Embracing Destiny: Hard Work, Growth, and the Journey to Purpose

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even better than I was the last time, baby, we back,

Unknown Speaker 0:38
we back and we back and we back here, we back and we back.

Unknown Speaker 0:47
Good morning Las Vegas. Hey, Tiffany, Tiffany, you looking at me? I'm looking at you. Who talking? Good morning Las Vegas. Happy, happy Saturday morning. September 28 Can you believe it's September 28 I cannot. It's fall. It's literally like those memes September act like they got somewhere to be like, Where, where are you going? Down. It's gone. It's about to be October. It's about to be October. So if you're tuning in right now, you're listening to Leah Crawford and Tiffany Lloyd, and we're growth and grace. And this is a show where we're merging entrepreneurship, holistic practices and well being to create generational wealth inside and outside. Love, internally and externally, both spiritually and physically. Love it what's good to talk about today.

Unknown Speaker 1:39
We're gonna have a segment, an ongoing segment of conversations that make you go, Hmm, I like that, right? And today is going to be one of those. So you want to know who we need to get the on here, though, oh, Shaquan. Oh, we got to find a day. She's okay, yeah, we gotta work that out. I need to write that down. I'll just text it later, but I gotta remember, because I forget. Right? Go ahead. So today I want to talk about destiny.

Unknown Speaker 2:09
And I'm talking about it because there's different beliefs surrounding what destiny is, if it even exists, and if it exists, what does it actually mean? So I'm, you know, I always start with the question, when you think of the word destiny, what do you think of so when I think of destiny,

Unknown Speaker 2:31
so it's hard to say that I really believe in it. I think, because I think that you got to do the work, whatever it is, you have to do the work. And if you're destined to do something, I think the path is laid out for you to do the work to reach a certain goal. Does that make sense? It makes complete sense. So it doesn't negate doing the work, but it's just what you're exposed to, what you're around. You know you are where you are based off of past decisions or past exposures. And that's why, for me, when people things that I'm not comfortable with, or I don't know. I don't shy away from it. I walk through it okay, and just trying to see, okay. Well, where can this take me? Right? What can this do? You know, taking on new positions, reading books, opening up, you know, just wanting to travel like I've never been overseas. Want to go overseas? Okay? I'm destined to do so one day, because I'm reading about it and I'm manifesting it. Because I think manifestation and destiny go together. I agree. Okay, I totally agree. Great answer. Great answer. So in a word for the listeners, think about that for a moment. What does Destiny mean to you? And then do you even believe in it? So in one word, when I think about destiny, I think about fate, something that is fated to happen in someone's journey or on someone's journey. So if you believe you have a destiny, then there's things that are fated to happen in your destiny. But then the question remains, do we know our destiny? And I would venture to say, No, I think that destinies are revealed over time.

Unknown Speaker 4:13
It's like one of those things when the when, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear absolutely so when you are on your path to Destiny, or for your destiny, I do believe that it's revealed as you walk your journey. However, do we believe that destinies can be disrupted or we can be thwarted from our destiny Absolutely? And then the question remains, if there is a destined space for us to be, and will we always get there, or do we have to come back here, another life and complete it if we don't complete it in this lifetime? Look, these are all questions, but those are quite but that's but that's a valid point, though, because sometimes, like I look at people in your life so and I just had this, are people in your life for.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
A reason, a season or a lifetime. And a lot of times, you know, and when people used to say that to me, Oh, that's not but think about it, some people you come across are in your life for a reason, whatever the reason is, some of them, it's just seasonal, right? And some of them are lifetimers, and that could be family or friends. And what's interesting is, in that statement that you're making, it you never know what they are, never know what you never know but to be spiritually mature enough to recognize that, Hey, you, they were just here for a season when something comes to a conclusion, right? And sometimes it gets rocky because it's time for someone or something to leave and to so something else can come into your reality, but we're holding on to it so tightly that the universe, God Spirit, has to, like, forcibly take it from your grasp so that you can get to your next I believe that's a destiny at play, and a lot of in this season right now where we've having the eclipses and the Retrogrades all of this. And if you know astrology, you know that

Unknown Speaker 6:09
America is in its first Pluto return, right? What does that mean? It means that everything is being upended, right? Everything is being revealed, everything is being changed, everything is being shifted, but it's us as well. It's us as well. So we are in this space, and it's interesting, because everything is changing, and some of it makes absolutely no sense,

Unknown Speaker 6:32
but, but the thing about change is because I think about it, and sometimes when you know it's changing, you try to resist, but in all actuality, everything changes every day, even the most routine things, there's always a little change, right? And for me, it's like when people talk about being here, I love being in the United States, I do, and I think it's the land of opportunity. I mean, I think it's opportunity everywhere. Just Are you able to see the opportunity, and more importantly, are you willing to do the work? And sometimes the work causes you to sit alone, sometimes the work causes you to cry, to be tearful, and you don't understand why you're having to go through this. And dealing prime example is somebody buying a house for the first time, and just the emotions that come with buying a house, right? And all the steps you have to take to become a homeowner. And I hear people say, Well, I could never become a homeowner. And absolutely you can. Absolutely you can, if you are willing to do the work, even in this market where the prices are getting higher and people talking about interest rates and doing if you're willing to do the work. So I love how you made the analogy with being a first time home buyer and going through the steps. Because with all of the steps, takes a level of education that you may not currently have, base knowledge that you may not know, and so it takes you being in the right spaces, getting in the right rooms, getting with the right people, so that you can be educated on the process and people that are willing to share, because not everybody and I tell and it's so funny, because I remember back in the day and my grandmother saying, you know, somebody give you a recipe, but they don't give you all the ingredients. People now are willing to give you the ingredients, so I have to. So my grandma, rest your soul. Christine Thompson had a best friend. She had this famous role recipe, and nobody knew the recipe but her, right? And so her best friend, Alberta asked her for the recipe. And these are women who were like feeding the homeless together every week. And they were, they kicked it strong, right? So Alberta asked her for her, her roles recipe, and my grandmother gave it to her, and then she told the family. Alberta asked for my recipe, but I didn't tell her, right? Because she wanted to keep that to herself, right? She was not willing to share the knowledge of that recipe, because she's like, This is mine. I created this, right? But, but when you even when we're talking about, like, because when we're talking about just people and emotional well being, and talking about mental health, yes, and I want to bring a professional on here, but it's like, we think that we're the only one going through this. We think that, because when you're in that silo, you think you're the only one, and that's not the case. I know, like being an entrepreneur, and I wish we talk about our business and what our business is doing, but we and how our what products we're selling, we really never have conversations about sometimes it's hard getting up absolutely and going in there and figuring out what you have to do to be an entrepreneur. You know, what are the different aspects of it? And you can go to classes, and they'll talk about different things, and you'll get, okay, I got it. I got it. You get back to the office or get back to try to sit down, and it's like, okay, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Yeah, you know, what are the processes having that support is everything?

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Having the support is everything. But also it goes back to your previous statement, sometimes you have to be in the valley alone, and it's all for a reason. It's all for purpose, right? It's all for purpose and for Well, I know for me, learning to be alone and be happy was interesting, okay? Was very interesting, and was able to work through it. Able to work through it because being alone, being in your own head, because he you'll make up stuff in your head. And what I found is make decisions on reality, what I know to be true, not what I believe is going to happen, but understanding what is fact, what is truly happening, and what is stuff I'm just making up on what ifs So, how do we differentiate what's truly happening? Like you can look at a situation and say, Hey, I can't I can no longer afford my mortgage, right? And that's a reality. That's a fact, right? Okay, life has changed. I no longer can. I no longer can afford my mortgage, right? So going from not being able to afford the mortgage to Okay, what do I do now and having the solutions to the next? So the thing is, okay, so let's talk about, well, let's talk about that, because that was a concern for a bunch of people about 15 years ago, right? I no longer can afford this mortgage, and we had a lot of the foreclosures, right?

Unknown Speaker 11:19
Life happens, right, right? And what I was told a long time ago is, first of all, always have three months saved. And sometimes it's all you just say that no, you want to have access to three months. And it's hard to get there. It's not easy, but you want to get there.

Unknown Speaker 11:37
If I know I no longer can afford this mortgage, then I need to make a decision. It's time to sell this house. Okay, okay, it's time to sell. And sometimes we get emotionally attached to it. I'm not moving. I don't want out. And for whatever my children grew up here, whatever the reason is, and it's time to work, work something else out. You know, first thing is sell the house, sell the house, and be done. I mean, because that I can't afford it. This is not where I live or what some people do get roommates. So you looking at the practical, I'm looking at the spiritual. I completely agree. So what's the spiritual side of it? The spiritual side of it is finding out the reasoning of why you're here right now, right? Okay? Because what we don't want to do is repeat cycles. So yes, one of the solutions sell the house, that's the practical end of it, which I completely agree with it. But looking at the internal there's always a lesson in where you are and what you're doing, and how did you get there, so and how you get but sometimes we're in cycles that we don't kind of listen. Things will cycle until we stop the cycle, and then we move into another to create a different and a new cycle, right, right? And so people, they look at the situation and they're practical about it, and say, Okay, I can't afford this. Yes, I need to sell the house. But I promise you, if you sell the house without going internal to find out the why of where I am right now, I promise you, you're going to be in that situation yet again, what I can say is, what I found is when things aren't going right, and this is the craziest thing, when things aren't going right. In my life, I clean my house, so

Unknown Speaker 13:10
we're going to run out of time. But the next Ask, because I want to get back to Destiny, because you talked about cleaning your house. Destiny swapping, hmm. Destiny swapping is the process of people, places and things taking your energy that to move you from your alignment, so that you are farther away from your destiny. So if you're talking about people, and I have a story about that, because about a year ago,

Unknown Speaker 13:43
I was kept having these dreams about a friend of mine trying to take from me, right? And I didn't understand, like, what the dream meant. And it was not until this week, I had another dream about that same friend, about the situation, and I am explaining in the dream to another person that this person is trying to be me, and they're trying to take my destiny. And the person started shaking in my dream like, oh my gosh, you figured it out, right?

Unknown Speaker 14:14
When we talk about destiny swapping, it is people like, what is that? Because I'm sitting there, no one can steal my destiny. It is literally when someone wants to swap realities with you. And when you think about people, think about situations that you've had in your life where people are jealous of you, people who try to be you, they start clinging to you for whatever the reason, and then they start trying to act like you and duplicate what you're doing. And not in a mentor sort of way, a mentor mentee sort of way, but in a way of, I want to be this person. And sometimes they phrase it like, I want to be like you. It's you're my mentor, right? And a lot of those times people are taking from you. So they're taking your energy, they're siphoning your destiny, siphon and.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
People don't think this way. People are very surface and like, you can't steal my destiny. It absolutely happens every single day, because you can't steal my joy. I tell you that no, for real, because, honestly, because the thing about it is, is that because there are people that are energy drained, this goes energy drain that goes deeper than energy it goes deeper than an energy vampire. This is people who actually work with practitioners to be able to see what your moves are, see what you're doing next, to try to take that away from you and redirect it to them and see, and let me tell you what my and again, you can call it surface, because Tiffany, no, I don't. No, no, hear me out. No, hear me out. Because when I see that, and my biggest thing for people is, instead of you trying to do me, do you people? Do you know? And why? So there's always the reason why I say that is because you might okay say, say, you

Unknown Speaker 15:52
say, you, I'm on a routine, and you do that, and you try to figure out what, what my next move is. If you know my next move, my next move can change, because at the same time, I'm unpredictable to me, but that's because you know who you are, and the unpredictable ability in you is literally allowing the divine to do what needs to be done in your life. A lot of people aren't, and people are directionalists in their own interpersonal being. So when they're clinging to you, it's like, I don't know who I am. I like who they are. Let me get what they got. And it goes so much deeper than them trying to steal your man, them trying to, like, take over your organization. It's literally them taking what the divine has. And the beauty of it is it can only happen for a season, because it doesn't belong to them, but it absolutely it happens and it forge your your energy, because sometimes it happens for a lesson, but sometimes our ego allows these type of people into our sphere, because they feed us. They feed our ego. They make us feel, you know, we we love to be praised. We love it. We love that. As a human being, we love people to talk us up. But I'm telling you, a lot of people who do that, and they're doing it on continuous basis, and it seems like it's for no reason. There's always energetic reasoning behind it. It's called energy swapping, guys, and it happens, and it's more regular than we think and believe. And I don't, I don't doubt it, and it's so funny, because when I think people, because my kids think I'm goofy, and I love it because, and I tell them, the unpredictability is how I'm able to maneuver absolutely and the fact of and that's why I focus on me. And if it's uncomfortable for me, I don't need you in my I don't need you in my circle. I don't need you. We don't, we'll, we'll talk occasionally, right? And what I also learned is, as long as I stay on my path, things start coming into place. When I start doing other things, that's when things fall apart. That's when things fall apart, right? But as long as and whatever it is, whether you know and I, hey, you let people go and bless them, okay, go and I bless you. Be over there. Be over there. Though, be over there. You've been listening to the growth and grace. I am Leah Crawford and I'm Tiffany Lloyd, and we are talking about destiny, and what I mean, guys, just think about it. What is your destiny? And sometimes you it's, it's continuously unfolding, and you don't know what you want to know is, am I in alignment right now with my right now purpose? And asking yourself, what is my today's purpose? Because when we think of purpose, a lot of times, we're thinking of a lifetime, right? What am I meant to do in this lifetime? You don't have to think that big. What am I meant to be doing today? Where should my focus be today. That is your right now purpose, that is your life purpose in this moment. So if you are

Unknown Speaker 18:50
I want to give a suggestion for those of you who are wondering, like, how do I figure out where I want to go, what I want my destiny to be? I was gonna ask you that, if I was your client coming in and I'm like, Tiff

Unknown Speaker 19:04
I don't know what my destiny is, how do I even start to figure that out? So this is an activity that I love to do, and you don't have to be meditating to do it. You don't have to be praying to do it. What you want to do is sit with yourself and think of your life as a movie, right? You're the you're the protagonist in this movie. This is your movie. You're directing it. I want you to go through the movie of your life, right? And look through all the circumstances, and look to see how you see that life ending based on where you are, right now, right? If you don't like where you see your life going change it. You need to change it. And you can write a different ending. It's just that it that's just that simple. Just that simple write a different ending. But writing the different ending comes with doing the work. You're going to have to make moves to create differently. You're going to have to make different moves to be able to maneuver differently into this new.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Destiny that you are creating, right? So I want to challenge everybody to do that this week. Look at your life as a movie. How's that movie playing out? Is it a comedy? Is it a drama? Is it is it a dramedy? Dramedy? Is it a horror movie? Is it a horror movie? Is it a sci fi? Yeah, look at your life out and do you like how it's going? And look at the ending of this life as it's going in that movie, and see if you love that ending. If you love it, keep it. If you don't change it, it's time to change it, and then you gotta, and there's the opportunity to do to change it. Like I hear some people go on figuring out that they want to do something different and they want to go back to school. Go back to school. Go back to school, because it's never too late. It's never too late. You want to learn a new trade. Learn a new trade. It's never too late. You want to do something different. You can do something different. I love the stories of the

Unknown Speaker 20:56
people that are in their 60s and 70s, and they decide I want to go back and get my degree, something I've always wanted to do, and so I'm going to do it now. And nothing stops them. They're like, I'm going to do this before I leave this earth, another thing that I like, and I want to leave this with you guys, and I love it because it's a saying, Don't ever allow someone who is going to the dirt just like you direct the trajectory of your life. Do not allow them to control your maneuvering, because everybody's going to end up in the dirt at the end of the day. What will your story be? What's

Unknown Speaker 21:32
what is your story going to be? Don't let anybody intimidate you into doing things differently. Don't look at other people's lives and feel like my life needs to be theirs. Find your bliss, find your joy, find your happy and live in it and exist in it. That's where your power lies. That's where your power lies. And I that was heavy, Tiffany, that was heavy because that is where your power lies. Because once you find it, and it's a journey to find it, it's a journey to find it. And you might, you know, bang your head up against the wall a few times. That's fine, but if you're banging your head up against banging your head up against the wall, guess what? This time, maybe that wall's not coming down. Go another way. Try something different. A lot of times when there's a wall and it doesn't come down, it's because it's not your wall to break down. A lot of times when there's doors that you're trying to get open, or Windows you're trying to open, and you can't you really, really want this, and it's happened to all of us. We really, really want this, but it just doesn't seem to be happening a lot of time. It's because of your destiny, and you're not meant to go that way. And all the energy that you're expending trying to open this door and create an avenue here, there's a place of ease just around the corner that if you just looked in a different direction, the Divine is trying to show you which direction to go. I'll give you an example. Like, I know because I have my walk in crew, and what I love about my walking crew, when you pose a situation to them, they don't spend time in anger and confusion and what. Because she's like, why am I getting upset about it? You know, problem happens like, Okay, you wanna know what? Let's get to. Know what? Let's get to the solution, right? I'm not, because then if I get angry. Now I got two problems. I still have the problem that I initially had, but now I have this emotion that I have to work through in order to get to solve the problem. Sometimes the emotion is necessary, sometimes the emotion is necessary. But what I found is it's not the emotion that's the issue. It's the action that comes with the emotion, absolutely and feeling it, because you can acknowledge it. This made me upset. This is why this is a problem. Let me out, because our famous thing, let me unpack it, right? Unpack so when you mentalize it, it's differently for allowing your body to move the emotion through you. Because I promise you, if you don't allow the emotion, it's going to come back in a different form. Because we are energy. We are created to feel and to emotion. Acknowledge it. I acknowledge it. I need to feel this, hmm, write about what it is, but I still need to handle whatever it is absolutely and get into why am I feeling like that? So not to like, sit in it, right? But I promise you, if you don't allow it, there's something you're missing. I think a lot of times we we want to block off things, and we mentalize, well, this is what happened. And I understand, like you say, unpack it, right? And I understand this happened. I used to be that way, and I did not allow myself the emotions to feel because I knew what was on the other side. On the other side, no, but the other side to it is, and how I say you feel the emotion is. And I tell people, when you are going through a healing process and you start in a tear start coming, that means stuff is working, but you know that you're there when that cry comes from your feet, and you feel that energy come through your legs, your thighs, your stomach, and it comes through your throat, and it just it feels different. And when you get that, when you get that cry, you know you you hit something. You had a breakthrough. You had a break, break down, a breakdown. And I call mine breakdown breakthroughs. Yeah, I have a breakdown in the breakthrough.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
And then we move on. Then we move I just, I really, really believe that it's important to allow ourselves to feel emotions, process through the emotions, and then concoct the plan to move on. A lot of times my mind comes through when I concoct the plan and I sit, sit with myself in prayer and meditation, and then the clarity just comes just like that, but it's literally allowing yourself to be human, right? Sometimes we don't allow that. We just feel like I'm more than this, I'm better than this, and yes, you are better than this. But the emotion happens for a reason. The emotion happens for a reason. Well, it's almost election time. Early vote starts on October 1919, oh, October 19. Faith in Action has the the event at nucleus Plaza, and the address, and the address is 930 West. Owens, yes. So they have their their kickoff for Faith in Action also, guys, if you are not ready, if you have just moved here, please. Are you a Nevada resident? Please, register to vote. Register to vote. This election is pivotal. There are questions on the ballot. We have MS burner rose Ford coming in a couple of weeks to talk to us about the ballot questions so that we can understand what the ballot questions are. More importantly, you want your voice to be heard. Because I hear a lot of people saying, you know, my vote doesn't matter. Yes, it does matter, especially down ballot, because those elections are very, very close, and you want your voice heard. You want your voice heard. Take your time. Take the time to learn about the candidates, learn about their platforms, understand what the offices mean. Understand, you know, if you're voting for City Council, as opposed to a region as opposed to a Clark County School District trustee, you know, what are the different offices? What do they do and what do they govern? Because everybody has a purpose, and we want to make sure that we're holding them accountable. Like Tiffany said, hold them accountable to what they said that they would do in these offices. Because this is our community. This is our voice, our vote, and we're electing our representatives. So we will see you at soul to the polls on October 19. October 19 is from 10 to five at the nucleus Plaza, 900 West Owens, Las Vegas, Nevada. I will be there for probably about noon, because I probably have a sleep in session after well, not only that, though. So let me tell you what else happened. So on October 19, St James the apostle Catholic Church, and I'm doing this for my very, very my good friend, mentor, Miss Elavon Lewis, St James, Catholic apostle church, they're having their jazz it up choir concert. So they're going jazzes up and have a choir concert right around the corner on 1920 North Martin Luther King Boulevard. And it starts right after souls to the polls in

Unknown Speaker 27:55
perfect afternoon. You can go eat here, jazz, get some food, chill, register to vote, and just have a fun filled day with family and friends, fun filled day with family and friends. So until next week, guys, when we'll bring another amazing guest on. You've been listening to growth and grace. I am Leah Crawford and I am Tiffany Lloyd. Have a beautiful weekend. See you next weekend. Bye. You.

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Embracing Destiny: Hard Work, Growth, and the Journey to Purpose
Broadcast by