Demystifying Homeownership: Mortgages, Down Payment Assistance, and Financial Literacy

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a kunv Studios original program. The following program is underwritten by Crawford management group, Harris capital Mortgage Group, Tiffany Lloyd consulting and Chris glow, and does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jasmine Moore, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education even

Unknown Speaker 0:21
better than I was the last time, baby, we back,

Unknown Speaker 0:38
we back and we back and we back here, we back and we back and we back. Hey, y'all, hey, it's growth and Grace radio. How y'all doing today? Hey,

Unknown Speaker 0:51
Tiff, what's going on? But guess what we got the studio with us? Guess who we got? Y'all, what's happening,

Unknown Speaker 0:56
what's happening, what's happening, ladies. I'm well. I'm well, how both of y'all, we

Unknown Speaker 1:01
are great. We

Unknown Speaker 1:02
are great. If you are listening to growth and grace, I am your host, Leah Crawford and Tiffany Lloyd and Lamont Harris. That's our special guest, honey. He is here today to talk to us about money. Yay. We're talking about mortgages, mortgages,

Unknown Speaker 1:14
mortgages. And he has some great, some great information for us, for our right now time. So let's kick this conversation off. Oh, and we got another guest. Oh, Clarence, you thought you're gonna get away from the song. We have another special guest in the house today. Who are you, sir.

Unknown Speaker 1:32
My name is Clarence swoop. And you from Harris capital mortgage.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
He got on that. He got on that Cleveland brown shirt. Clarence thought we weren't gonna put them on the radio today. He's still here after the game on Sunday. He said he because he wasn't leaving. He said he had to stay for a couple days, you know, well, a week. So they, you know, so they can get themselves together. Well, they like Vegas. That's Vegas. That's what it is. All right. So what's going on with mine? I mean, housing market, yeah, mortgages, yeah. People need mortgages. People need money. Absolutely. Let's talk about it.

Unknown Speaker 2:09
Let's talk about it. Go. I

Unknown Speaker 2:10
like what you said. Let's take advantage of the right now, absolutely. Let's start right there. How do people do that? They're wanting to get into a mortgage, maybe their first mortgage, they're trying to refinance people that have never bought a house before, and they're like, how do I once again? What do I do? Because it's a lot. It's overwhelming.

Unknown Speaker 2:28
It is, it is it can be overwhelming, right? So I think the first step is for us to consult with a mortgage professional. That's step number one, step one. So step one is like, reach out to somebody like myself, right? Let me know, you know what you're trying to accomplish, so that we can line up an actual action plan and start working towards that goal of getting you into homeownership, right? So I really think that step one is taking that action, right? We talk about it a lot, right? You know, people talk, but what we're looking for right now is we're in a state of action, state

Unknown Speaker 3:04
of action. So people, and people do talk about it a lot, and you know, I want to you should buy, well, sorry, you should buy a house. And okay, well now I want to buy a house. I contact the mortgage person. What do I do from there?

Unknown Speaker 3:18
So from there, what you're going to do is, I can tell you what to expect, right? Okay, you talk to a mortgage professional. Mortgage professional is going to want to learn it's and bits of pieces about you in regards to your your finances, right, your your job stability, right? You're going to want to know, hey, are you self employed? Do you have an employer if you're self employed? Want to know how long you've been self employed, right? And then we also want to know if you're if you have an employer, have you been with that employer for at least two years, or do you have at least a two year work history? I think the bill just two different things, two different things. And I think they really get confused, because some people just automatically assume they disqualify themselves. Because they say, Oh, wow, I've only been working in my job for three months. I definitely wouldn't qualify wouldn't qualify. So I

Unknown Speaker 4:04
have a question, how do we dispel the fear, the initial fear of getting in contact with someone like you? People get afraid when you say, I want to know about your finances. How do you remove that fear from that person and make them comfortable with sharing their intimate life with you, which is finances. People are fickle about their money. Absolutely, absolutely. That's

Unknown Speaker 4:27
a really good question, right? And so I'm gonna say to all the listeners out there, I'm gonna say, Let's back up for a minute. Let's go back to when you rented that home that you're in right now, whether it's an apartment home or single family or townhouse, when you rented that home, one of the things that landlord and or property manager required is they required to see and validate the income that you were presenting to actually say, hey, I can afford this $1,500 this $2,000 it's $2,500 a month. Well, how would an individual know what you can or can't afford? Without validating that information. So, so step one is, you know, taking the taking, taking all those fears, setting them aside for a moment, and saying, Hey, listen, you know what? I'm gonna keep this as simplistic as possible, and I'm gonna give them the basic things that they're gonna need to just let me know where I am. And so because I believe that 90% of the folks out there that are wanting to become homeowners, I believe 90% of those individuals have the ability to do so, the only thing is they actually just need a actual plan to assist them in becoming a homeowner, totally correct. And so the 10% those are the individuals that weren't going to move forward anyway, right? So, so I very, I feel very strongly about that, because here's my take, even if you don't qualify today, I assure you, we can put you on a plan so that you will be able to qualify, whether that be three months, whether that be six months, but it there has to be a plan. I agree. And because, you know, it's old saying, if you don't plan your hunt, it's just a walk in the woods,

Unknown Speaker 6:09
hmm, okay,

Unknown Speaker 6:10
all right, if you don't plan

Unknown Speaker 6:11
your hunt, it's a walk in the woods. And some people just walk. They

Unknown Speaker 6:14
just walk. They just walking with

Unknown Speaker 6:16
no intention of hunting. That part, that part,

Unknown Speaker 6:19
and that's the reason why I say right now we are in a state of action. Because if there ever was a time to act, it is now. So

Unknown Speaker 6:28
Harris capital mortgage, can we get that contact information? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 6:31
So Harris capital mortgage is at 88844139301, more time again, that's 888-441-3930,

Unknown Speaker 6:42
all right, so I come to you. I am interested. I know my credit's not the best. Do you have ways to assist me? Because there's all these, oh, I can fix your credit that you know. Everybody to talk about this quick fix. Can you help me to fix look at my credit report to see what do I need to correct in order to qualify? Absolutely?

Unknown Speaker 7:06
So we have a team of individuals, and you know, part of their job is to do an assessment and to let you know where you're at, right? So like I said, if you're not there today, our job is to help you become qualified, right? So, you know, we qualify the qualified, but for the non qualified, we get them in a position to become qualified, right? So I think that is the difference in working with a team of specialists like us at Harris capital. So Harris capital, we are a lender here in Las Vegas, but we're a mortgage broker first and foremost, right? So are you a banker or a broker? So I am a banker, but I have the ability to broker as well, right? So very important to note, Harris capital has the ability to lend, but we also have the ability, if we don't have something that fits within the confine of our lending products, we have the ability to then broker that loan out to other lenders that might have something to support your situation. I think that's extremely important, because what happens is most consumers when they apply for a home loan, most consumers that don't have the knowledge of how all this works, most of us typically would go to our local bank and at our local bank, our local banks only to let us know whether we're eligible or not eligible for products that what that that bank offers, right? So we have to fit within the bank's confine of their scope of lending products. That's

Unknown Speaker 8:30
what makes your your business work, because most people don't fit into the most people don't. But what I do find now, well, let me ask you this, when you broker the loans, the loans normally get broker to the bigger banks. I mean, sold to the bigger bank, they

Unknown Speaker 8:42
get sold. So those, they end up servicing, right? Servicing? Yeah, so servicing different, that is right. So servicing means that's who you're going to pay your mortgage payment to, right? So, so what you want to do is you don't, most consumers aren't really concerned with who they're paying their payment to. They're concerned with, can I qualify? Right?

Unknown Speaker 8:59
Can I make that payment? They don't really care who they're paying, just as long as it's being made. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 9:05
Let me ask you. Okay, so I am a first time homebuyer, yes, that's a special group Yes, because it's probably the most intimidating thing you will ever do, yes, especially because the documents are as thick as one of those thick twiddle stick textbooks, and this looks like you're signing away, you know, like, I mean, it's just a clause for this clause for you. Like, okay, got it so how many more signatures? Yeah, I don't understand. But just knowing that when you get those keys, yeah, there's nothing like the feeling when you get those keys absolutely

Unknown Speaker 9:33
and go ahead, I'm sorry, no. So

Unknown Speaker 9:36
as a first time homebuyer, are there special perks? Because sometimes the barrier is the down payment.

Unknown Speaker 9:42
Yeah. So there are, there are some perks, right? So biggest misconception, and I'll throw this out there, because I get this a lot, I get asked, I'll get a phone call from a random stranger, and they're like, Hey, can you help me with the first time homebuyer program, right? And so let me be, let me be very clear, and say this. This, right? I've said it before. I'll say it again. There is no such thing in mortgage as the first time homebuyer program. It doesn't exist. There is no program called the first time homebuyer program. And what is NACA So? So? Well, NACA is a nonprofit, right, that provides actual process to get individuals qualified for 100% financing using FHA loan, okay, right? And or conventional loan, right? So they they help, and typically now, well, let's go back, since you brought up NACA, because NACA is a little different, because NACA actually specifically works with one loan servicer, and that loan servicer is Bank of America, okay, right? So, so that's that, that's nacas world, but, but NACA, they're a nonprofit, right? So they don't lend money, right? They have no money to lend you, right? And, and so that that's the biggest misconception, I

Unknown Speaker 10:56
guess. I guess it is. I guess what, what they're here, what we hear is, yeah, you get so much money for down payment assistance, because the down payment, yeah, a lot of times, is the barrier.

Unknown Speaker 11:06
So, so what you get is this, there's, there's specific things that you get in regards to tax breaks in certain HUD programs, right? So certain HUD programs are limited to first time home buyers. So if HUD has a product that HUD says, Hey, we got the Clark County Down Payment Assistance Program. Well, the clout the Clark County Down Payment Assistance program could be funded by HUD. Well, you know, HUD may have allocated X amount of dollars to Nevada, and then that money could be divvied up in certain counties, right? This county gets X amount. This county gets X amount depending on the number of households in that individual county, right? So, so that's where this comes from, this notion of first time homebuyer program, but, but essentially, yeah, you're using the word down payment assistance. And down payment assistance. The cool thing that I like about our company is that we don't limit that down payment assistance to first time home buyers, because I think down payment assistance should be offered to somebody that needs down payment assistance. You know, it doesn't matter if you're a first time homebuyer second time.

Unknown Speaker 12:17
Because, honestly, because when I look at the when I look at closing the closing costs, just the closing cost period, and looking at a HUD one. And because, you know, doing taxes, when people buy and sell properties, we look at, I'm looking, I'm like, got the real estate agents, there's 5% this right here is 3% then you got property taxes over here, and you have all these other set fees. It's a lot of money that's being transaction on that HUD one sure, you know, from your smaller deals to your larger deals, but that HUD one is is sometimes intimidating and complicated, um, but offering the assistance. How would someone so, if someone comes to you, yep, to purchase and they need the assistance? Yes. No matter who they you can offer the assistance, yes.

Unknown Speaker 13:04
So the cool thing now is we've actually revamped our program to not limit it to first time homebuyers. Okay? And not only do we do that, ladies, but just last week, we just reduced the minimum FICO needed in order to jump into this program. Previously, you needed at least a 600 FICO to actually be eligible for this down payment assistance. We've now reduced it to 580 wow, I got it.

Unknown Speaker 13:33
Okay, so you're listening to growth and grace, and our third host is actually here today in dropping firms. My name is Leah Crawford. I'm Tiffany Loy, and I'm Lamont Harris, and we are the host of growth and grace. Lamont is here. He comes in once a month because we wanted, we wanted him to be able to talk about purchasing a home, because that is the barrier for a lot of people. Because when we talk about generational wealth, property management, property ownership is one of those tenants. So how do we get to property ownership? Yeah, and then let me, well, let me ask you another question. Yep, I'm in the house and I'm having a problem paying my mortgage. Yes, what do I do? So that's

Unknown Speaker 14:16
a good question, right now, I need you to elaborate, because you're having a problem paying your mortgage,

Unknown Speaker 14:21
okay, so I just, I lost my job, okay, and the income that I use to qualify is gone.

Unknown Speaker 14:27
Okay. So, so what are my options? So I think number one, being a homeowner, you have options that you don't have typically as a renter, okay, right? So, so, so, one eye, one one option is to sell a house. That is one option. That is the benefit of real estate. The benefit of owning real estate is you actually have an asset, right, and you have to treat it as such, right? So, you know, a lot of times we get into these situations where we're upside down and it feels. Like we have a liability on our hands. And truthfully, that's what it is. If it's not making you money, it is a liability, right? So we treated the house when we went into the purchase, we treated it like we were gonna reward ourselves with an asset that was the goal, right? So then I have to ask you, since we've taken this on and we're treated as an asset, have we treated it up to the point where we lost that job. Because if we truly treated it like an asset, that means that we were making plays all throughout, in the event that something did go upside down, that we were covered now, if we didn't, because, like in a home, a home ownership situation, if you're in the house and you've lost your job, you have no income coming in, right? What would you do if you were renting? If you were renting, you would be out for the most part, right? And in this case, you actually have an out, but your out that you have is really determined based off decisions that you made up until that point where you lost your job. So that's a tricky situation, but what I will say is, most loan servicers that are servicing your loan, they don't want the house. They don't want it, but what they will try to do is they will try to put provisions in place to be able to assist you in maintaining that mortgage. But a lot of it is contingent on whether or not you can make good on things. Maybe they might want a good faith payment in order to get you on some type of payment plan or loan modification, right? Those are options that are typically there with servicers. But again, that's going to be a loan servicer to loan servicer case by case scenario. But what I will say to you is, you know, most people that are in that space, they've lost a job. They wanted to, typically refinance, but they're not able to. And so they have no tax returns, or they have tax them, they have no pay stubs to be able to requalify. So they're in a jam, and when, and typically, when you're in a jam, you don't think clearly, you don't you're panicking, right?

Unknown Speaker 16:56
Because you're because your your stability is shaken. So then my question is, do you provide ongoing education for your clients so that they can understand the importance of the maintenance of their mortgage and that investment moving forward from the time that they receive those keys and moving on?

Unknown Speaker 17:16
So I'll answer that by saying yes and no, okay, I'll answer it by saying no, we don't provide specifically ongoing financial literacy to existing clients. But what we do provide is we do provide financial literacy and workshops on a weekly basis, okay? And it's typically for people that are new to home ownership, right, that haven't embarked on buying that first home yet, but they're looking to learn.

Unknown Speaker 17:43
But I can tell you this, though, even in those classes, I found, though, because I am homeowner, yes,

Unknown Speaker 17:49
and you've attended one, I

Unknown Speaker 17:50
have, I have, I found, I found it beneficial, because you never know where the nugget is going to right. And I know for me, probably the best decision I ever made, but it was a process, and it was actually a three year process to get qualified, to get in the house, being self employed, because it was a little harder road. I'm

Unknown Speaker 18:10
glad you brought that up,

Unknown Speaker 18:12
right? The self employed? No,

Unknown Speaker 18:14
it was, especially when you're talking about 15, 1015, years ago. I mean, it's gotten better now, sure, because that was after the stated crash, yeah? So everybody, no, no, no, no, you gotta have documents, and we gotta see being self employed, wanting to buy, purchase that first home. What options are there for us? So

Unknown Speaker 18:36
being self employed or buy that second house, yeah? So being self employed or buying a second buying a second home without, without showing traditional income documentation, you would be applying for what's referred to as a non QM loan, right? And so and so. Today in the studio, I have my good friend out of Cleveland, Ohio, a very, very knowledgeable person in the non QM world, who's a part of our team in Cleveland, and I'm happy he's on the show with us. And so, you know, swoop, I'm gonna throw this to you, because this is, this is your space and and this is, this is where you Dibble and dabble, you Dibble and dabble in non QM. And most people don't understand the acronym, but, for clarity, non QM stands for non Qualified Mortgage. And so the difference between the non qualified versus the qualified is a Qualified Mortgage is going to do more what Leah was talking about, which is it's going to require traditional income documentation, right, verification, absolutely right. So those pay stubs, those tax returns, right? And a lot of our self employed individuals, they write off a whole lot, right? And sometimes they do it because it's, you know, it's traditional, I

Unknown Speaker 19:51
mean, honestly, because they can, they can, right? And because it's, I mean, but the thing that's a whole tax conversation, banks are

Unknown Speaker 19:58
not going to go off your. Gross, they're gonna go off your net. And most of those times, most of the time, your net is much lower than your growth.

Unknown Speaker 20:04
So Clarence, I got a question for you, right? So since you are in the non QM space, I know primarily you do a lot of non QM, and you do non QM commercial transactions, right? Yeah. And so because you do that, I know a lot of times I meet entrepreneurs. Leah, definitely, you know, you're doing their taxes. These guys are, they're wanting to get involved in in some transactions, but they don't know where to start. So, so, so Clarence, help us, walk us through, what is my QM? Yeah, well,

Unknown Speaker 20:36
like I said, like he just said, the non QM is really for the person who can't really show income or prove income, or have a situation like, we'll take the income from the property with those people, or we'll take, like, bank statements. Okay? So you can't go to a regular, traditional bank and say, Here's my two month bank statement. It's how much money I made in the last two years, right? Okay, they want to see two years. They want to see pay stubs. They want to see your taxes. They want to see everything. But with an IQ and iqm, the difference, I think, in the non QM is the property is half of your underwriting, your credit is like a fourth of your underwriting. So let me ask, and I believe the actual construction contracting that would be a forefront of it. So they underwrite the house first, then they underwrite, if you're able to fix the house, do what you say you're going to do in the noncurement world, because most of it is investment property, okay? And then they look at your credit. So credit is really not as big an issue as it

Unknown Speaker 21:39
is in the non QM. But let me ask you this, though, are the interest rates higher in the non QM? Short higher

Unknown Speaker 21:46
because the loan is a higher risk loan, right? So, so

Unknown Speaker 21:48
at a minimum, it'll be so let's just, let's, let's call at least two points higher than market rate, right? So if market rate right now on a conventional was seven, then be 9% right? And then

Unknown Speaker 22:00
everything you have to take in the factory, how many properties you have, what's your credit score and what your bank statements are actually looking like, because sometime they won't even ask you for your bank statements. So like I've done since these DSCR loans, okay, don't stop,

Unknown Speaker 22:15
because Wait, because now you can understand, because you get into something different. And i What is it? Debt service

Unknown Speaker 22:19

Unknown Speaker 22:21
We've talked about this, right? All right. We basically

Unknown Speaker 22:23
understand what this house DSC,

Unknown Speaker 22:25
because DSCR is, DSCR is interesting, especially for the investor that understands what they're doing, right, right? DSCR you, you get into DSCR. So, so,

Unknown Speaker 22:36
because, because, some, a lot of times, investors don't want you crawling in their business. That's why they write stuff off. And

Unknown Speaker 22:41
so let me ask you this, though, because you also says interesting, because you said residential and commercial, yes. So with commercial lending, what do you what do you look for? Because, okay, say I identify Building. Building is because we always fight about value. Building is supposedly worth half a million, let's call it a million and but the rent that they have been getting on the property is only call it 1500 a month, but the property's worth a million. How do you do that value for that property? Do you look at what it's valued at, or the rent that they've actually collected

Unknown Speaker 23:20
in a commercial you look at what is valued at, and then you also look at their rent roll. Got it so you want to see what that building is producing, or you want to see what that building has the potential of producing. Okay. Now, most of the time, if you're trying to get a commercial building and you're trying to fix it up, you need to have business plans, okay, okay, you know what I mean. So, like I said, credit comes last got it. You look at the build, and then we look at what you can do as a contractor, okay? Or your we'll see what your contract. How

Unknown Speaker 23:50
much money do you need to bring to the table on a non QM,

Unknown Speaker 23:54
non QM, most of the time, on a DSCR loan, 15% okay.

Unknown Speaker 24:01
Now, do y'all help with that down payment

Unknown Speaker 24:07
assistance? No, in that world, most of the investors, they are, like you said, because you got gap pretty much experience. So they have, they took money from the prior projects, and they

Unknown Speaker 24:16
got projects and you got lines of credit, yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 24:19
here's what you can do, right? So although there is no down payment assistance, right, one of the neat things that I like about our DSCR products that we have is we do have the capability of allowing you to use 100% of a gift, right? So you can use 100% a gift to qualify for that down payment as well as meet the reserve requirements. So reserve requirements and a down payment can both come in the source of a gift. You should be straight, right? As long as you have access to the money, then we can make the deal work, right? So

Unknown Speaker 24:52
that's very good to know. How do potential clients find you? Online?

Unknown Speaker 24:56
Yeah, so online. We're at Harris capital mortgage. Calm, so that's. I know it's a long, long, long website, but it is Harris, capital, c, a, p, i, t, a, l,, so Harris, capital, mortgage, calm, and

Unknown Speaker 25:08
that number, again, is 88844139301,

Unknown Speaker 25:14
more time. 888-441-3930, and I'm sorry, but can we get that website one more time? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 25:22
So it's going to be Harris, capital, c, a, p, i, t, a, l, Again, it's Harris, capital, see,

Unknown Speaker 25:33
and I love it, because we've had this conversation can go real deep about the investor side, but I think that that is a different conversation, because when you talk about investors, you're right. They're savvier. They understand the different sources you

Unknown Speaker 25:45
got. You have people that want to be investors too, okay, okay, and they

Unknown Speaker 25:49
need to understand that. Now, do you do classes for people that want to be

Unknown Speaker 25:52
invested? We do. We do so we do those classes as well. Those are once a month.

Unknown Speaker 25:56
He did. He did. That's why I wanted the the website, because they can go and surf and find all of

Unknown Speaker 26:03
yours. Can they sign can they find a class? Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 26:05
that class not on the website, but we will post that one up next week, because that class will happen the 17th of this month, so in two weeks. All right, so What are y'all talking about this time? So same thing, right? So obviously, you know, we, we've been a, we've been a preferred lender for PAD split. As you guys know, in the past, you've come to one of the pad split workshops. So you know, pad split, but also, also getting new investors into the space, right? So Clarence mentioned, there are people that want to become investors, and then, and then these guys that think they already are investors, but they just don't really know where to go, or how to, how to grow, right? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 26:42
want to be an investor. So I want to be, No, don't, don't stop. It's the truth. I want to be in. I mean, I do, because I have the house. The house has equity.

Unknown Speaker 26:52
Let's go. Let's go. And I can tell you

Unknown Speaker 26:54
the difference you being inexperienced. You gotta get your credit. Your first step is your credit okay?

Unknown Speaker 27:00
So which credit score needed? What is one investing coming in? I

Unknown Speaker 27:03
would say 660 but you could go down to 625, it depends.

Unknown Speaker 27:06
I don't have them issues. I

Unknown Speaker 27:08
got that we all we need, you know, we need

Unknown Speaker 27:12
to be an investor. Always wanted to be an investor. The

Unknown Speaker 27:15
first step, the first step

Unknown Speaker 27:16
for her, is sticking to what we talked about today, which is we are in a state of

Unknown Speaker 27:23
action, of action, right, action. So the thing for me is, because I am, well, you don't know, I am an accountant by trade, so I have a business, and I've been in business now for 18 years. So my first hurdle was buying that first house and having that plan to purchase the first house. And Tiffany has known me through all of this, and saw me go from renting to actually purchasing the house. It's so much better in it, it's easier because it's more stable. And for my entrepreneurs, one thing I tell them is, before you really get into entrepreneurship, get the house. Because with the rents in Vegas, I would have to concur with that. They put you there. No, they put a five day notice on your door, yeah. But with your

Unknown Speaker 28:05
mortgage, stressful way of living, that's a very, very stressful but when you got that, I've been evicted. So I know

Unknown Speaker 28:13
done that. But even with the mortgage, you can have a different conversation. I can talk to my mortgage servicer and talk to them about, you know, in different programs to help me pay my mortgage. But again, just blessed, got the house, and I've been in here for about 12 years, for about 13 years.

Unknown Speaker 28:32
Don't even know that is so much difference in your life, mentally, like emotionally, mentally, you could deal with the bank for they'll give you time. And like you were saying, if your payment comes behind, or you lost your job, some banks will allow you to file what's called a hardship forbearance, right? Yeah, they'll take that money you owe. They'll say, hey, well, I can't make my payment until two months. They'll take the two months

Unknown Speaker 28:55
and put on the back end, on the back end.

Unknown Speaker 28:57
We're not going to do that for you at this place. You scraping up 1800 $2,000

Unknown Speaker 29:01
a month, especially when a mortgage apartment, my mortgage ain't that much. All right, so you've been listening to growth and grace with Leah Crawford,

Unknown Speaker 29:09
Tiffany Lloyd and

Unknown Speaker 29:10
Lamont Harris. And you know what this y'all Guess what?

Unknown Speaker 29:13
It's the end of the show. It really you just getting warm. Okay, but

Unknown Speaker 29:17
one more point. We were walking in. I asked, I asked Lamont, what do you want to talk about? And he said, faith. We need a faith statement before we close out today.

Unknown Speaker 29:27
I got one. See the future. Enough for becomes obvious. I got one. You got one too. Come on.

Unknown Speaker 29:31
I mean, mines is just that. I guess faith without action is what. So it's time to act. It's

Unknown Speaker 29:39
time to act. Y'all. This has been a great show. We gonna thank you for being here. Peace and blessings. Have a great weekend. Have an amazing weekend. Thank

Unknown Speaker 29:47
you for inviting me in the last 15 seconds.

Unknown Speaker 29:50
Amazing, and you made it happen. Look at that. All right, see you guys next week. Bye. You.

Transcribed by

Demystifying Homeownership: Mortgages, Down Payment Assistance, and Financial Literacy
Broadcast by