love being able to create a safe space for people to come and rejuvenate. As you talked about earlier, we need to fill our own cup as well, because we're constantly filling other pieces. Yes. So take an hour a month. If that's all you have. We have a membership. You know, I'll make that hour worth your while. I will rejuvenate refill and give you that confidence that you need to take on the world for the next month, until you come see me again. You're listening to growth and grace with Lee and Tiffany Lloyd and I am joined today with Jonathan and Zan of desire couture. Tell us once more where we can find you. Well, we are 8879 West Flamingo Road, Suite 101, that is on the southwest side of town, right off the 215 and Flamingo. You can also find us on social media at desire couture, HB, as well as desired, excuse me, dchb, med, spa, and then Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok. We're always there. And then, of course, our website is www, dot desired tour,, and for those of you just tuning in, go ahead and tell me what your services are. Give me that breakdown again, absolutely. So we do have a mobile hair and makeup service where we come to you, we create that beauty in house for you. We actually can teach you a little trick while we're there. But we also offer everything from facials to micro needling to laser treatments to injections, you name it. On the beauty side, we're going to cover everything from A to A to Z. What's a phone number someone could call to get in touch with you? Did I not give that? I'm so sorry. 702-205-0569,

Unknown Speaker 22:30
that is our business. Cell. You can text or call that number, and if you reach me, please make sure you say I heard you on our podcast radio show. That is amazing. So

Unknown Speaker 22:43
we talked rituals, yes, we talked about motivation. We talked about we talked about passion, passion, let's talk about melding of your goals and your desires as your truths change,

Unknown Speaker 23:00
and as they did, yes, yes. So again, that's all a journey, and the journey has peaks and valleys. And when you're growing, and especially when your mindsets are not on the same level, you you have a lot of discussions, you have a lot of pouring into each other. Yes, you know, because

Unknown Speaker 23:22
understanding needs to take place, because confusion can be fed into and then you just get angry. And when you can't be afraid to have the conversations either. So how do you guys have those difficult conversations? Like, well, I have one up. I explained how he's neurodivergent, so he has no filter. When it is in his head, it comes out, and we have that conversation then. So I don't really get a choice on when those conversations happen, but they're gonna happen, but they're gonna happen. And I think after so long, we've got this just this chemistry and this vibe. I'm like, okay, he needs to be heard. I understand. I'm here to hear you, and I can tell now when I've said or ask something, because I can see his face. I'm like, oh, okay, maybe that get a look, right? But then he's like, I'd rather that we do have these kinds of discussions, yes, then you have it fester and, and that's where I'm like, you know, that's a regular relationship, yeah, you know, that's where people don't communicate and, and their stuff starts falling apart. I'm like, I'd rather over communicate even such a thing. It is a thing. We do it. Well, having a business with your partner is is definitely different, because you have to separate the personal from the business. And how do you do that? Honestly, day by day, challenge that we adhere to. But yes, the whiteboards that we have, they keep us online with what we're going to talk about. Anytime we get those brainstorming ideas, we'll write it down, and then we have that conversation when we're ready. But literally, it's a day by day challenge, having that and understanding that it's not always going to be a great conversation. But the thing is, we're going to fix something so it will be better next time.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Yes and just being truthful with yourself. So the whiteboard is definitely part of the ritual, oh yeah. Could not do this. And manifestation, yes, honestly, when you verbalize something as you know, yes, it's different than just keeping that into yourself and saying, oh, I want this for myself. When you tell the universe that this is what you want and you put your passion and your love and your truth behind it. There's no reason why that universe is not going to hear you unless you're blocking it exactly. And then we do that a lot. Yes, we do. The resistance is real, yep. And it's just because there's, again, this lack of understanding of your own power. It literally is we request and we surrender, and we allow the universe to bring it in, but we want to dictate how it comes in, when it's coming we can't I, and when I was in my brattier phrase of existence, I would that's still me,

Unknown Speaker 25:52
whatever Gemini side. But what I learned is that I always get what I ask for. High Five I always get what I asked for, but it's about me recognizing when it comes in, and recognizing it's not gonna look like I said it right? The universe is vast, and it's trying to do as darndest to get us what we're requesting. It's not gonna always look but it always comes, and that recognition, that gratitude, is what keeps it flowing in, yes, flowing in and giving thanks every day just is, is that element that we need to continue that beautiful connection and communication with the universe? This has been a beautiful conversation. I agree. You offend me this morning. You're amazing, loving you guys. So do you guys have any events coming up? We do this weekend. Actually, we get to do our annual black and white ball for a fan. It's the AIDS awareness organization. So it's a great fundraiser. It's it's basically Nevada's Met Gala. So Zan is our costume creator and designer. So we get some unique pieces every year, from cage dresses to creative couture masks. All the photos. Definitely gonna be like, keeping it out so that when you guys come back, I'm like, I'm this one yes, and then next year I want an invitation so I can come and hang Oh, absolutely yes, no, this year it's at the palms. So it's great we get to just networking is our thing, and that's how our business thrived. So this is one way that we get to show our creative side, getting some new clothes as well for this. Yes, well, and we also have a cover launch coming up. Yeah, tell me about it. Yes. Well, we got the cover of Q Vegas magazine. Thank you. We just did our photo shoot for that. Yeah, got the photos back there. Beautiful. I cannot wait. This is going to be happening soon. So just another way of we're gonna have a launch party once we get the date of the launch of the magazine.

Unknown Speaker 27:46
But I'm more excited about our wedding. We didn't talk about you guys.

Unknown Speaker 27:50
It's May 25 2025 you guys should have made it on the 28th that's my birthday.

Unknown Speaker 27:56
We're about the angelic numbers 52525,

Unknown Speaker 28:00
yes. Where's it

Unknown Speaker 28:03
gonna be? Well, we actually decided, after all of the venues, we're gonna choose something here in Vegas. So should, yeah, yep, we just, we want more of our friends. And of course, yes, you will have an invitation. It's just with us doing the weddings out here. I didn't want anything like, you know, the hotels, right? So we're, we've actually been blessed enough that we're able to look at some estates and see if we can make some magic. And I said Met Gala for our black and white ball, but it's also kind of the vibe for our wedding, a little bridgerton mixed in so there will be a theatric spectacle. My soul must have known,

Unknown Speaker 28:38
because I promise you, this is not what I was wearing today, and I got out of the shower and changed my outfit. You look fabulous. Thank you, but this is for you. Okay, well, the universe knew you guys are tuned in to grace, growth and grace with Leah and Tiffany Lloyd, I have had the pleasure of meeting two new friends today, Jonathan and Zan of desired couture. I look forward to watching and being a part of your journey. Oh, we would love to have you a part of our journey. Oh, my God, everybody we meet has just been impeccable to what we do, and we couldn't do it without people. And we love introducing people to the people that we know, because before you know it, like you said, we're all there together, and we're here today doing this because of Yes. This is amazing, the divine connection, Yes, agreed. And before we end, tell us how we can contact you, yes. So you can text or call 702-205-0569,

Unknown Speaker 29:33
you can go to our website at desired couture, or you can find us on all social media platforms, desired couture HB as well as DC, HB, med, spa and your phone number 702-205-0569,

Unknown Speaker 29:48
thank you so much for joining us today. Oh my gosh. You guys have a great, wonderful weekend, and tune in next week. Stay Beautiful. Stay Beautiful.

Transcribed by

Behind the Chair: Jonathan and Xan of Desired Couture on Navigating Business Challenges, Expanding Services, and Personal Rituals
Broadcast by